Meet me

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| Chasity |

"Mom! Are you going to take me to boxing today?" I asked impatiently.  "Yes baby I am." Mom moaned. Mom and dad wold want me to be in dance or cheer. But I'm a not a girly girl. Like my two youngest sisters. Me and Gavin are 2 years apart, I'm the oldest. Mom and dad kinda don't approve of me really. But it's all good.

I have short-long blonde My parents support me but always try to push me into new things. I want to be a professional boxer.

I put on my sports bra that said "determined" with my Nike shorts and Nike shoes. I put my hair up in a bun and got my gloves and water bottle and put them now my bag. "Leggo." I smiled with my perfect pearly whites. I am kinda full of myself. We got in the car and it was silent. I didn't have a phone because my parents don't trust me.

I'm the only 8th grader with out a phone. We got to my gym and I kissed mom and got out. "Wassup charlie!" My manager smiled. Down here I'm Charlie, Chasity is very girly. "What's up Joey! Lets get to practice!" I smiled.
Warm up, I get a stack of 52 cards and squat down and put them on the ground then after they are all on the ground I squat down and pick them up.

| 4 hours later |

"Charlie, you did amazing today, you need to work on your up punch and your ducking. If you want to win next week's competition!" Joey said messing up my hair. I laughed, "will do!" Then my dad pulled up with Avia and Emmi. Dad picked them up from Cheer and dance. I got in the front. "So how was it's Chas?" Dad asked smiling at me. "Awesome! I need to work on up punching and ducking." I said wiping off sweat. "You smell bad!" Avia complained. "Grow up! In working out so I don't get fat, unlike you seems likes your gaining some pounds with that fake sport." I smirked

"Chasity Jones! That's enough!" Dad said super firm. I sighed.  We pulled up and avia ran out crying. Emmi just casually got out. I grabbed my bag and went to my room.

"Dinner Chas!" Mom said through the incom. I went back and hit the button. "Coming!" I said back. I put on a shirt and ran downstairs. Tonight we had lasagna with a side of green beans. "Smells amazing!" I smiled. Dad vlogged it.

We all sat down, said prayer then started to eat. "I have so much homework." Gavin complained. Mom fed daxton some peas. "I have a match next weekend. It's in Utah." I smiled. Mom and dad's smile kinda drooped down. I ignored it. "You guys don't have to come, because I know you don't like it." I said sad. "No, we're coming. We love you." Dad smiled. "Really?! Thank you!" I got extremely happy. "So, Amber wants to hang out tomorrow can she come over?" Avia aksed. "Sure baby." Mom smiled.

"Ew, you really smell." Avia said plugging her nose. "Oh well. You sure you want to eat that much food?" I laughed. "Chasity Jones! that's enough! You have been teasing her one to much! Go to your room now!" Dad yelled pointing to the stairs. I pushed back the chair and it fell.

I grabbed my pjs and got into the shower. I took off my clothes and took down my hair. I started the shower and looked at my hip. All the scars, I haven't cut in maybe two months. The scars can't been seen. Because they are where my underwear cover ups. 

| Next day |

My dad comes in to wake me up. I put on a gray crop top-ish thy says boxer 101 and camo baggy jeans with timberlands. I straighten my hair and put a black bandana on. I do winged eyeliner. I grab my bag and go downstairs. I grab healthy juice. "Are you really wearing that to school?" Avia asked pretending to gag. "Yeah. Your 11 year old self can chill." I pushed her forehead back. I laughed. "Chasity!" Dad groaned. "Avia! We are going to miss the bus!" Emmi yawned. "Oh bye!" Avia and Emmi hugged mom and dad and left. Me and Gavin get to wait an extra 10 min before we have to leave.

I drank my juice and then brushed my teeth and headed for the bus. The bus pulled up right as me Gavin got to the school stop. "What's up Cami and Danny!" My two bestest friends. I Sat down next to Danny and we proceeded to talk about shoes.

| at school 1st class |

In sience we had to get permission slips for our parents to sign so we can talk about sex and stuff like that. So I know what that means. I enjoy being innocent.

It's a at class and I'm with Danny. A group of "mean girls" comes up to us. "Hey dyke." Lilly smirked. "Hey whore." I smiled at her. "Ew as if. Your such a dyke I mean look at the way you dress." She smirked then she turned around. I wasn't going to let her get away. People know I box, but sometimes I have to remind them. "Chas, don't you dare." Danny begged.

My anger was boiling. "Bitch!" I yelled. I grabbed her wrist and slammed her into the lockers. "Call me something one more time! See what's happens." I spat at her. I then slammed her into the locker one more time. "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" She begged. I laughed. I dropped her then then the bell rang to go home.

I got on the bus super mad. "Chas? What's wrong?" Gavin asked me. "Nothing!" I snapped. "Sheesh okay."

First chapter of my new book, I'm actually really excited, I couldn't stay away from not writing. So new book Comment how you feel about this book ~Paige

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