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| Chasity |

"Mom! I'm fine its been 1 month!" I said agitated. "You sure?" Mom smiled. "I can walk! I'm in a knee brace not Cast anymore." I rolled my eyes. I walked slowly to the couch and grabbed put my phone. I am doing home school for a year to see how I like it.

  I put on a movie and got on my phone. I logged on to instagram "ChasityJones12" I looked at the comments on my selfie. I got a lot of good comments. I don't get to much hate, if I do its usually stupid. I texted Mason. 

C: hey
No response

I rolled my eyes. "Mason hasn't texted me in like 3 days!" I moaned. "That's werid. You guys talk everyday." Mom replied. "Yeah I dont know what's up." I groaned.

Just then there was a knock at the door. "Mom?" I asked. "I got it." She smiled. "Mason!" She smiled. "Hello Mrs. Butler." He smiled. He looked like he was crying. "Hey baby!" I smiled. "Ugh! I missed you so much!" He giggled softly. "Can I talk to you?" He asked. "Uh sure. We can go to my room." I got up and we slowly walked to my room.
We walked in and sat on my bed.
"Did I do something wrong?" I asked. "No no no, not at all. Um I don't know how to say this." He stumbled

"A-are you breaking up with me?" I said panicked. "No! Not in a heart beat!" I reassured me. I let out a good sigh. "But, uh my mom died." He said starting to cry. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry! Are you okay?  Is annabelle okay?" I said hugging him. "I'm okay, I'm getting there. But annabelle is with my grandmother. In Utah and I have to go live with her." He said. "Wait-what?" I started to tear up.

"Chasity, I love you and these have been the best 7 months of my life. But I'm 17 not 18 yet. If I don't go live with her I'll go into the states care. Which means fosters home and stuff." I started to cry. "We can make it work. We can see eachother every weekend." I smiled while crying. "Definitely and FaceTime and it will work. I'm going to get a better job so I can pay for gas and come see you. But until then this is it. Bye my Lil warrior." He smiled.

We hugged then kissed. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you to." Then he got up and left. I was more mad then anything. I kinda curled up in to a ball and cried. "Hey baby, there is dinner." Mom came in. "I don't want any." I said kinda rudely. "Okay but you do have to go to the table." I rolled my eyes and went to the dinner table.

| Blah blah blah 2 days passes |

"Avia, wanna play a game or something?" I asked. "Sure! Lets play uno and we can get Emmi and Gavin to play." She giggled. She ran to get everyone and uno.

"Your on!" Gavin smirked. "I'm going to beat you all!" Avia laughed. "In your dreams!" Me and Gavin said in unison. I had one card left. It was my turn and I played it down. "UNO!" I yelled laughing. Dad vlogged it. "I win! I win! I win!" I laughed. Then my phone went off. "Oh its my manager." I jumped on the couch using my good leg.

"Hey Rose what's up?"
"Chasity Jones! I got you a gig for brandy Melville"
"I'll contact your parents with info and I'll see you soo darling!"

Then we hung up. "" I said in shock. "I'm modeling for brandy Melville!" "YAAAY" everyone said then hugging me.

| 3 days later yeah yeah sorry for the time jumps |

"Chasity? You ready?" Dad asked. Me and dad and mom are the only ones going to LA because frankly I'd rather not have everyone there. So they ate stay with grandma and grandpa. We got in the car and drove to the airport. 
"I'm so excited!"
  We arrived at LA and a limo came and picked us up and drove us to our apartment.

"This is going to be amazing!" I smiled.

Yay! Something good has happened! Can't wait btw Chasity is played by Jada Facer so yeah byee -Paige

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