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| Emmi pov |

"Chasity, it's been a month. Please wake up. They are going to take you off of life support tomorrow." I sobbed holding her hand. The whole family sat in the room, no one said anything. Just the tv talked. "We have to wait! She will wake up!" I yelled at my parents.

"Emmi, God wants her! So it's her time." Dad said grabbing me. "No no! It isn't fair! 15 years old! God doesn't want her! He just wants us to suffer!" I yelled sobbing as a threw my self out of dads arms. "She loves us! She doesn't want to leave!" I screamed.

"Emmi! Stop your making a mess!" Mom sobbed at me. I looked at the doctors who were staring at me, all my siblings were now crying even harder. "We can't give up on her! God damnit!" I sobbed. "Emmi! Your going home!" Dad yelled covering my mouth. I grabbed the chair "NO! MY SISTER IS DYING! FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE! IM NOT LEAVING!" I screamed

The burning hot tears rolled down my cheeks and fell to the floor, my tiny hands gripped the chair as dad tried to pry then off. "CHASITY! WAKE UP PLEASE!" I screamed as dad got my hands off. He brought me into the hall. "EMMI! STOP!" Dad yelled pushing me on a wall and kneeling down in front of me. "dad! She doesn't deserve it, they give some people 6 months she barley even got 1! It's just not fair daddy!" I sobbed as dads hands loosened from my wrists.

"I know baby."

"It's not fair. But if she does wake up imagine, she will never live a normal life." Dad spoke up.



It's the next day, dad allowed me to come after my episode yesterday I couldn't believe he did. They were going to take her off of life support at 7:30 AM.

Its 7:20 and everyone is saying there goodbyes, I still have 10 minutes. She is fighting I know she is. Everyone finished and I got next to her. I kissed her head and grabbed her hand.

"Listen to me, please, please don't stop fighting you still have 10 minutes. I have been praying non stop. You will wake up I know you. You aren't giving up. Just look for God, look for me, look for mom and dad. We aren't giving up. I love you Chasity, I WILL fight for you."

I let go of her hand and the doctor came in. "Everyone say their goodbyes?" He asked. I looked at my phone "7:26" the doctor went to the machine. "STOP!" I yelled. "She still has 4 minutes!" I said pushing him away. "Emmi, she won't wake up." Dad said grabbing my arm. "NO!" I screamed. We sat there in silence, as by each minute went by. "Don't touch it, she has 2 minutes." I said firmly. I grabbed her hand "please please." I begged.

Suddenly her chest stopped rising, I didn't say anything the. It went up and down again. I heard a muffled noise.


That's the end of the book! I hope you like it! I left you at a cliffhanger! There will be no sequel sorry. But thanks to those who stuck with me since the beginning! I love you all, but also go ready my new book! #selflesspromo

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