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| Chasity |

"Hey what are you doing! Go get ready for your match!" Dad smiled. "Oh thank you thank you!" I yelled. I grabbed my bag and we all got on the car. We got to the match and I found Joey. "CHARLIE!" He yelled. "Let me check you in! My undefeted champ!" He hugged me. Then I saw Mason. "Babe!" He smiled then we hugged. "I gotta get to the ring, it's about to start." We quickly kissed and I got in the ring. "CHARLIE BUTLER AGAINST FIONA RED!" The refree screamed.

"GO CHARLIE!" I could hear people scream. Fiona! I beat her up last year and not in the ring. "Oh gosh." I Mumbled. We stood at our corners and waited for the refree to start. "Okay girls, 3 rounds 3 min for each. Ready?" We nodded. "FIGHT!"

She threw punch I dodged it. My heart started to pound. I could see she was getting mad. I threw an upchuck and she grabbed my arm and flipped me over on my back knocking the wind out of me. Everything started to spin but I got up. But it wouldn't stop. I tried to punch but I missed completey. She did a leg layout causing me to fall on my neck. Making my head ach and the spinning to stay.

"GET UP!" She yelled. I stood up and couldn't stand still. "You okay?" The refree asked me. I nodded, "FIGHT!" He said again. 2nd round and my ass was being beat.

I punched her and she got hit. She then punched me knocking me back. She grabbed my arm and started punching me. I hit back. She started kicking me in my stomach and my face. She grabbed my arm and twisted it. The pain over shot me. But I wasn't giving up. I stood up but she cracked at my face again and then she "tripped" and fell on my knee causing it to go straight back. I screamed. Then turned my face to the ground and didn't move.

I could hear gasps then joey came onto the ring. "Get up bitch!" Fiona spat. I had taken off my head gear. She took her glove off and punched my face. Then a bunch of people came and got her off. "Chas! Baby are you okay!" Joey put his hand on my back and rolled me over. Blood was coming out of my mouth and nose. I coughed up more blood. Joey waved his hand calling for paramedics. "Joey, it hurts and won't stop spinning!" I cried. They came with a gurney and put me on it and brought me to the locker room.

"She definitely has whiplash, I need neck brace. I need a knee brace and splint for arm! Chasity you have to stay awake!" The paramedic said and they out all this stuff on me. this My mom and dad came into the room. "Oh my gosh baby!" Mom cried. "What's going on?!" Dad panicked. "She has whiplash, possibly broken arm and knee." They said putting me on the gurney. Then a bunch of people with cameras came in the locker room.

I tried to hide my face. Mason came in and pushed all those guys out. "We are taking her to the Saint Jude hospital. To see for internal bleeding or neck or spinal injury." The paramedic said.

| at hospital |

It will be okay,
This isn't the end,
Just a set back

I sat in the room as I had an oxygen mask. I had to have surgery on my leg. They didn't put me to sleep because they needed me awake. The beeping, just won't go away.

| Shay |

I looked at mason who was crying. I walked over to him. "What's wrong buddy?" I asked he looked at me. "Sir, I like your daughter so much. I don't want her to hurt. It hurts me to see her hurt. She looked so badly." He choked out. It made me happy that a this kid cared so much about Chasity. "She will be okay. She's our lil warrior. She's so strong." I smiled trying not to cry. Then we hugged.

"Mrs and Mr Butler?" The doctor smiled. "The surgery went great. But she shattered her knee cap. Her arm is sprained. She does have internal bleeding. We stitched it up, but it could open up. for 3 weeks she will throw up and it will be bloody, it's her body trying to get rid of it. If she has exreme pain or shaking take her back her. That means she is infected. You can take her home when she wakes up." We hugged the doctor.

"She's never doing boxing again" I said firmly. "She's okay, we can see her when she wakes up."

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