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| Chasity |

"Hey Cami, nice to see you again!" My mom smiled. Cami is over a lot. "Hi Mrs. Butler, thanks for letting me come!" She smiled

"Come on!" We all piled in the car

It was a long drive to utah but I mostly spent it sleeping. "Wake up! We are at the hotel." Cami said shaking me. "No, go away." I was so tired. "I got her." Dad said picking me up. I was so tired I didn't even know why. We checked into the hotel I eventually got enough power to wake up.

"What time is it?" I yawned. "It's 9. You guys down for a swim?" Dad asked. Everyone jumped up and down. "You guys go, I'm gonna hang back. I feel kinda sick." I moaned grabbing my stomach. "I'll stay back with her." Mom said. She felt my forehead "No fever."

| Cami pov |

I got in a swim suit and I ran down to the pool with Avia Emmi Gavin and Brock. We got in the elevator "We are all heading down to the pool, Cami joined us. Chasity wasn't feeling to hot and mom stayed back with her. Hopefully she will be feeling better by tomorrow." Shay vlogged. Then we got to the pool. There were a couple people, but I guess we scared them off.

| Chasity |

"Want to watch a movie?" Mom asked. "Sure, I might fall asleep." I yawned

| Next day |

I woke feeling so much better. I guess I got car sick or something. My family wasn't even awake yet. But I woke up Cami "Cami wake up." I shook her. "Yes ma'm!" She shot up. She does that every time someone wakes her up. "Ugh, what time is it?" She moaned "7:30 hurry up I have to train, they have a sick gym set up." I smiled.

| 5 hours later |

Where are at my match when I start feeling sick again. I take out my mouth guard I have 20 min before I go on. "Joey, I'll be right back I need to find a bathroom." I said hoping I don't look sick. I move through everyone and finally find a bathroom. I took off my head gear and I pull down my pants and start to pee.

Then I notice it.
My period.
"No no no no no no!! Why now!" I whisper. There is a another person next to me and I get enough courage to say "do you have a pad or tampon?" I ask. "Yeah." She hands me a pad. I put it on and pull up my pants. I wash my hands and frantically run to find my mom.

"Mom! Mom!" I freak out I grab her hand and pull her aside. "Baby? What's wrong?" She says putting her hands on my shoulders. Dad looks at me with concern. "I-i- got my period and I'm freaking out!" I whispered in her ear. "Do you need a pad?" Mom asked. "No I asked some random person for one." I almost started crying at the amount of pain I'm in.

I might actually lose this match. "CHARLIE BUTLER TO THE RING!" The guy said on the speaker. "Got to go." I hugged everyone and they wished me good luck . They sat in the front bleachers. "Okay Charlie, focus on Low blows and blows, and haymakers!" Joey said. I got in the ring and started bob and weaving. I had to put everything aside.

I look staright into my components eyes. "FIGHT!" The refree yelled blowing the whistle. I didn't waste any time. I did a right corner and punched her super hard. I did a leg stack and tripped her. I finished her off with a haymaker. I layer down on top of her as she struggled to get up. The refree counted and then slammed the floor.


Two more.

I bob and weaved. "FIGHT!" I didn't get the first hit. She did a haymaker right in my ribs. "FOUL!" the refree yelled. I fell and started screaming. I hit the floor indicating I needed a timer. If a player injures another player and it's counted as a foul the player that got hurt gets a 5 minute timer (I made that up haha savage)

Joey came and picked me up out of the rings and brought me into the locker room. We're there were nurses.
|3 min |

"Bruised ribs" they told me. "I'm fine." I got up and walked back out. I looked at the giant tv that showed me. This is on TV for teen boxers.

I got back into the ring and joey gave me water. "Charlie, you sure your okay? Just make sure you hold up those hands. Do more round house kicks and up blows then do a haymaker and jump on top of her and you win." Joey said super fast. Then the refree blowed his whistle indicating it's time. I shook my head and got on the ring.

This is the last round.


I wasted no time pumbling the girl. I went for a high blow she grabbed my wrist and flipped me over and she landed on my wrist. I winced in pain but didn't let me stop. I am staying undefeted. I got up and haymaker her in the stomach then just punched her repeatedly. She gave up and hit the floor three times herself. I kept hitting her with my probably broken wrist and broken rib after she fucking jumped on me.

The refree pulled me off. She and I stood up and and refree was in the middle of us. "THE WINNER IS CHARLIE BUTLER!" the refree raised my hand and I tried to jump up and down but couldn't because it hurt to bad. I got the trophy and then walked off the ring and found joey. "She fucking broke my wrist, I can feel and see it. I can't breathe." I panicked Joey picked me up and my mom and dad ran towards me.

"Chasity are you okay? You never run off the ring like that!" Dad said. Joey continued to carry me to the locker room. Where the nurses examined me and agreed it was best for me to go to the emergency room.

Joey sat in the ambulance with me well mom and dad followed.

| l8ter |

I woke up and I had a black cast on. "So I'm guessing it's broken?" I moaned. "Yup, you only need this cast on for a month. No boxing." Mom said firmly. I rolled my eyes. "Not fair." I was super upset.

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