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Taehyung was cold, wet and miserable. Doing as Hoseok had asked, he'd decided to go outside for a walk despite the fact it was raining. He hadn't bothered to dress properly either, putting more energy into the actual walking rather than getting dressed. He'd been worried that maybe if he went to the effort of getting dressed, he might give himself too much time to think about what he was doing and change his mind. Plus he didn't want to do anything that might ruin his bad mood.

Taehyung sat on the park bench, staring at the empty park. As he sat there, alone with his thoughts, he found himself getting annoyed. He was annoyed with life, with himself, with God or whoever was up there that so obviously hated him. His miserable mood turned to that of anger, and he couldn't figure out why.

And then suddenly the rain stopped. Well, it didn't completely stop. Taehyung could still see it raining just as heavily all around him, it had just stopped specifically where he was sitting. Or, at least, something had stopped it. Taehyung looked up, discovering that something was a grumpy looking male. Taehyung didn't blame him, he'd be grumpy if he was getting wet because of some loser too.

"You're going to catch a cold." The man said, continuing to hold the umbrella over Taehyung. Rain was pouring down on him, wetting the clothes he'd tried so hard to keep dry. And he was getting cold. "Are you homeless or just stupid?"

"Just stupid." Taehyung sighed.

"Well then get up, is your house far?" When Taehyung made no move to get up, the man put down his umbrella and started to try and pick Taehyung up. "I said get up, god dammit. Is your house far or are you going to have to come to mine?"

"My house is just down the street." Taehyung said weakly as he got up, pushing himself from the man's grasp. "You don't need to worry yourself over me."

"I'm more worried that if I leave you, my decision will haunt me forever and I'll die with a heavy conscience, so don't get so worried." The man picked his umbrella back up and held it over the two of them. "By the way, I'll be using your shower when we get to your place, as payment for making me get wet."

"Okay." Taehyung said as he began to lead the way back to where he lived. He felt uncomfortable and awkward, staring at his feet the whole way.

"I'm Yoongi, by the way." The man said after a few minutes of silence. Taehyung looked up at Yoongi, who was staring at him. "I felt you might like to know the name of your saviour."

"I didn't need saving."

"You would've, had I not come along. You can die from colds, you know?" Taehyung frowned at him.

"Maybe I want to―"

"You don't." Taehyung's frown grew as he stared at Yoongi. Yoongi was now looking straight ahead, his face blank. "You really don't."

"And how would you know? You don't even know me?"

"Because, if you had really wanted to, you wouldn't have chosen such a risky way." Yoongi looked at Taehyung. "Even if you were contemplating it, there's still at least a little bit of doubt. Otherwise you would have chosen a method that's more likely to get the job done. So you don't, and don't even say you want to. Life might suck but it's better than nothingness, now isn't it?"

"Nothingness sounds pretty great right now?"

"Does it really? Look, nothing a stranger's going to say is going to do much, not really, but just think about this: how would your friends and family feel if you did that? How much sadder would it make them?" Taehyung instantly thought of Hoseok, who had been there for him for so long, and he suddenly felt guilty he'd even thought about doing that. He was glad his face was wet from the rain still, so Yoongi couldn't see the few tears falling down his cheeks. "Do you have ice cream or pizza at your home?"

"What? No." Taehyung frowned at Yoongi, who sighed and pulled out his phone.

"Namjoon, I'm going to send you my address, I need you to deliver some pizza.. And maybe buy some ice cream while you're there. And some really funny movie."

"Namjoon couldn't stay and chat." Yoongi said as he walked into the room with a box of pizza, a tub of ice cream and a movie. He'd already gotten into the pizza and was eating a slice, the cheese dripping down on to his hand. "He's apparently organising this thing for work."

"Why are you doing this?" Taehyung asked quietly. He was sitting on the couch, drying his hair. Both of them had already had their showers and, despite Taehyung's protests, Yoongi had decided to stay until Hoseok came back from whatever he'd gone to.

"Because no one should be alone when they're sad." Yoongi plonked himself down on the couch next to Taehyung, putting the pizza and ice cream in between them. "And, I've always found pizza and ice cream to be great comfort food. Especially while watching a funny movie, which this should be."

"But I don't even know you."

"Yeah you do, I'm Min Yoongi the annoying grumpy guy that doesn't listen to a word people say." Yoongi said as he got back up and walked over to the television. "If anyone should be saying they don't know the other, it should be me. You never once told me your name, which I think is rather impolite and bad mannered."

"I'm Kim Taehyung, the guy with no purpose." Taehyung said with a sigh. Yoongi glanced at him, before setting up the movie.

"Well, it could always be worse." Yoongi said when he sat back down at the couch. "You could be Kim Taehyung the crazed psychopath. Or you could have some really stupid purpose." Yoongi pat Taehyung's thigh. "Give it time, you're still young. Plenty of time to find your purpose."

"Right.." Yoongi opened the pizza box and pulled out a slice, holding it out to Taehyung. Taehyung just stared at it.

"Could you please take it, it's burning my hand." Yoongi winced, making Taehyung spring back to life and quickly take the pizza slice. He bit into it as Yoongi played the movie.

"You know, we really should have put this in the freezer..." Yoongi said when the movie had finished. He'd opened the ice cream tub, which they'd forgotten about. Most of the ice cream had now melted. "Whoops..."

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