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{ Chasity }

I walked out of my room still crying "I'm going to to go for a run." i cried. "baby, whats wrong? You haven't stopped crying all morning." Mom said concerned. She walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder and i flinched. "I'm fine! I'm going for a run!" I yelled. I walked outside and saw Carlie and Jackson and Cooper. They waved at me and smiled. I felt as
if my heart was going to explode. I started to breathe heavily and i started to run. "Oh no you don't." Carlie said running after to me. Sadly she was way faster to me. She basically pushed me down on the grass, She got on top of me and i felt gross so i fought back. Then Jackson came over. "STOP!" i cried, yelling. "LET GO OF ME! STOP!" i yelled fighting Carlie. "Whats wrong!?" Carlie yelled grabbing my hands and pinning them to the ground. I couldn't fight anymore. I became limp "She roofied me!" i yelled crying.

Carlie immediately went silent and Jackson gasped. "she roofied me! Okay! I feel dirty, gross, and im going to hell!" I yelled sobbing. "who did that!" she asked. "Dawn!" I cried. Carlies grip loosened, then i pushed her off of me. I tried to run again but Jackson grabbed my arm. "we are telling your parents." Carlie said firmly. "No! Its humiliating!" I cried digging my feet into the ground as carlie pulled me. Jackson grabbed my waist and picked me up and we walked in. "Shay! Colette!" she yelled. "Kids go to a different room, i need a private talk with your parents." Carlie ordered. I shut my eyes hoping it was all a dream. "Uh whats going on?" Mom asked confused.

Jackson put me down but still held my arm and i looked at all of them. "tell them what you told me." Carlie said firmly. "uh, um uh." i said breathing heavily. "Dawn-she uh- told me she liked girls." I said tearing up. "No, the real thing."

"She brought beer, and put one of those sex pills where it makes you super horny in my drink, and she kissed me and then she started to do other things and she uh uh she wouldn't stop when i asked her to stop. I feel so gross, and im ashamed." I yelled sobbing.. Still trying to get out of Jackson grip. "sshe smoked and everything is in the tent she left it here."

Dad became very angry he slammed open the backdoor and went to the tent. "Thank you Carlie and Jackson, do you think we could reschedule? We need to talk to her." Mom said softly taking me from Jackson and Carlie. "sure thing. Do you want us to take your kids?" Jackson smiled. "Would you?" mom smiled. Carlie and Jackson went to get everyone and i ran outside to dad. I cried, dad stayed silent and rummaging through the tent. "your never ever allowed to talk, see, breathe the same air as that girl. You hear me!" Dad said rather loudly. "yes sir"

dad started to walk back to the house. "We are going to have a talk now, go to your room." i went to my room and went to my bed and cried. They walked in and sat down. "I want to know right now, everything she did how she did it. We are not leaving until you are done!" Dad yelled. "Dad, please no." I cried. "Well if you don't tell me, we will tell the police." Dad said. "Fine, call the police. She didn't rape me, I feel dirty.. it was drunken." I argued. "I just want to have a normal summer. Be a normal girl." I fought, then I left my room.

| 4 days later |

"You guys ready to drive to LA?" Dad asked. I smiled, "yup!" I yawned. We a jumped in the car. Mom and dad took my phone away. We all got in the car and began on the rode, I fell asleep within the first hour.

I woke up and it was 2, we should arrive to the apartment at 6. I woke up and my stomach hurt felt like cramps and nausea. I rubbed my head and looked out the window, I brought my legs on the seat and gripped my stomach. "Hey Chas, are you alright? You look a lil green." Avia asked. "dad can we pull in at a gas station? I feel like I'm going to throw up." I said trying to keep the puke down. "Sure thing sweetheart." Dad pulled into a truck stop. It was nice, I felt the puke coming up. Dad pulled the car into a spot and I wasted no time.

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