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I was going to go to the effort of finding a nicer gif but I decided I like this one better...

"Guess what!" Jungkook yelled as he ran into the small house, waving a piece of paper high above his head. Yoongi woke with a start, his eyes opening wide as he looked around the room in surprise. He calmed down when he realised it was just Jungkook, slumping back down on the couch as he looked sleepily up at the excited school boy. "Hyung, guess what?"

"What?" Yoongi responded, with a level of enthusiasm that barely even touched Jungkook's levels. Jungkook shoved the paper in Yoongi's face, shaking it in a way that didn't allow Yoongi any chance of focussing on it and figuring out what was so exciting about this paper. It had better be something important, after interrupting Yoongi's nap like that (despite the fact he'd already had numerous others earlier that day).

"Because of you and Namjoon hyung, I passed the maths test. I got higher than I've ever got before!" Jungkook handed the paper to Yoongi, who was actually able to read it now. 67%, something Yoongi probably wouldn't have found that impressive and made him question the boy's mathematical ability. "We need to celebrate, but first I have to call Seokjin hyung and tell him the news.

Jungkook rushed off, leaving the paper in Yoongi's hands. "Seokjin hyung?" Jungkook paused at his bedroom's doorway, looking back at Yoongi.

"My boyfriend, he's going to be so happy." And with that, Jungkook disappeared into his bedroom. Yoongi continued to stare at the maths test, flicking through it and looking at everything Jungkook had stuffed up. He then grabbed his phone and took a photo of it, sending it to Namjoon.

Yoongi: [ image attached ]
Yoongi: guess you've got a part time job as a tutor now

Namjoon: give me the test next time you visit and I'll look at it
Namjoon: next time, he'll be getting 77%+


"You force me to shower and get dressed and drag me from my house to celebrate, and you go to Maccas?" Yoongi sighed as Jungkook bit into his cheeseburger, looking rather unimpressed at him. Jungkook nodded, his cheeks bulging with the fatty food. He said something that was incomprehensible due to the amount of food in his mouth. "Don't speak with your mouth full, I can't understand you and it's gross."

"Seokjin hyung tells me that all the time." Jungkook said once he'd swallowed his food. He then grabbed his drink, slurping loudly on the lemonade and sighing, before he finally repeated what he'd said. "He also never lets me get this kind of stuff, which is what I said. He says it's not good for me."

"What is he, your mum?" Yoongi asked sarcastically, drinking some of his own lemonade.

"No, he's my boyfriend. Sometimes he just.. acts like a mum." Jungkook shrugged and bit into his burger, following the mouthful with a small handful of chips. "This is really good.."

"Mouth. full." Yoongi said, making Jungkook smile cheekily.

"Right." He said, his mouth still full of food. Yoongi just sighed and rolled his eyes, continuing to eat his own food. "What do you do for a job? Because I swear all I've seen you do is sleep."

"I told you, Namjoon's like my sugar daddy. He basically pays me to dedicate all my time to painting and finding a passion, he has a lot of money."

"And you find this passion by sleeping?" Jungkook asked, raising an eyebrow dubiously.

"Sleeping is my passion. And besides, I'm waiting for one of those visions that come in your sleep.." Jungkook didn't seem to realise that Yoongi was joking and stared at him like he was crazy. Yoongi continued eating, oblivious to Jungkook's obliviousness until he looked up at him. "What? I'm joking.."

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