First Day

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| Chasity |

I woke up for my first day of school and got dressed. (A/N outfit right there her outfit and hair and make up is what she looks likes)

 (A/N outfit right there her outfit and hair and make up is what she looks likes)

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I walked downstairs while my siblings ate and made there lunch. "Don't you look adorable." Mom smiled. "Thanks" I smiled. "Do want us to give you a ride to school?" Mom asked. "No, that's okay, Dawn is coming to pick me up." I giggled. Avia made a disgust face. I heard a horn honk. "Oh that's her! Bye!" I yelled. I kissed mom and dad and hugged Emmi. I opened the door and walked outside.

There car was a convertible, I smiled and she smiled. "Mom, This is Chasity, Chasity this is my mom Leanne or Yale." Dawn giggled. "You excited for your first day?" Dawn asked. "Super." I laughed. "Selfie!" Then she took a picture of us looking super good.

We arrived arrived school and immediately guys and girls where looking at me and smiling. "Okay, so since your friends with me and my friends guys will try to flirt with you. Just try to ignore them" She smiled as we walked side by side. "Freya!" Dawn smiled going in for a hug. Then they hugged. "Your the new girl, good thing your with us!" She smiled doing a lil wink.

I smiled, We walked to our lockers and got our first block books out. "Math. Ew." Freya mumbled. "What? You don't like math?" I asked leaning uo against the locker. "She is so bad at it." Dawn laughed. "Whatever, when am I even going to use math?" Freya said putting on lipstick.

Then the bell rang. "See ya Frey!" Dawn smiled. Then we walked to History. The teacher sat outside the door and greeted everyone as they walked in. "Hello, you must be Chasity." The teacher smiled. "Yes ma'm!" I said joyfully. Dawn grabbed my arm and pulled me in. We sit in the back.

We sat down and a guy came up to Dawn. "Grayson, this is Chasity." He smiled. "I've seen you somewhere before." He said. I dropped my smiled. "Oh yeah?" I fake smiled. "Oh yeah! You were on the cover of a major magazine!" He laughed with his smile. I really wanted to hate him but I couldn't.

The bell rang and the teacher walked in. "Good morning class, hope you all are having a fun day so far, we have a new student!" Mrs Prier smiled. "Please stand and tell us some cool facts about you!" I stood up and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Chasity Butler, and I'm 15 and something cool about me? Uh I'm a model..." I softly giggled. People clapped. "Ha um yeah." I awkwardly sat down. "Wow, that's cool who do you model for?" A kid leaned over and asked me. "Uh clothe Stores I have been on covers of magazines and yeah." I giggled.

"You can all drool about Chasity after class. For homework you all have to do a 400 word essay on pearl harbor, so I would pay attention if I were you!" Mrs. Prier said over all the chatter. Everyone groaned.

| class over |

Me and Dawn gathered our things and got up, "uh! Chasity wait!" Grayson yelled after me. "Text me." He handed me his number. "I'll think about it." I said raising an eyebrow. "Ugh, man guys are going to be all over you!" Dawn laughed. "I mean, I'm not going to date any of them. They can be my friends." I smiled.

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