8 months

235 10 4

A/N it's storming hard core right now lol

| Chasity |

I got home and walked to my room. Why would my mom even be friends with a woman like that! She killed people! Oh my gosh and cut off a guys dick. That was nothing like Orange is the new black.

Then Gavin came in. "Why did you go see someone in jail!" He lectured me. "You wouldn't understand." I rolled my eyes. "Then we will just have to get mom then." He smirked. "MOOOM!" He yelled. I grabbed him and covered his mouth. "Shut it!"

"I went to see my mo- my friends mom with her!" I lied smiling proud. "Mmmmmhhhmmmmm" He dragged out before I pushed him out of my room.

I sat on my bed and thought about her. I looked so much like her. But I don't want to look like her. "Ugh, why can't Colette and Shay be my real parents." I thought. "Dinner!" Mom said through the intercom. I went to the table and sat down. I felt weird.. like I don't belong. I played with my food. "Chasity? Something bugging you?" Dad asked taking a big bite of food.

I sighed. "Eh. I don't want to talk about it." I softly smiled. " Okay baby." I felt weird dad calling me that. None of this felt right to me.

I finished dinner and went to my room. I turned on a movie to set my mind off of things. But I just ended up curling up into a ball and crying. "this can't be real! It has to be a dream!" I cried. But I eventually fell asleep.

| Next Day |

I woke up and walked into the living room. "Wow Chasity your uglier than usual." Avia smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Shut up before I tell dad." I said annoyed. "you mean MY dad, he isn't your dad and he never will be! Your not even my sister!" Avia yelled. I covered my ears like a 5 year old. "Stop it stop it!" I cried. "Your nothing! Your worthless!" She laughed. "I SAID STOP IT!" I yelled crying.

I grabbed Avias hair and pulled her to the ground. Before I knew it we were fist fighting. "YOUR WORTH LESS AVIA! SPOILED LITTLE BRAT!" I yelled. Avia was on top of me and I would doge her punches and she would slam her knuckles on the ground. I grabbed her hands and twisted them back. "JUST STOP!" I yelled. "GAVIN!" I yelled.

Just them Gavin came up with dad. "What the hell is going on here!" Dad yelled. Gavin ripped avia off of me and dad grabbed my waist because I was trying to punch her. I sobbed but I was sobbing from being angry

"Avia! Look at your bloody knuckles! Chasity look at your face! You will have a black eye!" Dad said angry. "Listen! Tomorrow is Christmas eve and you to will get along and if you don't so help me I will take away ALL of your Christmas presents and give them to the less fortunate!" Dad yelled. He gently pushed us and he grabbed Avias arm to wash her bloody hands.

Gavin looked at me shame. "CLEAN UP NOW!" Dad yelled. I rolled my eyes and got a towel to and started to clean up the blood. "Give me your phone and computer, and avia go get your computer." Dad said. I handed him my phone and gave my laptop to him.

| later |

I tool moms computer and went to my room and face timed Mason. "Hey can you come for Christmas? I haven't seen you in forever." I whined.

"I can't I want to be with my sister and I can't come next weekend. I'm sorry. I know these past 3 weeks have been difficult. I miss you, but I need to support my grandma." He said tearing up. "I don't like this." I frowned. "I don't like it either. Chasity, I'm breaking up with you."

I sat there in shock. I felt nausea, "Wait what?" I fakely giggled. "I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry. I have to go." Then he hung up. I quickly ran to moms room and put the laptop and her bed and ran to her bathroom. "Avia! Get out!" I yelled trying to hold back the vomit. "No" She smirked. She wouldn't open the toilet door. So I started to throw up on me while I ran to the hall bathroom.

Mom walked I'm the bathroom and held my hair back. "You cant be sick." She softly smiled rubbing my back. I lifted my head up and started crying. "He.. he... broke up with me." I cried. "Wait? Why? 8 months down the drain?" Mom asked. "He didn't like the long distance!"

"I just want to be alone." I got up and went to my room. I grabbed my phone and just went through my apps. Nothing special, then I went on to my period tracker. "I missed my period? What? No that can't be possible." I thought. I looked at my calendar and I missed my period last month to. I must just be sick or something.

I quickly texted Mason, "did we have sex w/o protection?" He didn't text back he just read it. I stood up and started breathing heavily. I put my hands on my forehead and looked out side and it was snowing. Tomorrow is Christmas eve, I need to find out if im... pregnant....

I opened my door and walked to mom and dad's room. "You alright Chas?" Dad asked. "Yeah yeah awesome! Never better!" I fakely laughed. I walked into there bathroom and locked the door. I opened the sinks and tried to find a pregnancy test. I started to freak out not knowing. "Fucking finally!" I found some. I opened the box and grabbed a stick. I went to the bathroom I peed on the stick and waited.

Omg sorry it's been forever I was on vacation in Mexico I Went to Cabo and yeah so I'm back ! Well I got to go I'm very tired. Byee

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