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After Taehyung had made his rash decision to kiss Namjoon (an urge he'd been feeling on the whole trip to the art gallery, originally he was only going to tell Namjoon off and force him to cancel the lessons), Taehyung had felt incredibly awkward and embarrassed whenever he even thought of Namjoon. He would cringe, clenching his eyes shut as he'd hit his head repeatedly.

"You know that kills brain cells." Namjoon said as he walked past Taehyung. Taehyung looked up at him blankly, before he gulped and found his voice stuck in his throat. Namjoon took this as him being genuinely worried about losing brain cells, which made him chuckle. "I'm just kidding. You only use brain cells if it's severe trauma, not just a knock... Don't look so worried."

"Oh, I― uh... Okay." Taehyung managed to spit out with a bit of difficulties. Namjoon smiled at him. "Uh, hyung, about that kiss I gave you..."

"Wait, don't say anything. I don't want to hear it." Namjoon said quickly, covering his ears with his hands. "Let me just believe my little fantasy that you meant it and it wasn't just a thank you or a spur of the moment. Don't tell me it was a mistake or that I should forget about it, because I won't."

"I wasn't going to..." Namjoon slowly lowered his hands as Taehyung frowned at him. "I was just going to stay I'm sorry for kissing you if you didn't want it, but obviously you did want it so... I guess I don't have to apologise."

"I'm sorry, that probably makes things weirder." Namjoon sighed as he scratched the back of his neck. Taehyung shrugged.

"It's fine. I wouldn't have kissed you if I hadn't wanted to." The pair remained quiet for a few seconds, neither quite sure what to say. "You should cancel those singing lessons though, I don't want you wasting your money on me."

"Will it get me another kiss?" Namjoon joked, chuckling. But Taehyung shrugged, looking almost completely serious.

"Sure, if that's what'll get you to do it."

"Quick, quick, the movie's starting!" Hoseok exclaimed as Jimin rushed as quickly as he could with two hot drinks in his hands. He placed the cups on the coffee table and sat down next to Hoseok, pulling the blanket over his legs. He then reached across and grabbed one of the coffees he'd made and handed it to Hoseok, grabbing the other one for himself and snuggling up against Hoseok. Their movie started and the pair fell quiet. Hoseok took a sip from his drink, smiling to himself when he realised it was another one he didn't recognise the taste of. He looked at Jimin. "What's this one?"

"Chocolate kiss coffee." Jimin said as he kissed Hoseok right under the ear. He kept his mouth close to Hoseok's ear as he continued to whisper the details of the coffee. "It is spiked, but there's only a little bit of alcoholic stuff in it."

"How much is a little?" Jimin smiled, kissing Hoseok again.

"Do you want exact amounts?" Hoseok nodded. "Three-quarter ounces of chocolate liqueur and orange brandy, and a splash of coffee liqueur."

Hoseok turned his head so he could look at Jimin, staring down at his eyes and then his nose and then his mouth. He smiled, the little smile on Jimin's lips was infectious. He then quickly kissed Jimin, his lips tasting of the drink he'd just drunk.

"You're cute." He whispered.

"Not as cute as you." Jimin whispered back.

Seokjin paused at his door, on his way from the bathroom to his bedroom, and he stared at the couple. He sighed, already missing Jungkook. Though he'd been missing him the second he walked away, regretting his decision from the second the words left his mouth. But at the same time, he didn't regret it and felt it was the best possible decision.

He just hoped Jungkook was happy with Yoongi now. Or his sacrifice would have been for nothing.

I tried googling ounces to au measurements but it just seemed like too big a job so I still don't quite know how big an ounce is in comparison to an australian something. Oh well, supposedly that drinks romantic, I wouldn't know personally but google says it is.

I don't know how long this story has left... I could fluff my way to forty chapters (and by fluff I don't mean the fanfic term, I mean the informal verb for failing to accomplish something successfully) but I dunno.

We'll see...

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