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| Chasity |

"This is your stop." He smiled. "Thanks for the amazing day." I smiled. "Your super tan now. Almost like me!" He laughed. "Haha yeah." We walked in the house and I put the fishing pole on the counter. "I guess your parents aren't home. We shouldn't be in here alone." He said. "It's fine, my parents have video cameras, that they check every night." I laughed. "Wow, well I do have to get going, I promised my mom I would watch Annabelle. My little sister."
"Here I'll walk you." I smiled. We walked out and we hugged. I really wanted to kiss him. He leaned into me and kissed me. It was a soft passionate kiss. I tugged Slightly on his hair. "See you tomorrow?" He asked. "Sure party starts at 2 it's a water party." I smiled then he left

"WOAH BABY!" Emmi yelled. "Shhh!" I yelled grabbing her. "I will tell them. Just not now." "Fine."

| At night |

I got into bed and re-played the kiss in my head. Wait but I'm also dating Cami. I have to call her.

It was 1 am bur I needed to sort this out. I went into mom and dad's room. I snuck in a grabbed dads phone. He doesn't have a passcode. I dialed her number.

Ch: Hi
Ca: hi
Ch: I miss you
Ca: miss you to and your lips
Ch: aha about that. I have a boyfriend I'm not gay. Funny right
Ca: What the actual fuck! You used me YOU FUCKING WHORE! I ACTUALLY LIKED YOU!
Ch: no no listen!
Ca: no! I'm not an experiment to see if your gay or not. Your a slut who is horny every second of everyday, you fucking slut. I'm not going to your party. This friendship is over by bitch

Then she hung up. I was extremely hurt by what she called me. So I put dad's phone back and cried myself to sleep.

| Next day |

I put on a one piece swimsuit with Nike shorts. "Happy birthday!" Everyone yelled coming into the kitchen were I was. I wiped my tears and fake smiled. Dad was vlogging "Oh my gosh! You scared me!" I laughed.
"Everything okay princess?" Mom asked. "Yeah. Just stubbed my toe." I laughed.

( a/n her birthday is what they did for brocks birthday)

People started to show up and then Mason showed up. "Happy birthday! I got you flowers and flowers for your mom." Then we quickly kissed. "Mom, Mason got you these ." Mom hugged mason. "Welcome to the party." Mom smiled

Mason got outside and took off his shirt and we put on sunscreen. "LET THE PARTY BEGIN!" Dad yelled.

| It's been 5 hours |

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Chasity! Happy birthday to you!" Every sang/yelled. I hugged Danny and Mason then everyone else. We sat around eating cake. "you have been on this earth for 15 years, what's your advice?" Dad asked. He asks us this every year. "My advice is, not to be scared of who you are, it doesn't matter what you look like all that matters is what you learned and have fun." I smiled. "Amen!" Dad laughed.

"Presents!" Mom smiled. All the little kids cheered. There were so many, "those are all for me?" I laughed. "Here we will hand them to you." Emmi and Avia smiled. They handed me a box I opened it "an iphone 6s+! Oh my gosh! Thank you!"

I opened all the presents took almost took an hour. I got everything I wanted except for the tickets.

"Wait! We forgot one!" Dad yelled. He ran to me vlogging. It was an envelope. "No!" I smiled I opened and it was tickets. "OH MY GOSH!" I yelled crying. I hugged mom and dad. "Thank you! Best birthday ever!" I cried.

everyone left and it was now 8. But mason stayed. "Can we watch a movie?" I requested. "Totally princess" Dad smiled. "Let's watch Pitch perfect." All the family gathered around and Mason sat next to me. "May I put my arm around Chasity?" He asked nicely. "Yes you may." My dad smiled and he put his arm around me.

| movie over |

"it was nice seeing you hope you had a good birthday." He smiled. "Totally." The we kissed. "See you later" Then he left. I opened my phone and I had text messages from a unknown number.

UN: bitch
UN: slut
UN: kill yourself
UN: I'm coming
Ch: you know what I know this is you Cami, you kissed me and your a baby. Grow up.

I turned my phone off then walked into mom and dad's room. "Thanks for a great day." I hugged them. "No problem baby, but are you dating Mason?" Mom asked. "Yeah, but if you don't want me to we can be friends" I timdly said. "Let us talk it over." Dad smiled. I nodded. I got in the shower then layed down. "Ugh I need water."

I got up went into the kitchen and saw emmi and Gavin. "Did you have fun today?" I asked. "So much, thank you for letting us invite some of our friends." Gavin hugged me. "No problem lil bro."

"Emmi wha-" Then I fell to the ground. Emmi and Gavin screamed. I looked at emmi bawling. Mom and dad came running. I looked around and I was covered in glass. I saw a rock. I got up and bolted out the door. "CAMI! I KNOW YOUR HERE!" I yelled. As blood trickled down my head. She came out and pulled a gun. "Woah woah" I put my hands up. "You fucking dyke. I told you I was going to get you. Hit you were it hurts." She said trembling. Mom and dad called the cops.

Emmi and Gavin came out. "GO INSIDE!" I yelled. The police drove up and Cami pulled the trigger. It hit Emmi. "EMMI!" Gavin yelled. I looked back and she fell. Then she shot again and hit me. Then another pain. I fall to the floor and I see cami fall. "I need to ambulances!" A police said. Then I blacked out.

Ayyy cliff hanger what a way to end a chapter and 15th birthday.

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