New years part 1

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| Chasity |

Its been three days since Christmas and mom Is always asking me things and asking who I text and stuff like that. But I guess I kinda deserve it.

It New years eve and my friends are having a party. Me and mason started talking.

M: hey, I want to see you.
C: okay, well I can't today. Sorry I gtg

"Dad, can I go to my friends house tonight? For new years?" I asked. "Sure, but if you drink or do anything I will ground you." He said firmly. "Yes sir, I promise. Can you drive me to Allies' house like right now?" I giggled slightly. He nodded. We got in the car and drove to Allies'.

"Thanks dad. I love you." I kissed his cheek then got out and went to Allies.

"So who is coming?" I asked as we went into her room.

"Well, girls there is going to be.. you, Rebecca, Sammy, Emily, Lily, Ashley, Selena, Harley, and for boys there is.. John, David, Cameron, Joel, Victor, Adam, Brendon, Noel, Justin." She smiled. "So a guy for everyone?" I laughed as we went into the kitchen and set up snacks and drinks. "How did you get beer?" I asked. "Well my parents went to New York and left it all."

I shook my head. "You savage. So it's 7 when are they coming?" I asked. "8:30 now help me with these hats and all this stuff." We layed out everything and turned on the tv to the channel were the ball drops.

| Everyone has arrived |

We all sat in the living room. "Okay so its 9:30 and I say we play spin the bottle plus dare or dare." Noel suggested as we all sat on the floor in a circle. " how the fuck do you play that?" Selena laughed.

"Okay so we play regular spin the bottle you know who ever it lands on you kiss, but then after you kiss someone the next person to spin has to give you guys a dare. Sound good?" Noel said drinking a beer. Everyone was almost wasted. We all agreed. "Who first?" I asked. "Well its Allies house so she spins first." John suggested. She shrugged. She got an empty beer bottle and spun it.

It landed on Victor. "You guys gotta kiss, but not like 5 year Olds the kiss has to last 7 seconds." Emily chimed in. They reached over and started making out.

"1..2..3..4..5..6..7.. done!" We all laughed in unison. "Damn not half bad. Okay Rebecca your next to spin so what's our dare?" Allie giggled taking a sip from her beer. Rebecca tapped her chin. "Hhmm."

"Allie, you gotta give him a hickey on his chest." She smirked. "Haha fine." Victor layed down and lifted up his shirt. "Right next to his nipple!" She pointed. "Eww." She giggled. She started to give him a hickey. "Ayyyy!" I laughed taking a sip from my dr. Pepper. "Done, your turn Rebecca." Lily said. She spun the bottle and it landed on Emily. "Dang you guys are gonna give me a boner." Cameron laughed nervously. "Then look away." Rebecca giggled. Lily and Rebecca started to kiss and they used tongue.

"Okay, okay, that's enough." Justin laughed. "CAMERON!" I screamed pointing to his pants growing. Everyone started laughing. "Well, Cameron it's your turn next so what's there dare?"

"One of you gotta help me with this." He laughed. "in your dreams!" They laughed smacking him. "Okay okay, you gotta lift both your shirts up for 3 seconds." He smirked. "This isn't a game to help your hornyness." Allie laughed.

"It's fine, we will do it." They laughed. They lifted up there shirts for 3 seconds. "Okay boner dude, spin." Noel laughed. He took a sip and spun and it landed on me. "Kiss!!" I was sitting right next to him so I looked at him and went for it. He went full for the tongue. I playfully tugged on his hair causing him to moan. I scoffed and pulled away. "He just dived in for the tongue." I laughed wiping my mouth. "Okay Ashley what's our dare?" I asked. "Seven.. min in heaven." She smirked. "Isn't that like a group thing?" I laughed. "Like everyone gotta that?"

"Okay, fine. You have to touch his boner." I made a disgust face. "Jeans or no jeans?" I said grossed out. "Ayy! Hit me up." He laughed. Everyone went ooohhh. "Jeans, ain't no one wanna his boner."

