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|Chasity |

I sit in the car staring out the window listening to River.

Does life ever feel like a music video? Well it does know. In defeted, Injured. Why couldn't this be a music video. Oh how I wish it was.

"Chas do you want some food?" Dad said cheerfully. "No" I said with attitude. "I will allow that attitude." Dad laughed. "Can we please not talk!" I kinda yelled. Mom looked at me. "Dad! I can't be happy! Look at me! I have a crushed knee cap and internal bleeding! I can't do anything!" I cried. Mom started to tear up. "Please don't cry." I said. Mom sighed.

| 3 days later |

I woke up a 2:32 AM. "Uh ow." I winced in pain. I looked at my phone.
Oh its my period. I got up but had extreme pain. "Ahh!" I winced. I started to shake. "Fucking shit!" I cried. I tried to grab my phone but it fell. I rolled over and started crying. "Help!" I screamed. I started banging on my wall. "Help!" I yelled. I rolled over "HELP!" I yelled. I started to sob even more.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" I yelled. Just then Avia came running into my room. "WHAT GOING ON!" She yelled. "My side it hurts! Help!" I cried. She turned on the light. "Dear god" She said before bolting out of my room

| Avia |

"Help!" I hear. I roll my eyes and roll over and try to go back to sleep. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" I hear with banging. I get up and walk up the stairs to emmis room. She is asleep. Then I check on Brock and Daxton. Then it hits me "Chasity!" I run down the stairs. "WHAT IS GOING ON" I yell. Chasity tells me her side hurts. I turn on the light and she is sweating and there is blood dripping out of her mouth onto the floor. "Dear god." I run out of her room,

Then I run up the stairs to the kitchen. I turn on the lights. I run to mom and dad's room I open the door and they aren't In there. "I forgot there at the studio!" I didn't have time to run up there in the snow it was a 1 mile walk. I grabbed the house phone and dialed 911

911- what's your emergency
Avia- my sister! She has internal bleeding and it's infected and she Is sweating and shaking and blood is coming out of her mouth!
911- I have an ambulance on the way
Avia- thanks!

I hung up and try calling dad but they aren't answering, they are in the middle of some important meeting. I go into the garage and get out the motorcycle and ride up to the studio. I'm freezing and crying.

I slam open the door. "Avia what is it! We are in the middle of something very important!" Dad lectured. "CHASITY! IS I DONT KNOW BUT THERE IS BLOOD COMING OUT OF HER MOUTH I CALLED 911!" I yelled sobbing. "WHAT!" Mom freaked out. "Sir! I'll have to call you back!" Dad said frantically. We all got on the motorcycle and rode down. The ambulance came.

They got out a gurney and I ran to her. There was a giant puddle of blood on her and the floor. I picked her up care fully because of her leg and didn't want to make things worse. Then the ambulance took her."Oh my" I hugged Emmi who was clearly freaking out.


"Darling what's your name and how old are you?" A paramedic asked. "C-c-chasity and I'm... I'm 15" I got out. They put some sort of mask on me then I passed out.

| Colette |

"Ma'm your daughter is fine and in surgery please come by in 3 hours" a nurse re-assured me. "Thank you ma'm," Then I hung up. I walked to shay and he engulfed me in a hug. I just cried. "My baby." I choked out.

| Mason |

"Thank you Avia I'll be right on my way." I tried to fight back the tears. I went to the butlers house. I brought over breakfast. "Mason!" Brock yelled running to me. "Hey buddy! Where are your parents?" I asked. I picked him up as he pointed to there room. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard shakily. "Hi Mr and Mrs Butler." I said putting down brock. "Uh, Avia called me. I brought over some food from ihop. I'm sorry about Chasity." I said softly smiling trying to avoid the tears. "Come here." Shay smiled. He hugged me causing me to cry. "Mason what's wrong?" Shay asked me. "I'm scared for her. That's all." I cried. "No what's really wrong."

"My mother is sick. She has stage 3 lung cancer. She doesn't have to long. The state is going to take my little sister Annabelle." I started to sob. "The state is trying to get ahold of my grandmother" I cried.

"Mason. What about your father?" Colette asked. I stood up, "He was arrested for child rape." I said angrily. I heard colette gasp. "He ruined my sister." I opened the door and drove home. "Mason!" My little 7 year old sister smiled running to me. "Hey peaches!" I spun her around and hugged her tight. "Let's watch a movie and eat icecream!" I smiled. "You read my mind!" She giggled.

It was actually kinda hard to write this chapter I found it sad. Oh by the way I have NEVER done drugs or had sex cause I know yall are wondering. I have an amazing life. That's all bye

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