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"You dyed your hair." Hoseok said when Jimin walked up to his table. Jimin's hand went up to his hair, which was now a bright orange colour, and he smiled.

"Yeah, I got bored of brown. Do you like it?" Hoseok smiled and nodded. This made Jimin's smile grow even more, until his eyes were almost closed. It was Hoseok's favourite one of Jimin's smiles, because he looked so happy, and he was glad Jimin was a happy enough person that this happened often. Jimin pulled his notepad from his little pocket, flicking his hair as though he was trying to keep the attention on it, and began to write down Hoseok's order.

"Oh, I want two drinks today.. But I don't know what one of the drinks should be, because I don't really know what he likes." Hoseok quickly said and Jimin's eyes widened.

"You've got a date today?" He asked and Hoseok shrugged. "Is it the boy from your drawing?"

"No, he's at home. He doesn't leave the house much, the outside world just seems to be a constant disappointment to him or something.. I think that's what he said." Hoseok said and Jimin nodded, although that logic just confused him. "Anyway, I need a recommendation. Just.. surprise me."

"Righty-o." Jimin said as he wrote something down on the notepad. "So do I get a hint as to who's going on this date with you? Is he more handsome than me?"

"No, not really.. He's pretty short, and he has this big smile all the time." Hoseok said, while Jimin frowned as he tried to create this mental image of the guy he assumed Hoseok was dating (regardless of anything Hoseok said). "He's pretty good at lifting my mood, and I like drawing him.."

"Eh, I'm bored of hearing about your boyfriend. I'll go get your drinks." Jimin said, about to walk off. Hoseok sighed when he realised the trick he'd seen on the movies had, just like in the movies, failed.

"Jimin!" He called out, making the barista pause and turn back to face him. "Would you like to have a drink with me, whenever your lunch break is?"

"Wait.. Your date is me?" Jimin asked, pointing at himself excitedly. Hoseok shrugged. "Of course I want to have a drink with you! In a completely friendly way, of course."

"Of course." Hoseok repeated. Jimin smiled and brought his notepad up to his mouth, using it to cover his excited smile.

"I'll be back with your drinks― our drinks. And cakes, we can't have a friendly date without cakes." Jimin said, slowly beginning to rush off. "Wait right here."

"I wasn't planning on going anywhere."

Jimin's tongue poked out with concentration as he added the final touch to Hoseok's drink. Seokjin smiled, watching from where he was leaning on the counter. The person who usually ran the counter had called in sick so Seokjin had to come in. He was glad he had now, so he could watch Jimin get all excited for this 'friendly date'.

"Perfect!" Jimin cried when he'd done. He threw his apron off, chucking it at Seokjin and picked up the tray of drinks. Then his eyes widened and he put them back down, running off to the back room. He returned a minute later dressed in casual clothes, a white shirt and black skinny leg jeans. He grabbed the drinks and cakes and rushed over to where Hoseok was patiently waiting.

Jimin placed Hoseok's drink down in front of him, followed by a berry cake, and placed his own down. He then sat down opposite Hoseok, squirming excitedly. Hoseok looked down at his drink, which was had a heart on the top in pink coffee art. He picked the drink up, lifted it to his lips despite his suspicion due to how excited Jimin looked, and took a sip.

"It tastes of strawberry!" He exclaimed when the liquid touched his lips.

"Do you like it?" Jimin asked and Hoseok nodded, making Jimin smile widely. "You said to surprise you, and given you surprised me with this I felt it should be a big surprise. It's a strawberry latte, I made it while experimenting once."

"It's very good, I like it a lot." Hoseok really would have said that about anything Jimin had made him, but he didn't say that. He didn't want to admit that sort of thing. Just like he didn't want to admit that he thought Jimin looked really cute with pink cheeks.

"Hey, so you're a proper artist, right?" Jimin asked in an attempt to make conversation. Hoseok nodded, the slight sad look appearing in his eyes not going unnoticed by Jimin. "Is it up anywhere, your work?"

"At the local art gallery, Namjoon puts my paintings up." Hoseok shrugged. "You can go there any time and there's bound to be one there, and it's always Taehyung so they're not hard to spot if you can recognise Taehyung."

"Do you like painting?" Hoseok nodded, taking another sip of his strawberry latte. "Then why do you look so sad?"

"What? I don't, I'm not sad." Jimin frowned but decided not to push it. He reached across and scooped some of Hoseok's cake with his fork. Hoseok thought he was going to steal it and eat it for himself, but instead he lifted it up to Hoseok's lips. The forkful of cake hovered there as Jimin looked at him expectantly.

"Eat, cake always makes you feel better." He said and Hoseok hesitated for a second, before letting Jimin feed him the cake. He smiled straight after, which made Jimin smile as well. "There, better."

"Thank you, Jimin.." Hoseok said, playing with his small spoon.

"What for?" Jimin asked, leaning down so he could try and meet Hoseok's eyes. He looked sad again, making Jimin want to just shove cake into his mouth until he was smiling widely and didn't have a care in the world. But when he looked up at Jimin, he looked both happy and sad.

"For being my friend, and for caring about my happiness." He said.

"Ah, it's no problem. That's what friends are for, aren't they?" Jimin said, trying to be casual despite the fact he was pretty sure his face was on fire. "And besides, Hoseok isn't Hoseok when he's not happy."

Hoseok just smiled and the pair continued to eat and drink, enjoying their little date. Seokjin smiled as he watched from the counter, glad his friend had finally found someone to spend time with. He'd really been getting tired of listening to all the I'm so lonely complaints from Jimin.

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