Stomach Flu

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| Chasity |

"Am I adopted? "

Mom and dad gave me puzzled looks. Dad scarred his beard. "Of course not." Dad laughed. Dad grabbed my arm and helped me up. We walked into there bedroom. "Tell me!" I cried. "Chasity, you are adopted." Mom softly smiled. "What! How! Why!" I yelled sobbing. "Chasity! Calm down!" Dad said grabbing my arm and pulled me into a tight hug.

"When we first go married, Colette didn't want to give birth. So Colette knew a friend who didn't want.. well you.. because she was In jail. So she gave you to us. We were there in the delivery room, we were the first people to hold you. From the moment on we knew, we knew you were ours." Dad smiled about to cry. I smiled. "I love you." I smiled sniffling. I hugged dad. "What is mo..I mean.. real..uh..moms name?" I asked. "Taylor Gilmore." I burst out laughing. "Thank god you saved me! I would have the last name Gilmore, Chasity Gilmore!" I laughed. Mom and dad laughed.

I think they were relieved. "Ca..can I see her?" I asked. "Absolutely not! She is jail!" Mom stood up. "Why! What jail?" I stood up. "She is in Idaho Correctional Facility! I forbid you to see her!" Mom said. Instead of getting mad I just agreed. "Fine." I stood up and went to my room. But I went to my computer and searched up vistor hours. 1pm-4pm. I'm going. But I can't go today or it will be obvious. It's 2 anyways its like 30 min from my house. I gotta plan bus and earn money.

"Mom! Can I mow the lawn?" I asked running into her room. "Uh sure baby."

"For money." I smirked. "You are your father's daughter." She laughed. "But he isn't my real dad..." I said. "Yes he is. And I'm your real mom." She kissed my forehead. "I'm thinking 30, it's big land." I negotiated. "Okay baby. Just go get it done." I ran and put on my black converse and went to get the ride - able John deere and mow the lawn.

"LOOK WHO DOING CHORES! ISNT IT CHASITY BUTLER!" dad laughed vlogging. "Only for money!" I yelled back laughing. "But I'm done! 1 hour!" I laughed getting off the John deere. "Well I'm pooped." I giggled. "Eww!" Avia snarked. "You better shut up before I give you another shiner to match that one!" I threatened. Then dad shut the camera off. "Gotta cut that out." He laughed. Avia backed away. I smiled. "Chasity, go to your room you don't not threat." Dad smirked. I rolled my eyes and gave avia a little push. Then ran to my room.

| later at night |

I shot up, grabbed my phone and ran to the bathroom and threw up. "1:32am" I looked at m y phone. I threw up again. "1:35am" I threw up again. "1:45am" Oh my god. Why am I throwing up! I just couldn't stop. I threw up more. "2:25am" I began to cry at the soreness of my throat. I layed down but then got up again to throw up. I got my phone and called dad. "Dad I can't -*puke* stop t-t-throwing up!"I cried shakily. "Which bathroom?" He asked. "Basement!" I hung up the phone and threw up In the toilet. Dad came in with a hair tie. "T..t...thanks dad" He put my hair up and took my temperature. "No fever that's good." He kissed my forehead and got a trashcan and put a bag in it and handed it to me.

He walked me back to bed and waited for me to fall back asleep.

| Next day |

I woke and threw up once more. Then I grabbed my trash can and went to the kitchen. Where dad was vlogging "it's been a rough night at the shaytards, Chasity and Emmi have been throwing up nonstop so no school!" Dad vlogged. But for me I still had to do school because I'm online.

"You sick to?" I asked emmi. She nodded and got up from then breakfast bar and laid on the couch. "I hope I didn't get her sick." I moaned. "Or she got you sick. The world may never know." Mom laughed. "Ha-ha" I said sarcastically. Then joined emmi well we watched frozen.

I started texting Mason

C: hey babe
M: hey cutie
C: I'm sick ew
M: stomach flu?
C: yeah how u know?
M: I got it to
C: so your the culprit hah you got me and emmi sick
M: oh sorry :/
M: I don't think I can come down this weekend I got to work
C: eh that's fine we got see eachother last weekend so:)
M: hah tru well feel better princess I gtg bye
C: byee

"Wanna watch something else? I'm sick of frozen, no pun intended. " I giggled. Emmi giggled. "Fine."

Me And Emmi watched tv all day and threw up. It kinda sucked but whatcha' gonna do?

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