New School

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| Chasity |

"Hey, Chasity." Avia smiled softly. "Are you okay?" She asked. I shook my head no. "I'm sorry for being mean to you." She smiled. "Your only saying that because I was crying. And you want to know what happened." I spat. "No! I really am sorry! I miss you! I was jealous of you, being on covers of magazines and stuff. I really mean it."

I rolled my eyes "Whatever" Then I got up and went to my room.

| 2 months later |

School started up again but I was still doing home school. But frankly I was sick of it. I finished school and made my way to the kitchen. I went on my phone and looked at my "friends" page. She is still getting so much hate. I felt..bad.

I can't believe i let it go this far. I sat in the chairs and FaceTime her.

C: hey girlie!
L: hi
C: how are you??
L: I could be better, the doctor has me on more meds.
C: I'm sorry..
L: don't be, it's not your fault.
C: uh I actually got to go.

I hung up and softly hit my head on the counter. "Mom! Dad!" I yelled. Mom and dad came into the kitchen. "Yes?" Dad said raising his eyebrow.

"I want to go to a public school, I will do my best!" I begged. Mom and dad looked at eachother, "We will talk about tonight." Mom smiled. "No! Can you talk about now, with me?" I said loud. Mom raised an eyebrow. "Well, okay." Dad said.

"Well, let's talk about your anger issues." Dad said. "I can control them! I will do that breathing thing!" I begged. "What about temptations?" Mom asked. "I won't need to worry about those." I smiled. "And why is that?" Dad asked. "Because I won't hang out with those people, that put me in those situations." I smiled proudly. "I will keep up with my school work and study hard, please, I need this, to feel what it's like to be a normal kid." I begged and pleaded.

Mom and dad looked at me. "Fine." They said in unison. "Yay!" I jumped up and down. "But, can I go to a different Junior high?" I asked. "Start fresh, and not see the people who brought me down?" I asked. "Fine, we will sign you up and arrange everything tomorrow." Dad smiled. "Perfect, in the mean time.. Mom? Back to school shopping?" I smiled.

"Fine, get in the car. And we can pick up everyone when we are done." Mom giggled. We got in the car and headed to the store. "I'm thinking a whole new look! No more rebel look!" I smiled. "Are you sure?" Mom asked. I nodded.

We got to the store and we got everything I needed then we went to backpacks. "I want a Vera Bradley." I smiled. "Fine." Mom pulled me close to her and gave me a kiss. Then we went to the Vera Bradley store and got me a bag.

| 3 hours later |

"This day was a success!" I smiled grabbing bags of clothes out of the car. All my siblings ran into the house with there bags, that was gonna be me!

But dang this is alot of change. Oh well.

| 2 days later |

"Chasity! It's time to go to the school and meet your principal and get your schedule and stuff!" Dad yelled. "One second!" I admired my outfit.

I wore a light blue shirt with white pants, gold earrings, gold bracelet and some original Adidas and did my make up. I did a loose french braid.

"Ready!" I grabbed my Marc Jacob round sunglasses and ran to the car. "I'm so ready!" I smiled. It was a long painful drive to the school. We arrived to the big building. We pulled in and parked. Mom and dad walked next to me as we walked in. I nearly started to die at all the really hot guys smiling and winking at me.

We walked in to a big room. "Hello you must be the butlers." A man said. "Hello, you must be the principal." I smiled. I shook his hand and so did my parents we walked in to his room and we sat down. "You must be Chasity, I looked at your grades and I'm impressed." He smiled. My parents smiled back. "We want to thank you for choosing Freeland Junior high." He went on and on about how great the school is.

"Here is your schedule and I'm going to get you a friend to show you were they are."

Then a girl walked in. Definitely a popular. I was going to be popular in this school. "Chasity, this is Dawn." She smiled with her perfect white teeth and I did the same, with my perfect white teeth. "Hey, I'm Dawn." She giggled. "Come on, you will love it here." She smiled. We walked out of the office and now we are walking to my first class.

"So? Are you home schooled or a transfer?" She asked smiling. "Well, I'm a home school because at my other school people found out who I was." I lied and smiled. "What do you mean?" She raised an eyebrow. "I'm on the cover of Teen Vogue and some other stuff." I smiled. "Oh my gosh! How cool! Just so you know we are in all the same classes how crazy!" She giggled.

"Here let me give you my number." She smiled. I unlocked my phone and she put it in. "Text me on your first day and me and my friends will help you out."

"I have a question, at this school who is considered like popular?" I asked timidly. "Well.. not to be cocky or anything but it's definitely me and my friends. And now you!" She did a little hop. "I love your outfit by the way!"

We continued on with the tour and we talked about Vera Bradley.

"So here is the end of the tour back where we started." She smiled. "Oh! Before you go, can I have your instagram?" She asked. "Uh sure."

"It's ChasityJones12" I smiled. "Wow, 1 million followers! And your verified!" She was in shock. "Can believe someone like you will be here." She gave me a hug and we departed. Mom and dad hugged me. "Ready to go home? You started in 3 days." Mom smiled. "I'm gonna like it here." I giggled.

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