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| Chasity |

"Where is cami?" I asked Danny as we walked to class. People were laughing at me but I don't care. "Uh, I dont know. But I heard screaming last night. Since I'm next door." He said getting his books. "That's odd." I mumbled. Then we went to class. "Chasity Jones to the office please." I rolled my eyes and got up and left. Mom and dad were at the office. They looked upset. "What?" I said annoyed.

"We are pulling you guys out of school." Dad said. Then we left. All my siblings were in the car. "What why?" I asked. Then a bunch a people with cameras came out of nowhere "that's why." Dad groaned. I rolled my eyes and got in the car.

"Well this sucks." Emmi fakely smiled. "Hey, listen it will be okay." Mom smiled. "Listen, at least your living your dream of being famous you never know you might get a job on a movie or tv or model!" I smiled. I hugged Emmi and Avia. "True, but if any one here were to model it'd be you." Avia giggled. "Yeah, can't argue with that, but I can't act you guys can and Emmi and Gavin can sing." I smiled. "Now that's the spirit!" Dad laughed. Then we went and got icecream.

"Hey mom and dad, we all know my birthday is coming up July 4th I want -" Then I was cut off by dad "yeah yeah we know a phone." Dad laughed. "Actually I was going to say The new 2018 Tiger boxing gloves in dark green or since Tiger is coming to town to fight Mayweather ( a/N made up names) CAUSE TIGER IS GOING TO DOMINATEDOMINATE MAYWEATHER!" I said getting hype. Mom and dad laughed. "We will see."

Oh also they pulled us out of school early for summer

It's July 2nd so I'm Turing 15. Turning 15 is a big thing in the Butler family. We are allowed to start drivers ed. I really want my cartilage periced so at 15 you can do that. "But a phone also would be good." I laughed. We got home and I decided to go see what was going on with Cami. "Dad can you drive me to Camis?" I asked. "Sure. Not for long because we need to decide birthday plans." Then we hopped on the car and drove.
I got out and das drove off. I saw flowers in the lawn and tbey weren't there before. I walked up to the door and knocked. I was happy to see her.

"Hello?" Her mom shakily said. "Hi! It's Chasity!" I smiled. Her mom opened the door and she had been crying. "Is Cami here?" I asked. "Come in." I walked in and there were more flowers. "Chasity, Cami isn't here."

"Oh, when will she be back?" I asked. "Soon, hopefully." She smiled. "Okay thanks." Then I left, that was odd. Not at school or at home. Maybe she is at her grandmothers. But I decided to walk to Panda Express. When I saw the hottest guy. He was tall-ish had brown blonde hair and was totally country guy. I HAD to talk to him.

I walked up to him "hi." I smiled. "Hey" He smiled back. "Wanna be friends? Uh that sounded like a 10 year old." I laughed. "Your cute, wanna sit and talk?" He smiled. "Yes! I mean yes." Then I sat down. "So how old are you?" I asked. "17 and you?"

17!? What!? "I'm 14, but I turn 15 in 2 days." I smiled. "Your beautiful for a 14 almost 15 year old." He smiled with his pearly whites. "Thanks you are to! I mean handsome!" I blushed.

We talked for maybe 5 hours and we had so much in common. "Well, I have to go but it was great talking to you, oh I never caught your name." He smiled. "I'm Chasity. Chasity Butler"

"Mason, can I get your number?" He asked.
Oh no, "actually I broke my phone can I get yours?" I giggled. He wrote it down the we hugged. "I got to call an uber can I barrow your phone?" I asked. "Let me drive you. Please." He smiled. "Oh thank you!" Then we got to his truck. He opened the door for me and we got in and talked some more.

We got to my house and he walked me to the door. "Can I meet your parents? It's a nice thing to do." My parents don't like me hanging with boys. "Sure." I fakely smiled. I opened the door. "Oooo a boy!" Emmi giggled. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand and walked to dad's studio. I opened the door "Dad th- oops sorry." Him and mom were in the middle of a podcast. I didn't wanna talk about jobs.

