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Yoongi and Jungkook both frowned as there was a knock at the door, neither expecting visitors. Neither really wanted to get up and answer it either, as they were both snuggled under doonas as Jungkook attempted to do homework and Yoongi just watched him judgementally. They looked at each other, both instantly knowing how to solve this dilemma.

"Scissors, paper, rock."

"Godammit!" Jungkook exclaimed when he lost. Yoongi smirked triumphantly. "Best out of three."

Yoongi sighed and rolled his eyes, but continued to play anyway. The knocking at the door continued.

"Scissors, paper, rock."

"I can still win."

"Scissors, paper, rock." Yoongi smiled when he won again.

"I think you should just accept defeat." Jungkook nodded and got up out of the blanket. Yoongi shivered as the cold air hit him and quickly hugged the doona tighter around him. Jungkook slowly headed to the door, stretching as he walked. Yoongi watched, curious to see who was visiting them at this time of night.

"Hello?" Jungkook said when he opened the door. A guy in a casual uniform stood there, holding a clipboard in his hand. There was a large box behind him, which instantly peaked the interest of Yoongi and Jungkook.

"Uh... Is this the house of Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook?" The man asked and Jungkook nodded. The man held out the clipboard. "This is the kotatsu you ordered, if you could just sign here."

"Did you say kotatsu?" Yoongi asked, practically teleporting behind Jungkook. His head hovered above Jungkook's shoulder as he stared at the delivery man hopefully. The delivery guy nodded. Yoongi grinned. "Namjoon is so great! Where do I sign?"

After signing, getting rid of the delivery man and clearing space for the kotatsu. The pair set to work and began setting it up. Hours of struggling, arguing and refusing to stoop to calling Namjoon for help, they managed to get it set up. They both snuggled under it, grinning like idiots.

"It's so warm!" Yoongi exclaimed. "I could just sleep here."

"Now I can do my homework and be warm!" Jungkook tried to snuggle as much under it as best he could, while still keeping his arms available to do homework. Yoongi rest his head on the table, watching Jungkook as he struggled to do homework.

"We'll... have to... thank Namjoon later." Yoongi said while yawning. Jungkook nodded in agreement, rubbing his eyes with his pen still in hand. The pen drew a line across his cheek, but Yoongi decided not to say anything. It was more amusing that way.

"Guys, I came to see if the..." Namjoon trailed off when he saw Jungkook and Yoongi sitting around the kotatsu. Both were slouched over it, fast asleep. He smiled and sighed as he looked down at them. Deciding he didn't want them to get sore necks or backs from the way they were sleeping, he walked over and picked them up. Yoongi first, because he knew for certain he wouldn't wake up and he'd be the easiest to get into bed. He flopped in his arms, appearing almost dead. If Namjoon didn't know Yoongi as well as he did, he might have been worried. But he wasn't, and he just chucked Yoongi down on the bed.

Namjoon was a little more careful with Jungkook, not knowing how deep a sleeper he was. He brought him into his room, sighing when he saw the state of it. It looked like Jungkook had been living out of his boxes, not bothering to unpack or even clean. He placed Jungkook in the unmade bed, carefully tucking him in and making his way out of the bedroom.

He then turned off the kotatsu and looked down at the sheets spread across it. He frowned as he stared at what Jungkook had been struggling with, shaking his head.

"This is primary school stuff." He muttered to himself. "Why does he struggle with it?"

"Hyung, did you put me in bed?" Jungkook asked as he walked out of his bedroom. Yoongi appeared from his own bedroom, hair all over the place and very little clothes on. He shook his head and yawned. "Did you clean my room and unpack my stuff?"

"No." Yoongi yawned again. "Did you put me in bed?" Jungkook shook his head. "Ha, strange. Must've been a fairy or something."

The pair decided that this must have indeed been the case and headed off to make breakfast.

"Oh. my. god." Jungkook exclaimed, dropping his utensils and jumping up from the table. Yoongi looked up from his own food in mild interest. Without any explanation, Jungkook ran from the table and disappeared into the lounge room. A few seconds later, he gasped.

"What?" Yoongi asked, unable to handle the suspense despite his face suggesting otherwise.

"The fairy did my homework!"

Sometimes I feel like these are just fillers, but I can't tell if they're fillers or necessary to the story and I'm just left in a state of confusion.

Eh, at least they're entertaining to write.

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