Then you do them

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| Chasity |

I finished my essay and it was 6. "Dinner!" Mom yelled. I walked downstairs and sat at the table. "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy I went back to public school, I have never felt so happy." I smiled. "Yay, I'm happy for you." Dad smiled. We all sat at the table and talked about our day.

"Oh yeah Chasity, next week on Tuesday we leave for LA and we will be there 3 days, so get your work on Monday." Mom reminded me as I washed my dish. "Will do." I hugged mom and showered and got into my pjs and turned on the tv in my room and watched Dance moms until I fell alseep.

| Next day |

My alarm went off and I woke up. I turned on my bedside lamp and checked instagram and twitter and text messages. "Going to Starbucks after school with Freya you coming?" Dawn texted me. I texted back "Sure"

I got up and made my bed and got dressed

(That's what her outfit and hair is for today^)

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(That's what her outfit and hair is for today^)

I put on mascara and some lipstick. I put on my teal high top converse. I put all my homework in my bag and went to the kitchen. "Hey can you drive me today?" I asked dad. Emmi and Avia were eating food and Gavin was doing last minute homework. "Sure thing." I sat down and ate a salad with a fruit juice. I went on instagram while I ate. I posted a selfie and it blew up with likes and comments.

"Okay you ready?" Dad asked. I yawned and nodded. "Bye mom!" I grabbed my bag and headed for the car. We arrived "thanks dad" I gave him a side hug and got out. "Hey Chasity!" Random people said as I walked in.

I walked to my locker where Dawn was. "Good morning." She laughed. "Why do you always look perfect!" She laughed. I spun around "good genes I guess." I giggled.

| 1 block |

"Okay! Every one turn in there homework, if it's not in this basket in the next 15 seconds it's late!" Mrs. Prier yelled. I got up and handed in me and Dawns homework. "Man, that took 3 hours of my life." I said. "I had my brother do it." Dawn giggled. "Wow, lucky. I'm the oldest." I rolled my eyes.

| school is done |

I met up with Freya and waited for Dawn, "Ugh I have math and Chemistry homework." I complained. "Boo hoo" Freya mocked me laughing.
"Have you talked to Grayson since yesterday?" Dawn smiled walking up. "No, we didn't even talk today." I said bummed, "lets go to my house and drink hot chocolate." Freya smiled. "Sure." We all agreed. We got in her mom's car and drove to her house.

We went into her media room and drank hot chocolate. I got to caught up that I forgot all about my homework and telling my parents where I was. I looked at my phone and realized it was 6 and school got out 4 hours ago. "Oh my gosh, I have to get home! I forgot to tell my parents where I was." I panicked. "Calm down I'll have my brother take you home."

| At home |

I thanked Jason for the ride home and I tried to sneak in. "Chasity jones!" I heard dad yell. "Where have you been!"

"I was at Freyas! Honest!" I said. "You missed dinner, did you do your homework?" Dad said firmly. "No, I'll do it right now." I went to my room and changed in my pjs. And started on my homework.

I finished Chemistry and now I was on math. Which I had no idea how to do, I was to busy thinking about Grayson to pay attention. I went on my phone and posted a picture of me and Freya and Dawn. Then I got back to work.

"8:30 ugh!" I said loudly. I was on problem 8 out of 15. I hit my head on my desk. I got scratch paper and kept trying to solve them and I couldn't. "Ugh! Fuck this!" I yelled. I shoved it off my desk knocking off pencils and making a loud noise. "Shit!" I mumbled. Then Gavin came in my room. "You alright?" He asked.

"No! I can't solve these fucking problems, and I'm tired!" I blurted out. "Psh these are easy!" Gavin smiled. "If there so easy then you do them." I smirked.

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