Westly Idaho

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| Chasity |

I woke up and honstley had no fucking clue why I woke up in a slide. I had a killer headache. I looked at my phone. "Shit." I remember. "Don't you dare come home if your drunk." Dad texted me. "Well I better get comfortable." I laughed. I looked up in the sky and pushed my hair out of my face. I shrugged and smiled. My hang over isn't as bad as I thought.

Idaho has a few beaches but it's more like lakes. So I decided to go, I took off my shoes and sat in the sand. Just thinking.

"What am I doing with my life? I'm just fucking it all up. But I can't go back. Like its humiliating." I thought to myself. I looked at my phone and my phone started to blow up. Mom, dad, avia, gavin, mason, I shrugged it off. I had over like 500 messages combined. "Ugh I'm lonely" I put in my shoes and went to the park and sat on the swings. There was a girl who looked my age. Next to me. "Hey." I smiled. "Hey! I have seen you on the cover of teen vogue." She smiled. "Can I get a picture?" I smiled we took a picture then continued on the swings.

We talked for hours. I ended up getting her number. "5:30?" I moaned. "Hey, you need somewhere to sleep?" She asked. "Yeah!" I smiled. "I live by myself but it's not the best." We got in her extremely crappy car. I didn't say anything. "How much longer?" I asked. We had been driving for like an hour. "We are here." We pulled into the ghettos of Idaho.

"Oh shit I thought"

We opened the door to her apartment which was a place we're there was 4 rooms in a building. We got to the top floor (only 2 floors) then she opened her door. A two bedroom with shit everywhere. "Uh, oh its nice!" I fakely smiled. "Hah you don't gotta lie, I know." She laughed. "I'll ordering pizza what you want?" She said putting stuff on her counter. "Cheese, also you got a phone cord?" I asked.

"Yeah, you can sleep on the couch by the way." I nodded. She handed me a phone cord, I plugged it in and charged my phone. We turned on a movie and waited for pizza.


"Shay! It's been a day! I'm freaking out!" I panicked in our room. "Baby! It's fine! She is probably with a friend! Tomorrow we will call all her friends and see. She is safe." Shay re-assured me. I nodded and we kissed then hugged. I hear a soft knock "Come in." I say. Avia walks in red swollen eyes. "It's all my fault." She cried. I held my baby girl and just hugged her.

| Chasity |

Thabks for letting me crash, I'm gonna hit the shower. I got in the shower with no hot water, fucking spiders everywhere. I got out and put on the clothes she gave me. Then went on the couch and fell asleep.

| Next day |

I woke up to banging on the door. "Lily!"I yelled. I wiped my eyes and got up and walked to the door. I opened it and a 30 year old man walked in. "YOUR THE SLUT THATS BEEN MESSING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!" He yelled. "What no no! We are friends!" I panicked. "DAVID! WE ARE BROKEN UP GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE!" Lily screamed. "Fine hoe." Then he pushed me and left. "What the fuck was that about?!" I freaked out. "Ex boyfriend. I broke up with him cause he was to over protective." She laughed. "Oh.." I softly smiled. I went to the bathroom and started crying. "What am I doing here? I have to go." I cried. But I don't want to.

It's 1 pm and I have nothing better to do. So we sit on the couch and watch Orange is the new black season 4. (A/N I watch it an I love it, but don't recommend if your like 13 or 14 even)

"Shit, it's 9" I yawned. "I'm tired as hell." Lily complained.  "Then go to sleep." I laughed. She laughed then got up. "Goodnight." Then I went to sleep.

| Next day |

I haven't been home in 2 days and I don't intend to. "Hey I'm gonna go outside wanna come?" She asked. "Sure." We went outside and sat on the lawn. She pulled out a cigarette. "Smoke?" She asked. "Eh why not" She handed me a cigarette and I lit it. "So what happened you never told me why you ran away. If I'm letting a fugitive stay with me I wanna know why atleast." She laughed.  "Well, I come from a very Mormon fam, and I had sex and my sister told and then I punched her. Then I left cause my fam was taking her side." I laughed as I blew in smoke. "Wow hard." She said

"Oh watch this, these people gonna fight." She pointed as two guys started to fight. "My money's on the one with the blue" She laughed. "My money's on the guy with the head band" I laughed.

"Ugh I could fight better than this. I took on 3 people at once and hospitalized one." I laughed. "They fight all the time." She smiled. I put out the cigarette the third one she gave me. "FUCK THIS MAN!" The guy in blue yelled. He pulled out a gun and pointed it to the guys face. "Oh shit oh shit!" Lily panicked. "get inside get inside!" He started to shoot and I looked back and I saw the guy fall and blood coming out. I started to cry.

"I gotta fucking leave." I said breathing heavily. I grabbed my phone and ran into the bathroom as I heard police come. I slid down the wall.

I called dad.

C: dad
D: Chasity! Baby! Where are you! Are you okay!
C: I'm fine I need you to pick me uo, I'm scared. Please.
D: okay okay.. where are you?
C: westly Idaho
D: are you crazy! What the fuck are you doing there!
C: dad I'll explain just come get my please!
D: okay okay I'm on my way. Just text me the address.

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