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| Chasity |

"Me and Chasity on our way to the airport!" Dad vlogged. "Dad watch this!" I smiled. Dad turned the camera on me and I did a front handspring. "wow! That's awesome!" I smiled. We got to the air port and dad checked us in. Then some girls came up to us.

"Oh my gosh! Chasity! Can I get a picture with you?" The begged. I laughed. "Sure!" I smiled. Dad took there phones and people looked at me. He took the pictures and I hugged them and we started walking. "Wow, you got reconized and I didnt." Dad laughed.

| In LA |

"Finally! Lets hit the beach!" I smiled. "Okay, but we are definitely playing sand soccer." Dad laughed.

I changed into my bikini and we went down to the beach. "Chasity!" People yelled. I looked at dad and he laughed.

There was a group of girls "Oh my gosh! We love you and your family!" The jumped up and down happily. We got pictures and me and dad started playing sand soccer.

| 20 minutes |

"You win you win!" I said falling on the sand. "That's right! I am the champion!" Dad jumped around yelling. He looked at his phone and gasped. "We are going to be late for your photo shoot, get up." I got up and we ran to the apartment. "How fast can you shower!" Dad smiled. "10 min." I smiled putting my stuff down. "Cut that by half! Go!" I ran go my bathroom, showered then changed.

We got in a taxi and headed to the location for the photo shoot.

| at the place |

I got my hair and make up done. "Okay, Chasity just be you, put some gymnastics moves in there to. Just have a good time!" The director smiled. They blared music and I smiled.

"Okay, this is awesome! You did awesome!" The director smiled. "Thanks that's what I do." I giggled. "These pictures will be sent to you later today and up on the website tomorrow!" Director smiled. I hugged him and me and dad left.

we got in the taxi and I texted Dawn. "Photo shoot we awesome!"

D: I miss you!!
C: I miss you to! Has Freya said anything about me?
D: no, but good news since you missed tryouts our coach is letting just join the cheer team!
C: awesome! I got to go

I stopped texting and we arrived at our apartment. "It's 5 let's order pizza." Dad smiled. "Sounds good! Let me go was my make up off and change." I went to the bathroom and changed and took my makeup off.

I sat down on the couch and played a movie. "The shots came in dad! Lets look at them!"

 "The shots came in dad! Lets look at them!"

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I laughed "I love them!" I smiled. "There awesome princess." Dad kissed my forehead and then I sent them to mom.

| 3 days later |

"Bye LA see you soon!" I posted that on instagram as we got on the plane

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"Bye LA see you soon!" I posted that on instagram as we got on the plane.

| home |

"LA was so much fun, ugh I wish we could live there again." I moaned. "Well I have to go back to school tomorrow ew, oh by the way I'm on the cheer team." I smiled then I quickly ran to my room.

I went into my room and texted Dawn.

C: hiya
D: hiya girlie wassup
C: in my room hbu
D: same watching Good Luck Charlie
C: ohh I remember that show
D: yeah, remember the episode with the gay moms and they made it so clear they were gay
D: how do gay ppl have sex?!!
C: What the fuck hah what goes on in your mind
D: no seriously, like fingers? Get a plastic dildo? Like can they pregnant with each other's you know what??
C: wow, have you not had the talk with you parents?
D: no my parents aren't like yours but srsly can they get pregnant! ?
C: I haven't a clue, I'll ask lol then get back to you. But srsly I gotta go bye

That was the most interesting coversation I have ever had. But wait how do they have sex. "Jesus Christ." I laughed at myself. Can they get pregnant?

Well I gotta know. I walked out of my room to where my parents where cleaning up kitchen. I sat on the barstool in the breakfast bar. "Can I ask you guys a question?" I asked. "Sure, what's on your mind?" Dad asked.

"Can an gay girls get pregnant if no guy is there? And how do they have sex?" I asked bluntly. Dad started laughing but held it in. "Well? Tell me I want to know!" I said agitated. "Mom rubbed her temples. "Well, girls can't get pregnant if there is no guy sperm."
"What's the difference between girl and guy sperm?" I asked. Dad held back a smile. "Uh I don't really know, it's just not possible." Dad smiled.
"How do they have sex? Like do they use toys?" I started to laugh at myself because I was asking these questions. "Well, I don't know much about gays' but I assume they do." Mom said. I made an 'o' face. "Okay thank you! " Then I ran back to my room heading dad laugh.

Then I texted Dawn.

| Next day |

I woke up and looked at my clock. "Aw fuck! I'm late!" I got out of bed and saw the first thing I could.

 "Aw fuck! I'm late!" I got out of bed and saw the first thing I could

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"I'm late! Where is my backpack!" I yelled running through the house. "Woah woah! Calm down!" Dad said. I looked out the window and saw bus pull away. "Fuck!" I yelled. "Woah, cool it with the attitude and language." Mom said. "Can you drive me?" I moaned. "Sure get in the car." Mom and I got in the car.

"Thanks!" I smiled, then u got out of the car and went into the school. "What are you a boy!" People said to me. "Dyke!" People slurred at me.

I saw Dawn and started walking to her. "Hey!" I smiled. "I missed the bus and I cannot miss anything! My dad would kill me and pull me out of school."

"You look like a boy tho.."

"I have boobs! A vagina! I have long blonde hair and make up, guys don't have that!" I said agitated. "Hey dyke!" Some one said behind me. I turned around and it was a guy. I rolled my eyes and my boxer side came out. "The fuck you say to me!" I yelled. I fisted his shirt and slammed him into the lockers. "Dyke!" I slammed him into the lockers even harder. People started to crowd. "Chasity! Stop it!" Dawn yelled trying to get me to let go.

I punched the guy in the face. "I'm gonna take you out!" I yelled. I threw the guy to the floor and started kicking him. "Chasity!" Dawn grabbed my arms and pulled my back, the a teacher grabbed me. "Were going to the principals." I looked at the guy and he was coughing blood.

"Mrs. Butler, what happened?"

"They kept calling me a boy! And a dyke! I'm so much better then all these fucking people, these people are living on 2 cents. Fuck this shit! Fuck, I EVEN GET PAD MORE THAN YOU! EVERYONE HERE IS FUCKING SHIT AND THIS PLAY SUCKS!" I yelled.

"Chasity, that's enough! Say one more word and your suspended for 2 weeks!" He threatened.

I softly smiled and cocked an eyebrow. "Fuck you." I fought.

"That's it, I'm calling your parents." He said annoyed. "Great. Your punishing me by making me go home."

"Get your stuff and take a seat outside."

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