"Chasity brought a guy! I guess that's all the time we have for today! See ya next Monday!" Dad laughed. Mom and dad walked over to us. "Hi, Mr and Mrs Butler." He shook their hands. "Chas?" Mom smiled. "This I'd my friend mason. He wanted to meet you." I smiled. "Yes ma'm, when ever I have a friend I like to meet the parents so they know." He smiled happily. "That's awesome! Now that's what I call a gentleman!" Dad laughed. "is have to get going but I just wanted you guys to know that I'm in your daughters life, as a friend." He smiled. "What a young gentle man." Mom smiled. He shook there hands and we left.

"Wow, impressive." I smirked. "Well I'll see you later Chasity Butler." Then we hugged and he left. "So, just a friend? You know you can't Date." Dad giggled. "Yes, we met today. Cami wasn't home. So I went to Panda Express. But can I talk to you guys alone?" I asked. Then Emmi and Avia left upset. We sat down in the dining room. "Mason is 17. He drives." I softly smiled. "Well, that makes things a little difficult. As long as you don't date it will be fine, BUT he seem respectable, responsible. So we will allow it." Mom said firmly.

"YAAY! LET ME US YOUR PHONE!" I jumped up and down and mom handed me her phone. I immediately texted him

C: hiya I'm using my mom's phone until mine gets fixed

M: that's awesome.

C: thanks for driving me. Also my parents like you.
M: that's great. Your parents seem amazing. But when we walked in on your parents what we're they doing?
C: ugh I was hoping you weren't going to ask. But my family vlogs there life on youtube called the Shaytards with 10 million subscribers. That's a podcast.
M: that's so cool! Tell me more about you. Like sports and hobbies
C: for sports I box like fighting I also did track but school is over so yeah. Hobbies I love fishing and hiking anything outside. Hbu?
M: that's so cool! Tbh that's dope. You could probably tell country boy. I love fishing, hunting, anything outside as well, sports, I like Golfing and swimming.

"Chas! I need my phone and you need to shower!" My mom yelled.
C: I have to go but do you want to hang out tomorrow?
M: totally wanna go hiking/fishing?
C: sounds awesome time?
M: 1
C:see you then

I deleted the message and handed mom her phone "Mason wants to take me hiking and fishing is that okay?" I asked. Mom and dad looked at eachother. "We trust you so okay." I smiled so big. Then I ran and showered then changed. And went to sleep.

| Next day |

I woke up smiling and looked at the clock "11" Wow I woke up late. But I had 2 hours. I put on jean shorts and put on a red flannel and black converse. I put on a sports bra put my hair in a messy pony tail and put on a camo hat. I looked at the clock "12:45" I ran past mom and dad and got a camel back and then got my fishing pole. "is this outfit appropriate?" I asked. "Yup! Dad approved." Dad smiled. Then mason knocked on the door. "Hello Mr and Mrs Butler. Thank you for letting me spend some time with Chasity. I have printed out some papers that say the place we are going to and the number on it along with mine." He smiled.

"What a great guy!" Mom smiled. "Thank you ma'm."
Then I grabbed my fishing pole and put it in the back of his truck and got in. "Wow, you put some effort into this." I smiled. "Well, I want them to like me." He turned on Luke bryan.

We got to the place. "It's a 30 min hike." Mason smiled. "That's nothing." I smiled. It's 98 degrees. I unbuttoned my flannel and then put my camel back, on and my glasses. "Leggo." I smiled. "By the way tomorrow is your birthday you said. And I got you something. He handed me a card. I opened it "30 dollars at Panda Express how thoughtful" I laughed. We reached the fishing hole. We set up our chairs and got set up.

| 3 hours later |

"That makes this fish my 15th fish!" I laughed. "The fish must like you or something." Mason laughed. "Well we better get going. Cause I have boxing at 5." I smiled. "Yeah" we started to pack up.

I gotta cut the chapter there because it's so long so I hope you enjoyed the long chapter

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