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Namjoon sighed as he sat in his car, before angrily hitting the steering wheel. He hit the wrong spot and suddenly the car horn started beeping. He jumped, removing his hand quickly. When the beeping stopped, he sighed again and slumped in the chair.

The boy had been right there, and Namjoon had panicked. He'd run away.

He looked up at the house, frustrated that the boy was just inside that house and because of his cowardice he couldn't do anything. He just had to drive back home and pretend he had something on. He had to do something to distract him from the boy. Maybe organise all of Yoongi's paintings by colour. And then size, date or something...


Dance practise with Jimin soon because a frequent thing in Hoseok's life, just like his visits to the cafe. Being a relatively successful artist - that may or may not be taking advantage of Namjoon's love for his paintings - Hoseok had a lot of free time and he spent most of that time with Jimin.

He'd become dependent on Jimin's coffees, discovering he couldn't quite function properly throughout the day if he didn't get his coffee. Or maybe it was Jimin's smile, that seemed to just radiate sunshine. Either way he couldn't survive without them.

Hoseok's mood had improved considerably, Taehyung had noticed on one of the few mornings they ate breakfast together. Hoseok was humming as he could them omelettes, visibly happy. Normally he just made the food, shoved it in the fridge and left, so Taehyung figured something had happened. He sat at the table, waiting for his food because Hoseok had insisted.

Hoseok placed the two plates on the table and sat down, instantly digging into the egg. He wolfed down, while Taehyung just picked at it. He wasn't that hungry anyway.

"So, I've been meaning to tell you this," Hoseok said as he swallowed one of the last bites of his omelette. Taehyung looked up at him, slowly chewing on the egg in his mouth. "I'm considering quitting painting."

"Why?" Taehyung asked calmly, though inside he was starting to freak out. But only a little.

"Because it just bores me these days, and I've found a new passion." Hoseok smiled as he cut another bit of the omelette and ate it, a bit of cheese missing his mouth and dropping down his chin. He quickly wiped it up. "But yeah, I thought I'd tell you that. Now I've got to go."

Hoseok got up, shovelling the last of the omelette into his mouth before washing his hands. He rushed about the room as he gathered all his things, while Taehyung sat there and tried to comprehend what had just happened. Right when Hoseok was about to run out the door, a thought occurred to Taehyung.

"But how are we supposed to pay for the rent? I'm still job-searching and we rely on the money your art makes." Hoseok paused at the door, thinking for a second. He shrugged.

"I'll get a day job. Or a night job." He said before rushing out and leaving Taehyung alone. Taehyung sighed as he sat there.

With the introduction of Yoongi's friendship, no matter how annoying and grumpy he was, Taehyung had begun to feel a little better about his life. Yoongi seemed to know how to cheer a person up, and during his unexpected visits he always made sure Taehyung was in a good mood when he left. But now, all progress Yoongi had made was slowly disappearing as Taehyung realised there was no point to his life.

With Hoseok no longer needing Taehyung as a muse, he'd lost the one thing he was any good at. His life was like a blunt pencil; pointless and useless.

Taehyung looked down at his omelette and sighed again, pushing it around the plate.

This was a terrible start to the day...


I've gotta stop writing stories with a lot of food in them

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I've gotta stop writing stories with a lot of food in them.

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