Car Crash

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| Chasity |

"So wait, I had appendicitis?" I asked my dad. "Yes but your okay now." Dad reassured me. "Good, that was some of the worse pain in my life." I giggled.

| at home |

"I'm fine." I said as my family crowded me. "It's a good thing it's a Friday." Mom laughed. "Yeah, oh by the way I'm sorry for cussing and calling you all those names mom." I softly smiled. "It's okay." Mom said.

Mom and dad went to go do stuff outside and all the kids stayed inside watching tv. "You know Av, when I punched that guy it felt good." I whispered. "Really? Why?" She asked shocked. "It reminded me of who I used to be."

"I like this you. I don't like your old self." Avia said getting up.

| 3 months later |

"We have our 3rd cheer competition!" Dawn smiled. I jumped up and down. "What are we going to do about Freya? She trys to freaking kill me!" I almost yelled. "Calm down, we might not like her right now but she won't let the team down. She won't let you fall." Dawn reassured me.

We got in the locker room with the whole team. "Who's ready to go out there and win!" We yelled. "WE ARE!" The team yelled.

We heard our school name announced and we ran out there.

Freya hadn't sobataged us. One person pyramid now. I ran to Freya and she smirked. She lifted me up and I out my hands up and smiled. "Oops." I heard her say. She started walking and let go of my leg. I screamed as I fell backwards straight onto the ground. I let out a small shriek, as I hit the ground. I layed there for a couple of seconds.

I started to cough because the air was knocked out of me. "Chasity! Can you hear me?" The coach said getting down on her knees. I slowly blinked.

"Can you hear me?" She said. I could hear her, i just didn't want to talk. "Can I get medical?" She said on her walkie talkie. I rolled over and started crying. The medics came with a gurney. "No - I'm fine." I suggested. I grabbed Dawns hand and she helped me up. While Coach and the medics followed me. We entered the locker room and I sat down. "I'm fine, really, the wind was knocked out of me." I said. Coach rubbed my back. "When you get home go into a nice cold bath for 20 minutes. That should help the pain. I want you to go home now." The coach said.

I shook my head. Coach got my mom and dad then we left.

"Why did Freya drop you?" Emmi asked. "It was an accident. Surely she didn't mean it." I said. "Yeah right, from the looks of it, it looked like she meant it." Gavin butted in. "Well its over. So can we stop talking about it?" I whined agitated. Then it went quiet.

When we got home I went straight to my bed and landed on it face first. I just stayed there.

| Next day |

"Do I have to go?" I whined to mom and dad. Mom and dad looked at eachother. "Does your back hurt?" Dad asked. "You tell me." I turned around and lifted up the back of my shirt relieving bruises. "Yikes. Fine, go lay down.. on your stomach and I'll get some ice." Mom said. I walked over to the couch and layed down. Mom came over and brought some ice.

"Thanks mom." I smiled. She put the ice on my back. Then I turned on the tv.

I had to get back at Freya, I went on to the vlog and screenshotted where I fell, the. I posted it "Thanks to a a fake friend then I tagged her I have a messed up back now." I clicked post and instantly tons of hate came in for Freya.

| okay I'm just gonna do a time skip to the last day of school cause fuck that. |

"Mom! There is 3 days of school left, please let me have a end of the year party! I was suspended once this year! That's a record, I passed every single class all year!"

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