Was it Worth it?

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| Chasity |

I took off my shirt and shorts and then got a life jacket on. Then Avia caught up with me "are you okay!" She asked. "Yeah yeah I'm fine. I'm messing with a girl don't tell anyone tho, or we will get kicked out." I spat. "Okay okay, but your wearing a bikini mom and dad don't allow us." She said. "Well, they aren't here are they?" I cocked an eyebrow and then got in line for the blob. I climbed up latter and looked down, I was actually kinda scared. I heard people saying my name and I turned around but the first thing I saw was Freya. "Your a bitch! I know you did all those things! Your making the whole camp think I'm crazy! Now I'm leaving next week because of you!" She yelled. "Freya! Get down from there!" I guide yelled.

"Dude, get off!" I said. The person on the blob jumped off. "Fuck you!" She yelled. She pushed me and I fell backwards. I heard people gasp, when I landed, I hit my neck and I couldn't breathe. I laid on the critter and then I went flying. I screamed as I landed on my back. A bunch of people jumped into the water. I could feel the water coming in my mouth and I felt like I was being pushed under the water.
I desperately kicked whatever was pushing me under, then I felt them let go and then a guide pulled me out, "CHASITY!" Avia yelled. I was now going in and out. When we reached land I was on my back. I started to cough and I started coughing up water. "Are you okay?" They asked. Everything was all blurry "I-I can't breathe." I gasped for air as I saw Freya get dragged off.

"Call medical!" Which meant the nurse. The nurse came with a wheel chair.

| a couple hours later |

I sat in medical as I could feel my back stinging. "Nurse, I'm okay." I smiled. "Okay, you feel like your going to throw up come and tell me." She hugged me and I walked out of Medical. "Oh my gosh! Chasity! Your okay!" Avia panicked hugging me. "Yeah I'm fine." I smiled.
"What are they doing about Freya?" I asked.

"Well there isn't much they can do. Her mom is in Rome and she can't leave until her mom comes which will be next week. But please watch out, she was talking to some scary girls." Avia freaked out. "I'll be fine, remember I am a boxer." I smiled. I hugged Avia and went to my cabin. I might of crossed the line but she deserves it. I walked next to Ryan as he put his arm around me. "I'm sorry she is hurting you. She is scared because your so powerful." He smiled. I smiled back. Me and Ryan talked for a while and it was now dark. "Do you want me to walk you to your cabin?" He asked. I nodded. "So,do you live in Utah?" He asked me. "No, actually I live in Idaho." I smiled. "Nice, I live in Utah, I play football, what do you do?" He asked. "I do cheer." I smiled.

Just then I felt a bunch of hands grab me and pull me down. "Chasity!" I heard Ryan yell as I was being pounded and dragged into the woods. I kept fighting and moving as much as I could. Unfortunately it wasn't enough. I felt hands and feet just pound into me. I then felt something sharp being stabbed into my hand. I screamed, "stop!" I cried. "No way!" Some one laughed. I felt cold metal being dragged down my stomach. "There cutting my shirt off!" I thought. As I fought even more they tore my shirt and bra off. "Chasity no tittys!" They laughed. All of a sudden it stopped. I started to cry and I saw flash lights and guides. "Oh my gosh." They said. One of the guides wrapped there jacket around my chest. "We need to call 911." One said. They called 911 and they carried me out of the woods, everyone came out of the cabins and I quickly looked and saw Ryan punching Freya. Then some guides went over there.

As an ambulance came up Ambers called my parents. "Mrs. and Mr Butler this camp counselor Amber and your child was hurt and she is being admitted to the hospital."

As the paramedics came out a bunch of paparazzi showed up taking pictures. Then the rest of the night is a blur.

| Freya |

I watched as the ambulance came up and Chasity went into. Me and Ryan were being help by guiders. "Freya Wellings your being Arrested for assault and for attempted Murder." A Police officer said putting my hands in cuffs. "WHAT! I DIDNT TRY TO KILL HER!" I yelled as people took pictures.

| Chasity |
I woke up the next day in a hospital. "Dad?" I asked weakly. "Hey baby, your okay, you can go home today." He smiled. "Where is Avia?" I asked. "She is at home with mom and everyone."

It was now later that day and I could go home. All I had were some bruises and sprained bones and cuts on my lips and arms. I had stitches on my hand because I was stabbed with something. "I hope she rots in hell." I spat. I went onto my phone and Went on Twitter and I want phone was blowing up with links to news articles. "Chasity Butler 15, beaten up at Camp Champions. Her attacker 'Freya Wellings' 15 arrested"

I rolled my eyes.

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