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| Chasity |

I woke up crying and I don't even know why. It is 5 am and I felt terrible. I went into Gavins room and took his phone and went into the bathroom.

I called Emma "What the fuck happen ed last night? Why did I wake up crying!" I panicked. "I dunno, but you might not wanna check social media. There is a shirtless picture of you and me all over." My heart dropped. I quickly downloaded instagram then made an account. I went on people pages that I knew and they were tagging my dad in the picture of me and Emma boobs flashing.

I immediately started crying. I deleted the app and out Gavin phone back in his room. "Chasity?" Gavin. Yawned. "Shh, go back to sleep." I cried. "Why are you crying?" He asked. "I did something bad. Really bad." I looked at him then left. My life is literally over. I probably ruined my dad's career. I'm going to hell, my life is done. I went into the bathroom and just started slicing my upper thigh.

| 2 hours later |

I got ready for school and I went to the kitchen. "Chasity Jones Butler Your grounded for 3 months and that means no boxing. You go to school you come home, no tv, nothing." Dad basically yelled. "Okay." I said trying not to cry. "G-g-gotta go." I grabbed my bag and ran to the bus stop. I got gross looks from people.

"Chas what did you do?!" Gavin kept asking. "Ask me one more fucking time and I'll shove you foot so far up your ass your big toe will become your tongue. " I spat. I got on the bus and people kept calling me a slut and whore. Or nice tits

I sat next to Danny and he let me put my head on his shoulder and cry.

We got to school and people were looking at me. "Haha lift up your shirt let me get a pic." People would say. Or they would come up and grab my boobs. I got into the building and went to my locker. Then a group of mean girls came to me. "Wow, I owe you 5 bucks the whore came to school." Chelsa laughed. "Your so pathetic, your going to hell."
"I would just kill myself. I mean If I was you I would of killed myself a long time ago." She laughed. I just started tearing up. I grabbed chelsa hair and launched her into the lockers. Her head started to bleed. Then I kicked that bitch in the face. "You shut the hell up! at least I'm not fake!" I yelled. Then I grabbed her "sidekicks" and punched them in there face and then I pushed them on the floor and got on top of one of them and kept punching her in the face, then I picked her head and up and pushed it on the ground.

I WAS Bawling my eyes out as I whooped THERE asses. Then a multiple teachers came and grabbed me off. Once again I was put in handcuffs, and brought outside to a police car. I sat on the ground sobbing while they decided what to do to me. "You are going to juvy school system for 4 weeks. Which means you will go to school there regular hours you go there and come home." The principal said. "You start tomorrow. We are calling your parents. You beat those girls up pretty bad. From the looks one girl needs stitches. You will go down to the station." The officer explained. They put me in the cop car. Then I went to the station.

| later |

"Chasity!" What in gods names what we're you thinking! We have to go get your uniform," Dad yelled. "I don't know, they were making fun of Cami and wouldn't stop! So I lashed out!" I sobbed.

We got to the juvy school system and the fitted me. We have to tan jeans and a blue Polo shirt. Girls aren't allowed to wear make up. Then we have to keep our hair up. When we first arrive we have to get pat downs and go through metal dectors.

"Am I going to have to do this?" I whinned. "Yes, you do the crime you do the time." Dad moaned. I rolled my eyes

| at home |

I went into my room and slammed the door. I opened the window and then I went into my dresser and dug under the clothes and pulled out a bag, it has weed in it. I got out the paper and rolled it. Then I got a lighter, I lit it in breathed in then blew out.

"Dear god I missed this."

| 10 min later |

I put my blunt out and got some gum and sprayed some perfume. I went into the bathroom and my eyes were so freaking red. "Oh well"

"Chas lunch!" Mom yelled. I went down stairs and there was mac n cheese. "I'm good." I smiled. Mom walked over to me. Then dad did. "Chasity jones! Are you fucking high right now!?" Dad yelled. He grabbed my back and shoved me in front of him. "You fucking sit in your room and don't come out until tomorrow."

"Whatever!" I yelled at him. I used my cast to punch a hole in the wall then I left through my window. I went to my college friends house. "Come on Landon. I need a hit what you got?" I moaned. "I got Meth, Coke, Samuel Adams and weed." He said. I handed him $100 dollars for a bunch of weed and meth and coke. "Thanks." The. I went back to my house.

I knew I had a problem but it was all so much fun. Getting as drunk and as high as possible just so much fun. I'm only in 8th grade but oh well. I went under my bed and grabbed a box I put all my needles and bags of weed and pills in there. I kept a needle out. I stuck the needle in me and it was amazing.

I put the needle on the ground and rolled a blunt. I lit it and started smoking it. "Chasity- what the fuck are you doing!" Dad yelled walking in on me. "Don't you ever knock!" I yelled at him "give me that!" "Ow! What the fuck did I step on!?" He looked down and saw the needle. "Are doing drugs to!?"

I smiled. "Do you have anymore!?" Dad yelled. He grabbed my blunt and dropped in a bottle of water on my night stand. I started to cry knowing my dad was going to find my stash. I went under my bed and grabbed the box. Dad rapidly opened it and didn't know what to do. "I don't even want to fucking look at you! How long have you need doing drugs!? Your a disappointment to this family! I'm ashamed of you." Dad smacked the back of my head then left. He slammed the door and left.

Great I'm a fucking disappointment, I should of known this was coming.

It was now 2 am and I was still awake and crying. I went into the kitchen ad turned on the light and got a glass of water. I haven't stopped crying for 3 hours. I sat on the chair and out my head down. Just sobbing.

"What are you doing out of your room?" Mom said yawning. I kept my head down and just shrugged. "Go back to your room." She pointed to my room. I looked up and my face was bright red from crying. "Woah woah woah." Mom grabbed my arm and pulled me in for hug. "What's wrong?" Mom asked. I looked her straight in the eyes. "Everything." Then I ran to my room.

I fell asleep.

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