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| Chasity |

God that was the longest week of my life. I was sick like everyday, but I'm feeling better. So that's good. I earned enough money for bus fair.

I grabbed my back pack and did my make up. And got dressed. I ate lunch and put my shoes on. "I'm going to weatherlys for a little. I'm just gonna walk she lives close." I smiled grabbing an apple. "Okay baby, text me when you get there." Mom smiled. I hugged her and walked out the door. "Fuck it's hot." I moaned.

I walked to the bus stop for the correct time. Then it pulled up, "this bus is going to Idaho correctional facility for girls right?" I asked the bus driver. "Yes give me your money and shut up. Also stop 2." I rolled my eyes and handed her the 5 dollars. Then took my seat. I took out my phone and texted gavin.

C: hey bro
G: hey sis wyd?
C: at Weatherlys
G: baha you cant be
C: why would you say that? I am
G: cause I'm here dumbass
C: oh, I'm going to see my other friends that mom or dad wouldn't approve of...
G: what's that supposed to mean?
C: I'm going to Idaho correctional facility for girls... I gtg this is my stop.

Then I put my phone away and got off. I looked at the giant prison. "Aw shit." I walked in the doors and the smell of sweat over come me. I walked to the visitors lobby. I walked up to the lady. "Uh, hello I'm here visiting uh Taylor." I said nervously

"Last name? There is like 16 taylors." She spat at me. I rolled my eyes. "Taylor Gilmore."

"And you are?

"Her.. her.. daughter."

"Okay go ahead in. You need to step through that metal dector and your bag will need to be checked." I handed the police officers my bag and they checked it. Then I walked through the metal detector and I was good. I walked into the room and got a bunch of looks. I sat down and waited.

"Who the fuck would visit me?" I heard someone say. I woman with tattoos up her neck and brown hair and blue eyes, skinny, came in and sat down in front of me. "Who the fuck are you?" She spat. I smiled softly. "Uh, I - I - I'm Chasity Butler. Your daughter." I smiled. She gasped. "No, your to pretty to be mine." She chuckled. "No, I'm adopted by Colette and shay butler." I smiled. "Holy shit. My baby? Oh my god your fucking beautiful." She said tearing up.

" is your life?" She asked. "It's awesome, I have amazing parents and siblings. I'm a model I was on the cover of Teen Vogue, I.. I brought you it." I handed her the magazine. "Holy shit my daughter is famous!?" She smiled. "Look! My daughter is on a cover!" She yelled. "Calm down inmate!" A guard yelled.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Shoot." She smiled "Why are you in prison?" I asked. She rolled up her sleeve and she had tear drops on her arm. "I killed 5 people, then cut off a guys dick." She smiled. I made a gasp face. "So you play any sports? You party?" Taylor asked me.

"Fuck yeah I party.-"
"Hey just cause I curse ain't give you a reason to."

"Sorry, uh yeah I party, but it god bad I partied every night and I did tons of drugs at only the age of 14. But it got bad so I stopped. But for sports I do Boxing and track.. but track is only during school." I smiled.

"Wow. That's dope as fuck. Just listen to me. Don't you do drugs again. And and stay in school."

Then my phone went off. "Oh I gotta go. I got to catch the last bus back to my house."

I stood up. "Wait, come vist me again. Please?"

"I'll have to see my boyfriend comes on weekends we have been together for like 8 months. But I seriously have to go." We hugged. It was a tight hug. Then I left.

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