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| Chasity |

I walked inside my house smiling. I had sex and it was amazing. "Chasity! Where have you been!" Dad yelled. "I was with mason today was 5 months." I smiled. "Awe! My baby girl!" Dad laughed.

I went into my room where avia was. "Are you okay! Weatherly sister told me what happened, you need to tell mom and dad!" She freaked out. "I'm fine. I can take them. I'm stronger than them if I wanted to I could take them out one punch flat." I laughed.

She was right about talking to mom. "You know what they call me?" I asked sitting next to her. "No what?" I started to tear up. "They say Chasy Chasy has no assy! Or flat chested chasy. These girls shoved my head down a toilet, then duck taped my hands behind my back over my backpack then took my shirt and put it over my head and shoved me in the hallway." I cried

"What the heck! That so cruel!" Avia shrieked. "If you don't tell someone I will" Avia demanded. I rolled my eyes and went to the Intercom. I hit master bedroom. "Hey mom are you in there?"
"Yes, what you need?" She said. "Uh something. I'll be right there"
I went to avia. "I had sex with mason today." I smiled. "WOAH! YOU ANIMAL!" She yelled laughing. I grabbed my phone and wiped my tears. I knocked on the door. "What did you need baby?" Mom asked while folding laundry. I folded my leg and sat on the bed. "Kids st school are making fun of me. For being flat chested. They say Chasy Chasy has no assy or flat chested chasy." I blurted out. "Aw baby. I'm sorry." Mom kissed my head. "If it gets any worse tell me or dad and we will take further actions." Then she hugged me. "Thanks." I smiled.

I walked back to my room and layed in my bed. I texted Weatherly.

C: heyy where r u today
W: stayed home after what happened yesterday
C: come on you can't let them get to you. Plus your kinda my only friend.
W: we can't be friends. My mom said I can't because when I'm with u I get beat up.
C: ur joking right??
W: no sorry.
C: that's fine I don't need u

I stopped texting her and went to sleep.

| Next day |

I got dressed and grabbed my backpack. "Mom, do I have to go to school?" I begged. "I guess not. One day won't hurt." Mom smiled. "Oh no, she's going." Dad butted in. I rolled my eyes. "Why!?" I yelled. "Because you can't run away from your problems!" He suggested. "I can't go dad!" I cried

"YES YOU CAN AND YOUR GOING!" He yelled. "You don't understand! Going to school in fear! I HAVE BEEN bullied for A while now! You dont understand! Dad when I came home with my hands duck taped and soaking wet Clarissa, Logan, and Lexi did it to me! They shoved my head in a toilet! They duck taped my hands and pulled my shirt over my head and pushed me into the hallway!" I cried.

I could see dad was hurt. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes jumped down from the chair and got on the bus. People gave me stares and I walked to the back is the bus and sat danny. "Hi" I said awkwardly. "Hey" Then that was it.

We arrived to school and I saw the girls. I went in the building and went to my locker. I got my stuff and headed to first block. I got there then the girls got there.

"What is 12 times 12?" The teacher asked. I raised my hand and Logan laughed. I had enough. "Wanna say that louder?" I kinda yelled standing up. "Chasity! Enough!" The teacher yelled. I rolled my eyes and sat down. "Yeah sit down whore." Logan whispered. I stood up and ran to Logan and punched her. She started crying, then her "gang" tried to get me. I grabbed Clarissas hair and threw her into the wall. I grabbed Lexis neck and just started beating her. She got a couple of shots on me. She busted my nose that was it.

"CHASITY!" The teacher yelled. Then the police came in and tried to rip me off of them. I had a hold of Logan and Lexis hair. "LET GO!" A police officer yelled. I lost my grip and they picked me up and brought me outside in the hallway. Then pushed me against the wall and handcuffed me. Then I got to the principals.

"You know the no violence rule."

"What about what they did to me and Weatherly! Shoving our heads in toilet! Duck taped my hands behind my back and then pulled my shirt over my head and pushing me in the hallways!" I fought back. "Yes I know, they will be suspended for that. But you are being expelled."

"Woah, that means I can't come back here!" I said fighting the urge to cry. "You do the crime you do the punishment. I'm calling your parents go gather your things." Then I stood up and a police officer followed me to my locker.
When I came back my parents were waiting. We walked to the car. "Well, can I still compete in my match tomorrow?" I asked shakily. "We will talk about it" Mom said.

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