Girl talks

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| Chasity |

Its been 2 months since I freaked out. I have this person that follows me around If I have a breakdown or if I try to leave the house. I haven't been going to school, so I do online school. Fucking hate it.

"Dani, I can have a sip of beer!" I argued. "No! Go do school." She said firmly. Dad where in the room. "Fuck you!" I yelled running to my room and locking the door. "Chasity, open this door! Or we will take away boxing for a week!" Dani yelled. "Fuck you fuck you fuck you!!!" I spat. I had no idea what my problem was.

I sat in the corner of my room putting my hands to my ears. While Dani was banging on my door. "Let me on Chasity!" Dani yelled. "NO! I just want my fucking mother!" I cried. "Well she isn't here!" Dani yelled. Dani was a strict, mean older ish women. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled.

"Dani, give her, her space." Dad said. "She doesn't need space she is going run away." Dani said "don't tell me about MY daughter, I'm pretty sure I have known her longer, and she won't run. Your stressing her out, she wants her mother and doesn't want to talk to you. Respect that." Dad explained. I smiled. "Fine, I'll be getting some food Chasity I'm not getting you a milkshake, you lost privileg." Dani said in a bratty tone of voice.

Dani left and I opened the door and hugged dad. I missed hugging him. His warm-ness made me smile and I cried. "I'm so so so sorry. I want to get better, but I can't with Dani." I cried. "I know baby, but she is required by law for 3 months if not better." Dad said, he kissed my forehead. "Can I use your phone?" I asked. "Sure baby. I'm going to go wake up Emmi from her nap." Dad smiled. He hugged me then went upstairs.

I went into my room and sat in the corner. I dialed moms number. She was at a shoot for moms view at the studio in Idaho.

( c: Chasity m: Mom )

C: mom?
M: Chasity we are in the middle of Shooting a livestream.
C: *starts to cry* I-I-need you. Please! Come home!
M: what's wrong!
C: girl troubles and I just need you!
M: okay okay okay I'm on my way.

| Colette pov |

My phone started to ring and it was Chasity. The moms were in the middle of talking about separation anxiety in kids. When I get a call. I excuse myself and answer and Chasity was freaking out. "Okay okay okay I'm coming." I stepped back in the livestream. "Well I got to get home, sorry to do this. See you guys later" I hugged Carlie and Kayli and left.

| Chasity |

I handed dad's phone to him and then went to the bathroom. My flow was super heavy and the cramps were worse. I'm kinda freaking out. My period comes one month but not the next then two months later it will come back. I put a pad on and layed on my bed and started crying.

| 10 min colette |

I pulled up and walked inside. "Hey baby, where is Chasity?" I kissed shay. "She is in her room." Shay kissed me back. "And Dani?" "I kinda kicked her out. She was freaking out in Chasity saying she doesn't need you. Dani, wouldn't even let her go to bathroom by herself. Chas goes I'm on my period! Then Dani says I don't care your not allowed alone. But I was so pissed off." Shay says getting heated. "Baby, calm down." I kissed hid forehead. And walked to chas.

| Chasity |

"Baby?" Mom said. I rolled over and mom came in and closed the door. She sat down on my bed and I put my head on her lap. "Oops, looks like you leaked alittle." Mom giggled. "Ugh, being a girl Is difficult." I giggled.

"So, why did you want me to come home so bad?" Mom asked stroking my hair. " I missed you and no one understand, I tried to talk to Avia about my period but Dani wouldn't leave." I teared up. "Awe baby well I'm here. What do you want to talk about?" Mom asked. "Well, is it normal that mine is so... heavy? And mine doesn't come every month. Like I'll get it one month but then it won't come for 2 months."

"Mom?" Emmi said walking in. "Yes baby?" Mom smiled.
"Hi!" Emmi giggled. Then she closed the door. "Weird."

"But, yes it's normal that it's heavy. Your body is adjusting to the change. It's also normal because since it's so new that your body isn't on a cycle." Mom smiled. Then Dani came in. "Hi Colette. If you don't want to deal with her druggie shit I'm here now." Dani smiled. I started to tear up. "Listen, my daughter not a druggie. I have had enough of your shit. Stop being disrespectful about my family. I'm trying to have a mother daughter talk. It's time for you to go." Mom said standing her ground. "Fine Colette." Then she slammed the door and left.

Me and mom giggled.

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