Youtubers Now

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| Chasity |

Dani was fired, but I'm doing online school for the rest of the year. "IM GOING TO THE STORE!" Mom yelled. I quickly ran out of my room "can I go to Camis?" I asked mom. "Sure baby let me drop you off."

I got in the car and mom dropped me off. When she drove off I made my to Camis door. I knocked. "Hey Chas! Parents let you out of the prison?" She giggled. I laughed then we went go her room.

| 40 min later |

We both sat on the floor in her bedroom watching The Fosters. "So, wait. Why would they say Jude is gay but then he thinks he isnt?!" I laughed. "Too make the show more interesting duh!" Cami laughed. "I wonder if Callie is going go lie about having sex with brandon. Like make up a story, like they met before she was living with them."

"Nah, she is going to tell the truth. But she can't in trouble with the law, she is adopted." I pointed out. I looked at Cami and she looked at me. "Can't wait for next season." We said in unison. Then we kept looking at eachother. She leaned into me and we softly kissed.

I... liked it... so I didn't pull away. She deepend the kiss. Now using tounge. I smiled while kissing. I felt truly happy. I pulled her closer, my heart was pounding. Then she pulled away. She giggled lightly "sorry, I know your not gay." She frowned. "You only assumed that. Doesn't mean I'm not." I smiled then she smiled.

Oh boy, what am I going to do

Then we kissed some more. "So does this mean your my girlfriend?" She asked. "Totally, but can we not tell anyone? Cause if my parents find out they will kick me out if the house and never love me again." I begged. "Sure." She smiled. "Well, let's watch switched at birth, your mom isn't coming home for 3 more hours." I smiled. "Sure."

We started watching switched at birth, we were laying in her bed. She lifted my shirt up above my stomach dragging her fingers softly against my skin. I looked at her and she giggled.

| chas at home |

I was at home and for some reason I felt guilty. "hey baby, we have lunch." mom smiled. "uh thanks." i twitched. "are you okay?" she asked. "yeah, totally, perfect."

Mom laughed "hah okay, go get cleaned up church tomorrow."

| Next day |

"Mom! Do I have to go?" I whined trying to get out of church. "Yes, your 14, when your 18 you can decide." Mom mocked. At least I had boxing today. I went up to my room

"What the hell do I wear?" I mumbled. I rolled my eyes and put on white pants and a nice shirt. "Hurry Chas! We are waiting!" Dad yelled. I grabbed my jacket and ran out.

| church |

Blah blah blah today we were talking about gays and how it's wrong ( A/N there is nothing wrong with being gay)

| after |

"See chas wasn't bad." Mom giggled. I put my jacket on. "Shaytard store adventure!" Dad yelled vlogging as we entered the store. I started to feel pain, like cramps. But they went away so Ignored them. "Chasity and Emmi go get watermelon." Dad directed. I took off my jacket and we bolted to the watermelon.
Emmi started laughing. "What are you laughing at?" I said annoyed. I looked around and people were pointing and laughing. "Your butt is covered with red paint." She laughed. "THATS NOT PAINT!" I looked at my butt and my white pants were stained red. The stain was huge. I grabbed emmis arm, "we have to find a bathroom." I started crying.

"Wait! Look there's dad!" Emmi pointed. "He can't help!" I yelled because the cramps were setting in. I let go of emmis arm I turned around to people saying "that's troubletard from youtube!" They were laughing and taking pictures. I ran into the bathroom, it was a one person bathroom. I closed the door and locked it, then sat on the floor and started sobbing.

"My school is going go find those and use them against me." I thought.

| Emmi |

People were laughing and taking pictures. She got paint on her butt, it's so funny but she didn't find it funny. She let go of me and ran to the bathroom. I ran to mom. "Here's the watermelon." I put it in the cart. "Where is your sister?" Mom said choosing between laundry detergent. "She like sat on red paint and it's all over her bum. So she started crying, and ran to the bathroom people were taking pictures and laughing. I don't know why she is so embarrassed." I laughed.

Mom chuckled slightly. Then she sighed. "Let's find dad." Mom gathered Daxton and brock. Avia was with dad. "I'll be right back." Mom said grabbing Chasity jacket. "Go check out shay." Dad and mom kissed.

"Hey baby its mom." I heard. I opened the door and mom came in. "How bad is it?" I turned around and mom made the 'that's really bad' face. I giggled, "oops" I smiled. Mom handed me my jacket I tied it around my waist. "Let's not talk about this." I giggled. "Sure thing baby." I opened the door and there were a million people! My face went red.

people were yelling at us. I hid my face as we made our way to dad. The people ran after us. There were grown people like magazine people. There are now magazines called 'youtubers now' so it's basically a magazine for youtubers.

Then a man grabbed my jacket and pulled it off and they gasped. I couldn't help it. I grabbed the camera and threw it and security guys came I ran so fast our of there. I ran to the side of the building. I was breathing so heavily. Then avia found me. "Chasity! Are you okay!" She sais gasping for air. I pulled her in for a hug and started sobbing.

Then our car pulled up and we jumped in. "What was the guys problem! He grabbed my jacket and now my blood stained ass will be everywhere!" I yelled. "Chasity! I know your mad! You cannot speak like that!" Dad said. "Dad! I'm more than mad! I'm humiliated! MY SCHOOL READS THAT MAGAZINE!" I rolled my eyes.

| home |

I ran inside and got into the shower and went straight to sleep.

| Next day |

I woke up and my family was in the kitchen. They looked guilty, mom was obviously crying. "What's going on?" I mumbled getting water. I put my hair up. "Uh, well.. your on the front cover of youtubers now." Gavin chuckled with a fake smile. "WHAT?!" I yelled. I grabbed the magazine from his hands.
"Chasity Butler or troubletard, caught red handed or like butt handed." I started to tear up. "Butler, was seen at Weatherly food market with a little problem. Her and her mom were seen coming out of the restroom, then her jacket fell showing a surprise. Read more page 23" I read out loud. "I have to face school today! They pulled my jacket off! And they ambushed us!" I yelled.

"I know I know, you don't have to go to school today if you don't want to." Das smiled. "Oh I'm going, I'm not a pussy who runs away from her problems." I spat. I ran upstairs before any one could say sonething. I put on camo joggers, a black crop top and my timberlands I put a choker on and did winged makeup.

"I'm leaving." I kissed mom and das and left for the bus. The bus pulled up and I got on. They started laughing. Then a kid stood up "having some bloody problems?" He laughed. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close "say one more thing you won't see tomorrow." I angrily whispered then throwing him back Into the seat. Then I went to the back if the bus and sat down.

"Let they day begin." I sat next to danny.

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