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"Draw me again." Jungkook said as he and Yoongi sat around the kotatsu, after having watched Yoongi stare blankly at his sketchbook for the past half hour. Yoongi looked up slowly at Jungkook, an eyebrow raised. "Come on, draw me again. So you've got something to draw."

"You've got homework to do." Jungkook shrugged.

"I'm going to fail anyway, I don't see what difference it'll make. Come on." Yoongi sighed and picked up his pencil. Jungkook sat up a little straighter, staring at Yoongi as the older male began sketching.

"Done." Jungkook's eyes widened. He knew Yoongi was good but surely he wasn't that good. He'd barely even spent five minutes on this sketch, it couldn't be done. Yoongi lifted his sketchbook up, turning it so Jungkook could see the drawing.

"Reckon it's what Namjoon wants?" Yoongi asked as Jungkook stared at the stick figure

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"Reckon it's what Namjoon wants?" Yoongi asked as Jungkook stared at the stick figure. Yoongi turned the book so he could stare at it. "I think it's pretty good."

"Hyung," Jungkook whined, pouting. "Do it properly." Yoongi stared at Jungkook for a few seconds before sighing and caving to his puppy dog eyes. He got his rubber and erased the stick figure, brushing away the rubber's droppings before getting comfortable. He glanced up at Jungkook and began sketching.

Sketching Jungkook made Yoongi incredibly aware of the boy's features, and how perfect they were. Yoongi was only drawing what he could see, and yet he couldn't spot a single flaw on Jungkook. He didn't think he had any particular bias, he didn't like Jungkook enough for him to be unable to fault him. Yoongi could fault him, he'd have no difficulty giving a long list of complaints if someone asked. But as Yoongi drew Jungkook, he couldn't help but marvel at what good genes this kid had.

Yoongi got to the lips, frowning in concentration as he focussed on Jungkook's. As he looked, he noticed the tip of Jungkook's pink dart out and wet his bottom lip. Yoongi then looked back down, beginning to sketch them. He looked back up at Jungkook, staring at him for a few more seconds.

Once Yoongi had finished the sketch, he sighed and sat back. The pencil dropped onto the drawing. Jungkook allowed himself to relax, his back aching. He groaned, rubbing his back. Yoongi got up and moved to next to Jungkook, hopping under the kotatsu next to him and gesturing for him turn around.

"It probably failed, as usual, but it's done." Yoongi said as he began to massage Jungkook's back. Jungkook reached across the kotatsu and grabbed the sketchbook, admiring the drawing.

"It's really good, but," and there is was, the word Yoongi hated so much. But. That meant there was something wrong with it, like always. Jungkook looked over his shoulder at Yoongi, pointing at the sketch. "You drew me way better looking than I am in real life. I look so good."

"I just drew what I saw." Yoongi muttered as he massaged Jungkook's lower back. Jungkook's back arched as it hurt slightly.

"Ah! Ah!" He cried out, before the pain subsided. He then exhaled slowly. "Ah, it feels good, hyung~"

"What can I say, I'm good with my fingers." Yoongi said, before realising what he'd said. Both boys turned bright red, and Yoongi cleared his throat awkwardly. "I mean, you know..."

"No, I know.. You should be a massage guy." Yoongi ran his hands up Jungkook's shoulders, before massaging them. He could feel the muscles underneath his fingers.

"We should go out, to the cafe. I want coffee."


Jungkook and Yoongi sipped their drinks, sitting in the corner of the quiet cafe. Yoongi glanced over at Jimin, who was chatting with some other customer.

"How did you and Seokjin meet?" Yoongi asked in an effort to make conversation. Jungkook placed his cup on the saucer, clearing his throat.

"We met at school. We both went to the same boys' school and, um, for Valentine's a couple of years ago I gave him a rose and chocolate." Jungkook smiled as he stared down at his drink. "He called me cute, and we became friends. And then, I don't know, we just became more than friends... It just sort of happened."

"Do you love him?" Jungkook's cheeks turned pink but he nodded, a small smile on his lips. He then looked up at Yoongi.

"What about you? Do you have anyone?" Yoongi shook his head. "Have you liked someone?"

"Jimin and I had a little fling a little while ago." Yoongi said, nodding his head at where Jimin had been.

"I was summoned." Jimin said, appearing on the opposite side of Yoongi.

"I was just telling Jungkook about how great you are in bed." Yoongi responded, making Jungkook turn bright red.

"Oh, I'm great, I know. But you're not so bad yourself." Jimin said, chuckling. "Ah, the things you do with your fingers."

Jungkook choked on his hot chocolate, suddenly breaking out in a fit of coughs. Yoongi smirked.

"Yeah, well your tongue..."

"My tongue? What about yours? Yours sent me to Hong Kong, I swear." Jungkook continued to choke on the liquid he'd swallowed.

"Yeah well yours sent me to Cloud Nine."

"C-Can we please... not talk about this?" Jungkook said, his face as red as a tomato. Jimin and Yoongi both chuckled, grinning evilly. Jungkook pouted, realising the pair were doing it on purpose.

"I hate you two." He muttered, sipping his hot chocolate.

"You know you can resist us." Jimin said, and Jungkook glared at him. Jimin's hand went to the hem of his shirt and he began to pull it up slightly. Jungkook's eyes widened and he stared down at his drink. Jimin then got distracted by something he spotted over the other side of the room. "I'm sorry, I've got people to tease."

"I'm sorry, Jungkook. You just looked so cute when you got all flustered." Yoongi said when Jimin left. He reached across the table and pinched Jungkook's still red cheek. "I won't talk about sex anymore with you."


I don't even know...

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