Teen Vogue

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| Chasity |

My photo shoot went amazing and I'm on the cover on "Teen Vogue" and "youtubers now" I'm beginning a beautiful career.

"MOOOM!! LOOK I MADE IT ON THE COVER ON TEEN VOGUE!" I screamed. She was vlogging when I came running in. (A/N it's been a month and she is healed and shit)

"LOOK! WHERE IS DAD!" I said excited. Mom vlogged me and I have never been so happy. "I think he is at Caseys with Brailee and avia and emmi!" Mom smiled. "Can I ride the motorcycle there?" I asked. "Sure honey." Mom kissed my forehead and I ran to put my shoes on Adidas originals. I ran to the garage and got on the motorcycle and drove to Caseys.

I got there and the door was open already. I walked in "hello?" I yelled. "Chas!" Kayli smiled we hugged. "Look!" I smiled. "Oh my gosh! That's amazing! Congrats baby girl!" Then we hugged again. "Where is dad?" I asked. "In the basement playing wii." I ran down the stairs were casey and dad were playing Just Dance. "Dad!" I yelled. Casey paused the game. "Chasity! Not now I'm beating casey!" Dad jokingly whined. "Look! I'm on the cover of TWO magazines!" I jumped around. "Oh my gosh!" Dad picked me up and spun me around.

Brailee and Emmi came to me and hug me. Avia ignore me then went to the bathroom. "I wanna see you play!" I smiled jumping on the couch. "It's me and avias turn." Emmi smiled grabbing the remote from dad and avia got Caseys.

They picked the song "Wrecking ball" by Miley. They were jamming so hard. Dad vlogged we were all caught up in the excitement and Avia let go of her wii remote and hit me directly in my nose. "Oh my gosh!" I yelled in shock. I grabbed my nose and looked down at the ground as the song kept playing but everyone was quiet. "Chasity?" I heard dad say. I looked up and blood was dripping from both my nostrils. "Is it bad?" I laughed. "Chasity! I'm so so so sorry!" Avia begged. "Hah it's fine, it was an accident. I mean a painful one. But yeah." I laughed. The blood was dripping all over me and the floor. Dad picked me up and they brought me upstairs.

"That's pretty bad."

"Can I vlog?" Dad laughed. "Haha sure." I giggled as kayli went to go find the first aid kit. "Well, we were playing Just Dance and things got out of hand. Literally avias remote flew out of her hand." Dad smiled. "Yeah the pain is setting in now. Oh my gosh it hurts." My eyes started to tear up. "Maybe we should go to the ER just to be sure..?" Dad suggested. "Well I can't see straight." I laughed trying not to cry. "Let's call my super hot wife and see what's she thinks." Dad laughed.

"Shay, maybe we should drive up there." Dad picked me up and we got in the four wheeler. Dad held my bridal style because the pain had set in. Casey drove and emmi and avia sat in the back. "Colette!" Dad yelled. My white shirt was now totally covered in blood. "I'm fine. Seriously." I softly smiled. I saw avia in the corner pouting. She rolled her eyes and left. Mom helped me clean up my nose and then when It finally stopped 20 minutes later I showered.

I was brushing my hair when my computer went off. "Mason wants to FaceTime." I ran and clicked yes. "Hey babe!" I smiled. "My super hot girlfriend on the cover of TWO magazines!" He smiled. "Yup! Are you coming this weekend I haven't seen you in 3 weeks!" I complained. "Yeah! We will have so much fun! I'll have to work some more extra shifts to rent a hotel room."

"I can ask my parents if you can stay here we have been dating for 7 months." I smiled I picked up my lap top and ran to the kitchen. "Mom can mason stay with us this weekend? He is coming." I smiled. "I'll have to talk to dad. If he does he will have to sleep with Gavin to make sure you guys don't do any funny stuff."

"Mom! We are not doing that!" I lied. I kinda made a guilty face. "Good. And I'll talk to dad." I ran back to my room. "They don't know we had sex?" Mason asked. "No, they don't believe in sex before marriage." I frowned. "My mom knew." He smiled. "Well aren't you special." I mocked. "I got to go bye babe see you in 2 days!" He said then we hung up. "Ugh my nose." I moaned.

| dinner |

We all gathered around the dinner table. "Pizza?" I moaned. "Can I have salad?" I laughed. "If you wanna make it." Dad laughed. Avia shot me a face expression that screamed I hate you.

"You want to say something avia?" I said kinda rudely. "Uh oh." I heard emmi whisper. I raised an eyebrow. "No." She smirked. "Then stop looking at me like that!" I kinda yelled. "Woah woah! Enough!" Dad said wailing his arms around. "Tell her to stop freaking looking at me like that!" I said super annoyed. "No, I'll do what ever the hell I want." Avia smirked. "What is your problem!" I almost yelled. Brock was covering his ears.

"My problem is you. Getting what ever you want! Your the center of attention! Mom and dad barely ever notice the rest of us! And they are letting your boyfriend over when you two are having sex! Because your are kinds famous they let you do what ever you want!" She screamed. I raised my eyebrow. "It's that true Chasity?" Dad asked. "Avia, stay out of my shit! You don't know anything!" I screamed tearing up.

"Slut." She smirked. "THATS ENOUGH!" Dad yelled. I had enough I got up from my chair causing it to fall backwards. I walked past dad to where avia was. I looked at her. Dad and mom could tell I was about to do something. "Say one more thing." I whispered. "I don't need to." Avia smirked raising an eyebrow. My blood was boiling.

I pushed avias chair backwards and got one hit. Before dad grabbed me and brought me to the kitchen. "What is your problem!" Dad yelled. "Avia is!" I screamed. I grabbed my phone that was on the counter and ran out the front door. "CHASITY!" I heard someone yell. I ran down the path and ran down to my old hook up house. They were having a party. My phone was blowing the fuck up.

"Hey! Chasity! The party master!" Jason yelled over the music. "Hey dude!" I yelled we hugged and he had a beer. "Want some?" He asked. This could be bad. I'm clean. I cant. But I do. "Sure" I grabbed the beer and drank it. Before I knew it one turned into 2, then 2 turned into 3. Before I knew it I was wasted.

"Come dance with me!" Jason yelled grabbing my hand. We danced but we started drunk kissing. I pulled away. "Oh shit." I quickly got the hell out of there. I ran down the drive way even though I was falling. I sat on the curb. And started sobbing. I was so drunk

I missed the taste of beer oh my gosh. It was 4 am. I pulled out my phone and looked at the text messages and calls I had missed. "if your drunk don't you dare come home." Dad texted.

I started to sob even more. I layed down on the grass and cried. "Help me." I cried. I got up and started walking. I walked to some random ass park. I went inside the slide and fell asleep.

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