Soap Bar

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| no one pov |

Chasity sat in the chair eyeing the principal. "Fuck this." She said. She shot up from the chair and bolted and left. She went on her phone and searched for her old hook up. "Jason"

She texted him "meet me at Walmart ASAP bring anxiety medication highest dosage you have."

She got to Walmart and met Jason. They "drug dealed" and she left.As she walked home she did some random other pills. She arrived at home and took 2. Of the highest dosage. She waited 20 minutes and she went in. "Oh shit." She giggled.

| chasity |

I walked in being prepared to get yelled at. She walked in slowly, "Chasity! Being suspended on your 3rd week of school!" Dad yelled. "Woah woah slow your boat!" I giggled. I sat down on the couch trying to keep my eyes open. Mom and dad yelled and yelled and grounded me but I was too happy to care.

Mom looked at me "chasity, let's get some air." Mom said grabbing my arm helping me up. Dad sighed and rubbed his forehead.

We walked outside and mom closed the door. I smiled. "Are you on drugs?" Mom asked holding my chin. "Psh no, I'm on pillsss." I giggled. "What are they!" Mom raised her voice. I started to tear up. "The highest dosage of anxiety medication." I cried.

"Why? You know can talk to us!"

"I-i-i can't, I did bad things. I'm done, I'm sad."

"What did you do?" Mom asked. I started to feel limp. "I-i need to sit." I put my hand on moms shoulder. We sat down on the stairs.

"What was bad?" Mom asked rubbing my hair. "When I was punching the guy I felt his nose Crack." I lied.

"No, I know that's not what's bugging you."

"Nope, that's what's bugging me." I said. "Chasity! I know you what Is bugging you!" Mom raised her voice. "Nothing for fucks sake! I'm fucking fine! I didn't need that gay ass school! I get paid more then the principal! Those People are all worthless!! Not Dawn or Freya, even though I fucking hate Freya right now. But fuck all those cunts!" I yelled. Mom grabbed me by my ear. "Were is the soap bar?" Mom said agitated. "Wow, gonna shove soap in my mouth you lil bitch!" I yelled.

Dad was mad. "Don't you ever call your mother a lil bitch!" Dad wrapped his hands around my head and opened my mouth.

He rubbed the bar so the bubbles got everywhere then he put it in my mouth and forcefully shoved my mouth shut. I saw avia out of the corner of my eye. "That's enough!" Mom said. She grabbed the soap bar out of my mouth and threw it in the sink. Mom and dad looked at me. I started spitting and throwing up in the sink. "You made me fuc- me throw up! You proud of that!" I yelled crying mom and dad rubbed their temples and left the room. I looked in the mirror and my lips were big and suds were running down my mouth. I sat on the step stool. Avia sat next to me. "Don't curse at mom and dad." I said trying to get the feeling back to my lips. "Note taken."

| 2 days later |

Mom and dad haven't let me go to school because they want me to calm down, so Dawn brings me my homework then we do it and she leaves. But I have to go to school tomorrow.

Dawn texted me. "I know how you can get back at Freya."

"We will make her life a living hell, first we will put like spicy shit in her food then you can kiss Grayson!"
"You do that, I just wanna kiss him. XD"
"sounds gucci wear your best outfit tmr"

Then I turned my phone off and went to sleep.

| Next day |

"Wake up!" Dad said shaking me. I shot my eyes open. "Ugh, I'm awake." I rolled over and checked all my social media. Then I got up and took a shower and got dressed.

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