"How long?"

"5 seconds."

I groaned. I place my hand on his membrane and I hid my face. "Oh my gosh you guys are nasty mother fuckers." I moaned. "Done." I pulled my hand away.

"What time is it?" Lily asked. "10:30"

"Okay I don't know about you guys but that seven minutes in heaven game sounded fun." Justin laughed. "Yall wanna play it?" Allie asked. Everyone nodded and I just shrugged. "Here's a twist we have to spin the bottle to see who is gonna be with who." Noel suggested. We all agreed.

"Okay so Noel spin."

( I'm just gonna write who goes with who)

Noel - Ashley
David- Justin
Selena- Rebecca
Cameron- Chasity (me)
Victor- Allie
Emily- Brendon
And everyone else just paired up.

"Okay, so I have 9 closets in my house. Everyone will set a timer on there phone and then when It goes off someone from your group texts the group chat, but if you don't text that means your having fun if you know what I mean and we will leave you alone. Ready? Okay go find a closet." Allie smiled. Cameron grabbed my hand and brought me to the guest room closet. It was huge.

We texted the group

"Okay everyone go now."

(Some Sexual stuff is going to happen now so if you don't wanna read this part skip it)

It was dark so we had to use our hands. "Okay, so lean." Cameron demand. I rolled my eyes and scooted to him. He had me sit on him as he sat up against the wall. He made out and he lined my bottom lip begging for entrance. I let him. He pulled away "can I feel" He asked kinda scared. "Sure whatever." He felt my boobs and massaged them. I moaned. "Are you getting another boner?" I asked making a werid face. "Uh yeah.." He panted. "Can you not control yourself?" I laughed. "I'm gonna lay down." I said cause my back was hurting. I layed down and he arched over me not breaking the kiss.

"God, I need to let my dick out, it hurts." I groaned. "How much time?" I looked at the clock "5 min and 45 seconds." I said. He let out his dick and thank god I couldn't see it. My shirts lifted up alittle and I could feel his membrane on my skin. I stopped kissing but he kept kissing me. I was not enjoying this. But I really wanted to enjoy it.

I pulled his hair "can you.. um touch me?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Gosh your needy." I searched for his membrane and I touched it and kinda flinched. Cause it was huge. I started to rub it "Oh my god, faster." He moaned. I rolled my eyes, this is like a record of how many times I have rolled my eyes.

I rubbed him faster and he started to kiss my stomach and squeeze my breasts. He kept going down and my back started to arch. "No, no." I pulled him back to my lips. I looked at the timer "3 min." I said. "Did you just fucking come?!" I asked loudly. "Yeah.. I did.. it felt great." I pushed him off of me and he put his thing away. "That was awesome." He smiled breathing heavily. We still had 2 min and 3 seconds left. I grabbed him and pulled him close and started to kiss his neck. "Oh no, I'm going to get-" He stopped talking and moaned.

I lifted up his shirt and kissed his abs. That kinda made me turn on. I started to kiss his nipple. Then the timer went off. "Please don't stop." He begged. "Too bad for you. You can finish yourself off." I got up and bit my lip and he groaned.


I texted saying I'm all gucci. All of us come back but Cameron.

"Cameron had to finish him self off cause I was not going to do it for him." I smirked. I really wanted to be with Noel. "Well its 10:40 now what?" Noel laughed drinking another beer. "I don't know what do you 15,16 year Olds do now?" Allie asked fixing her shirt. "Well most of you are wasted." I laughed. "Well, have about 10 minutes in heaven but this time we pick?" Harley suggested.

"All of you are so horny! Can't we listen to music and dance?!" I said kinda mad. "Well we all want to, if you don't want to, you can leave." Allie smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Bitch"
Noel walked up to me. "I wanna be with you" He smiled biting his lip. "Fine"

Ay sorry about all the Sexual stuff, I guess it's just more fun to write idk why but I'm super bored and I got nothing else to do. So bye

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