Famous Teens

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| Next day |

I woke up to screaming children at 7:30. I rolled my eyes, I got up and went out of my room to see Brock and emmi fighting over the tv remote. "What are you fighting about! It's 7 in the morning and a Saturday!" I yelled. "Brock keeps changing the channel when I was here first!" Emmi whined crying. I rolled my eyes. "Where is mom and dad?" I asked. "They went to run errands really fast your in charge." Emmi said trying to grab the remote from Brock.

"BROCK GIVE ME THE REMOTE!" Emmi yelled. For some reason I had, had it. I grabbed the remote from Brock and slammed it into the wall. "THERE NOW YOU BOTH CANT WATCH TV! BROCK YOU GO TO YOUR ROOM! BE CAUSE I REMEMBER DAS SAYING YOU HAD TO! AND EMMI YOU GO TAKE A SHOWER!" I yelled.

Brock started crying and ran upstairs and emmi pouted and went upstairs to. I put my hand to my head and moaned. I looked at the small hole in the wall from the impact then looked ing at the broken remote. "Whatever." I put my hair up in a messy bun then went into my room and got my phone.
Then I went to Daxtons' room. "Hey Daxi." I whispered. I picked him up and wiped his eyes. "You hungry lil bro?" I asked. And he nodded. I walked into the kitchen and put him at the little table. I made some oatmeal and some carrots. "Here you go." I handed him the food.

| later |

Mom and dad came home and I jumped into the shower because later I had an interview with "Famous teens" it's a radio station

I got out of the shower and got out and put on my clothes

I got out of the shower and got out and put on my clothes

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"CHASITY JONES! COME HERE!" I heard dad yell. Oops I forgot..

"Yes daddy?" I said sweetly. "Why is there a hole in the wall and a smashed remote." Dad crossed his arms. "Well Emmi and Brock were fighting and wouldn't stop and I got mad because they woke up daxton and I kinda grabbed and.. threw...it.." I shrugged.

Dad rubbed his temples. "Sorry." I said. "It's fine, I won't punish you, just don't do it again." He patted my back and left. I sighed in relief.

|10 hours later so now it's 5 |

"Chasity come on we got to go." Mom yelled. I grabbed my purse and jumped in the car.

"I'm so nervous! This is my first live radio show!" I jumped. I snapchatted Dawn "on my way to do an Interview on Famous Teens tune in at 4:30" She snapchatted a picture "I have Freya here to we are so happy!" We arrived at the place and I walked in. Obviously there was paparazzi,  "Chasity Jones!" Jason Dun smiled. "Jason hi!" I smiled we hugged and smiled for pictures.

We got to the room with to microphones and we had to put head phones on. "Ready in..3..2..1" the director said. "Heeeeelllllloooo! This Famous teens and today I have the amazing Chasity Butler!" He yelled in the microphone.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so excited to be here thank you for having me!" I smiled. "No problem! It's an honor!"

"So, lets talk about your life, I mean that's what we are going to tall about but anyways I love your outfit! Your so trendy and pretty!" He complimented me. "Oh my gosh, hah thank you!" I giggled. "So, I heard you started public school is that right?"

"Yes it is." I nodded. "Why did you go back to public school?" He asked. "Well, mainly because I felt like home school was to easy and I got kinda jelous whenever my siblings came.home and had homework." I laughed.

"Wow! You are the first teenage girl I have ever heard say that!" He laughed.

I shrugged. "So, let's talk about how your career is." "Okie dokie."

"So before you started modeling for all these crazy big time clothe lines and jazz you were still famous, because your family is on youtube is that right?" He smiled. "Yes, Jason it's totally correct. The channel is called the Shaytards." I smiled.

"I have been watching and it looks like your family is crazy awesome, and you all have these nick names I know yours is Troubletard what is everyone elses? And how did you earn that name" He asked.

"Well, believe it or not I was a huge trouble maker, like I would just create trouble where ever I went, I had that rebel type attitude and that's how I earned it. And my siblings starting from oldest to youngest there is
Gavin and his is Sontard then Avia is Princesstard and Emmi her is Baby tard and the Brock is Rock tard and the youngest Daxton is Brotard."

"Wow! That's a handful!" He laughed. "Yeah yeah, it can get quite hectic." I started laughing. "I'm reading some live questions and a bunch are asking to tell some stories." He smiled.

"I mean sure." I looked at mom, "Well actually this morning I accidentally busted a hole in the wall.." I whispered. "What! Hahah! How that happened!" Jason said slapping his hand on the desk and laughing. I laughed "okay, so I had just woken uo by my siblings arguing over the tv remote and the couch is like 20 feet from a Wall and My little Brother brock.. he was holding the remote and Emmi was pulling it. They were like screaming at eachother and it's 7 in the morning and I didn't want them waking up daxton so in my head I thought I would be a good idea to grab and pull it back as far as possible until they let go." I laughed

"Spiccyy!" Jason giggled. "So I grabbed it and pulled it back and they both let go and I wasn't suspecting it and I let go and it flung backwards and created a hole." I smiled.

| 10 min later |

"So before I let you go I want to talk to you about bullying. Because you do a lot of photo shoots about bullying, you are your siblings look like they don't get bullied and because your all so beautiful and handsome and that's like the norm. What's your point of view on bullying?" He asked. Then it brought back memories.

I looked at mom, "Well I hate it, no one deserves to be bullied, everyone is beautiful my siblings never have been bullied but Gavin will get rude comments from time to time, but actually I used to get bullied, pretty bad actually. It wasn't just people like calling me ugly and stuff it would get pretty bad, I don't know If I can say this, can I say it." I asked. "Of course of course."

"Well one time I was in the school bathroom and a girl walked in. She hated my guts I don't even know why. But she shoved my head in a toilet, as embarrassing as it is, it happened I'm not ashamed or embarrassed now to say I was a victim." I smiled. "Wow, how did you deal with it?" He asked. "Well, *chuckles* I cried pretty hard but I had my family and I knew that something was wrong in there life and I just raised above them." I smiled.

Jason started clapping.

"Wow, just wow, that's amazing."

| after |

"You were amazing today!" Jason patted my back. "Thanks!"

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