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| Chasity |

Its been 3 months and I have started school finally. I have been dating Mason for 4 months. We met July 2nd. Our 5th month anniversary is tomorrow. My family loves him, "Weatherly, you don't understand. People keep saying this to me Chasy Chasy has no assy! Or they call me flat chested chasy! And they won't stop! I want to fucking punch them, I used to be on top! Every one was scared of me, now they won't leave me alone cause I'm a 9th grader!" I complained to my friend Weatherly. "I don't know what to tell you. Just ignore it cause you have a nice ass, they are jelly cause you are like a model!" She laughed.

"Whatever." I laughed. Then we walked in the bathroom and all the "mean 12th graders" were in there. "Woah it's the skanks, ugly whore one and the ugliest slut whore 2." She laughed. I kept my head down. "Hey ugly! When I fucking speak to you, you look at me." I ignored her.

"That's it!" She yelled two of her friends grabbed us. We tried kicking. They opened the stall doors. "Ugly, I wish I could kill you."

I started crying. There was 5 minutes of school left. "Go!" She spat. They shoved our heads in the toilet and then flushed it. Then pulled us up for a second so we could get air then shove us back in. Then they picked me up and pulled Weatherly looking me. One girl went behind me and locked my arms behind my back. She lifted up my shirt and put it over my head, I was thankful I was wearing a sports bra. They duck taped my hands and shoved me into the hallway. "FLAT CHESTED CHASY!" Some one yelled. I was dying of humiliation. "Chasity!" My friend ran to me and pulled my shirt down and I was sobbing. I looked at everyone laughing at me. Then the bell rang.

My hands still duck taped around my back. Taped over my backpack. I got up and started running. I didn't get on the bus I just ran home. But as I was walking those mean girls drove pass me and threw muddy water at me. I was like 2 feet from my house. I ran up the driveway. I was sobbing. My face was red from crying and my hands were turning purple my make up running down my face. I managed to open the door. I closed the door and stood there. "Chasity, what took you so long?" Mom asked. I ignored her and stood there silently crying.

They don't know this is going on. Only mason does. I held my head down silently crying. "Chas? Are you okay?" Mom asked then she walked over to me. "Chasity jones! What happened!" She yelled. "SHAY!"

Mom walked me over. "Take off your back pack and tell me what happened!" Then dad walked over. "I-i-i- can't." I cried. "Why not?" Dad asked. "They duck taped my hands." I cried turning around. "Oh my gosh!" Mom said with tears growing. "Who did this to you!" Dad almost yelled. He cut off the duck tape. "No one okay! I'm fine! I'm leaving with mason." I grabbed my phone and went outside.

Mason drove up and I ran to him and jumped on him and he held me. I sobbed. "I...I just can' this anymore." I cried as he put me down. "Now you listen here. You can do anything. Your Chasity jones Butler Dammit! I know you. I love you. Your family loved you. Your amazing. I don't want to ever hear you say that again. You got me?" Then he hugged me. "God, I love you." The we had a fast make out session. "Can we go to your house?" I asked. "Sure baby." We got into his car and drove to his house.

His house is a one story country style house. "Hello mrs. Collins" I smiled. "Hello Chasity! There are snacks in the pantry! I'm going to do some yard work." We hugged then went into his room. We sat on his bed. More like we layed together. I put my head on his chest and we held hands. "Do you want me to do anything about these girls?' He asked

"No, I can deal with them. They just caught me by surprise today. Plus she had he gang. I could of easily taken them" I laughed.

"My lil warrior" He kissed my forehead. "You know what tomorrow is our 5th month anniversary and I think I'm ready for the next step." Mason smiled. "You mean sex?"

"Yes, but only if you want." He played with my hand. "I'll think about it." I smiled. "Sounds gucci." I playfully smacked him. "Don't say that you sound so city." I laughed. Then we made out.

My phone started to go off. "Baby, you need to come home. It's dinner time." Mom texted me. "Ugh I gotta go, can you drive me?" I laughed. "Sure princess." We got in the car and we got to my house. "See you later" Then I left.

|Next day|

"Happy 5 months!" Mason texted me. "Happy 5 months!" I texted back. School started. Weatherly didn't come to school but that's understandable.

"Awe the lil baby had to get her boyfriend on us. Bitch be prepared. He but my boyfriend in the hospital." Then she pushed me into the lockers. I got so mad. mason!

| Schools over |

I got to masons house and decided to let it go. "Hey babe." I smiled. "I texted my mom saying that I'm going to be here. Are your parents home?" I asked. "No, they are out if town." He smiled. We went into his room and put in tv. "I got you this." He pulled out a bracelet with our date on it. "Oh my gosh! Babe this is amazing!" Then we hugged. Then he pulled out a giant teddy bear. "For you princess." Then we kissed.

Our kiss turned into more. I layed on top of him and he started to unbuttoned his pants. "Wait, you have a condom?" I heavily breathed. Then he pulled one out and put it in and we got to it.

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