It was Nothing

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| Chasity |

I was on my phone and I got a text from Freya. "Hey I'm going to the domain today wanna come? My mom put $1,000 on my debit card my treat :)"

"Eh sure I'll come" I texted back. I got up and put my hair in a messy bun and walked into the living room were Emmi and Gavin and mom were. "Hey mom can I go to the domain with Freya?" I asked. "Sure baby." Mom said. "Also can I have some money?" I asked. "Sure you can have $30." She smiled. "Only 30? Really? I made 500 yesterday on that interview. And your giving me 30 of MY money!" I raised my voice. "Yes, Chasity you don't need 500 to spend!" Mom raised her voice back. "Freya got 1,000 and she doesn't do shit!" I yelled. Emmi and Gavin looked at me. "Chasity! I have had enough with your shit. Just because you are being famous doesn't mean you get all the money!" Mom yelled. I rolled my eyes and went into my room.

As I walked to my room I decided to make a pit stop into mom and dad's room. I walked in and closed the door I searched for moms purse, seeing it I grabbed it got moms wallet. I opened it there it was 5, $100 dollar bills. I grabbed them and put moms purse back and left. Then I got in the shower and got dressed.

I put my phone in my Chanel bag

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I put my phone in my Chanel bag. "Mom I'm gonna wait outside." The Dad stepped in. I opened the door and started to walk out. "Get your ass back in here." Dad said firmly. "Moms 500 dollars are missing, you possibly know where it is?" Dad said raising an eyebrow. "Well, actually technically it's mine. It would be moms if they asked her to do the Interview and she got her ass to do a 2 hour interview then it would be hers. I'm leaving." I rolled my eyes and shut the door. Then got into Freyas car.

"My mom gave me 500." I smiled.

"Your outfit is so cute oh my gosh!" Then me and Freya took a selfie.
We arrived at the domain and vegan shopping in Victoria Secret and Pink. Then we continued. "I need a new backpack, from Michael Kors." I smiled. We went to Michael Kors and a couple of fans wanted pictures. Then Freya snapchatted them asking me for pictures.

I got a purse and Freya drove me home. I opened the door and dad was so angry. I rolled my eyes at them and continued onto my room. Dad clears his throat, "get back here." Dad said. "No, I'm good!" I yelled back. "CHASITY JONES BUTLER! NOW!" Dad yelled. I put everything down on my bed and walked to them. "You bought stuff with the stolen money!" Dad yelled. "Stop yelling at me! I made a mistake!" I yelled. "Go do your homework your grounded 3 weeks." Mom groaned. "Not even fair! I'm to pretty for this!" Then I stomped to my room and went to pack for my photo shoot.

| Monday |

I woke up and saw that it was raining outside. Ugh today is going to suck. It's so cold outside. Then got dressed.

"Mom do I have to go?" I whined

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"Mom do I have to go?" I whined. "Yes. When you steal my money you don't special privileges." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag and got in the car. We drove to school and I opened my umbrella and started to walk in when I slipped in a puddle. "Fucking shit!" I'm now wet on my arms and my legs are soaking wet. Now my hair is getting wet.

I started to tear up when a bunch of people ran to me and helped me up. "Thanks." I walked in the building slipping.

"Chasity! What happened!"

"I fell in a fucking puddle! I just want to go home." I whined. "Wow, freaking fuck mother nature!" Freya laughed. "Let's go to the bathroom." I pulled her hand and went into the bathroom. "Have you heard from Grayson?" I asked going into a stall, then Freya started to fix her make up.

"Yeah, we have been talking."

"Fuck you got a pad?" I moaned. Then, a bunch of people heard and started basically threw them at me. Then I finished and got out. I heard Freya laughing as people walked out. But I why Grayson? "What do you mean talking?" I asked. "We are going out on a date on Friday!"

"What the actual shit you knew I liked him!" I raised my voice. "I know but you were doing anything." She giggled. "So that gives your the right! Fuck you!" I grabbed my stuff and went to class.

| math |

I sat in my wet clothes pissed off. Everyone trying to talk to me and be friends with me. "Okay turn in your homework." The teacher said. I opened my math binder. "Fuck." I mumbled. "Teacher I left my homework at home." I stood up. "Your bring it tomorrow or you get a zero." She smiled. "I-i can't I have a photo shoot in LA." I said. "Not my problem." Then a bunch of people came to me. "I'll do your homework!"
"Let me do it!"
"You can have mine!" People screamed at me. "Alright alright enough!" The teacher said but people ignored her. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled. "THATS NOT FUCKING FAIR THAT YOU ARE DOING THAT, I TOLD YOU ON FRIDAY THAT I WAS LEAVING!" I yelled starting to cry. Everyone started touching me, I grabbed my bag and left and ran to the office where people proceeded to take pictures of me. I ran to the principals office. "I-i-i need to leave."

He stood up and closes the door "care to tell me why?" He said. "I'm having a bad day! I fell in a puddle and I can't get sick and my teacher is being so un-fair and people mob me everywhere I go people were touching me and I feel uncomfortable. "Fine, this is the only time. Let me call your mother."

I smiled. "Hello Mrs. Butler, no no Chasity isn't in trouble, but she is feeling down and is having a hard day, I suggest you come pick her up. Yes I'll tell her thank you." He hung up. "She is on her way. Go wait."

| later |

"Thanks mom for coming," I hopped in the car. "Did you lie to come home?" Mom blurted out. "No, I'm wet and cold and on my period. I'm wearing leggings." I said with a straight face mom made and 'o' face. "Do you need supplies?" Mom asked. "Uh yeah, definitely advil." Mom drove to the store and went in. And I waited.

"Hey are you okay?" Dawn texted me.
"Eh not really my mom picked me up. Freya is going on a date with Grayson." I texted back. "THAT WHORE! WE ARE OFFICALLY IGNORING HER UNTIL SHE REALIZES HOW DUMB SHE IS!!"

"Haha alright. Wanna come over after school?" I asked. "Totally."

Then mom came back. "Can Dawn come over after school? Before I got grounded I told her I would help her with her project." I lied and smiled. "Ugh fine."

| after school |

I sat on my bed hugging a pillow crying. "I don't know why she would do this." I cried. "You could easily steal him from her. I mean look at you, compared to her. PLUS your Way fanous and-" then mom came in my room. "Dawn sweetie it's time to go home we are about to have dinner."

Mom looked at me then closed the door. "Don't cry over him, you can get any guy you want, why try to date a guy who chooses Freya." Dawn kissed the side of my head and left. I walked out into the kitchen. "Why were you crying?" Mom asked setting the table. While everyone was in the room. "WAIT WHO HURT MY PRINCESS!"Dad jokingly yelled. "It-was-uh-is- nothing. It was stupid." I shook my head. Everyone sat at the table. "If your crying over it, it's not stupid." Dad said. I nodded and then we said grace.

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