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| Colettes pov |

Me and Shay sat in the waiting room of the hospital, I just kept staring out the window. We have been waiting 2 hours. The anticipation was killing me. I couldn't understand why she did this. Shay had brought some food over from the food court. "Here have something to eat." Shay said sitting next to me. He handed me a plate with a couple of waffles. "No thanks I can't eat." I said letting tears come out.

"Mrs. And Mr. Butler?" The doctor croaked out. Me and shay stood up. I grabbed his shirt and we walked to the doctor. "We were able to start her heart. But unfortunately she is in a coma. We don't know when she will wake up." The doctor said. Every word crushed me. "C-can I see her?" Shay said letting tears fall out. The doctor nodded and brought us to her room. There she was she had tubes in her a bandage on her head. "Oh my gosh." I cried. I walked over to her and sat down. "Baby girl, I love you so much. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not listening to you, for not being there for you. Please don't leave, I need you." I sobbed.

| Gavin |

"Guys she will be fine!" I yelled at my siblings. "You don't know that Gavin! She was hurting and all of us were to blind to see!" Avia yelled at me sobbing. I had no response to that. I sat on the couch next to Emmi who was holding her American girl doll crying. Then the doors opened. I looked at mom who's eye were bright red. "Please tell me she is okay." I asked running to them, "she is fine, she is a coma and don't know when or if she will wake up." Dad said letting tears escape.

"Maybe if we pray. Heavenly Father will help." Emmi said. "God won't help! If God was here to help, he would of helped her not do that!" I yelled. Mom and dad were shocked. I ran to my room and slammed my door shut.

| no one pov |

The butlers had all gone to sleep no one talking to eachother, it was silent. No one said a word.

They had woken up the next day and all the kids were getting ready to see Chasity. Shay had woken up first and pulled out the camera. "Hey guys, this is the last vlog for a while. I won't say anything, all I'm going to say is that we are struggling with personal reasons. I'm sorry but my family comes first." He said trying not to cry. He went on his computer and uploaded the one take. Then everyone piled up in the car to go to the hospital, it was a silent ride. They arrived and went into her room. It was filled with small gasps by Avia and Emmi.

Brock and Daxton didn't understand. Gavin stood there staring at her. Shay wrapped his arm around his boy. "She is a warrior. She will wake up." Shay smiled at his family.

Heyy so I really wanna end this book. So there will be a couple of more chapters, they will be short but I love you guys so much! Thank you for sticking with me! I'm sorry if you guys get mad at me. - Paige & Jenna

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