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| Chasity |

"Chasity, what did you see when you opened the car door?" Dad asked. I looked in the distance. "Chasity! Are you okay!?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, Emmi could of died today. I could of died today."

"What did you see? I need to decide if you will need therapie." Dad said.

"I went up to the car and moved some branches, I opened the door and there-there was glass in his head, it went all the way through." (a/n writing this part makes my head hurt omg)

"Chasity, you are so brave, so caring, I'm so glad your my daughter." Dad hugged me and we walked into the house. "Where is emmi?" I asked. "I'm right here Chasity." She giggled. I grabbed her arm pulling her into a hug. "You listen to me right now, you could of gotten yourself killed. Don't ever let go of my hand or mom or dad or Avia or Gavin or Daxton or brock. If I lost you I would not be able to live with myself." I hugged her and kissed her cheek profusely.

"Okay, I need to be alone and set up." I went outside and sat on the swings.

"Why am I a hero? I did what any one would of done. I jumped in front of a car to save my sister, then I went to the car and got the child, I'm not a fucking hero." I yelled at myself. I set up the tables and everything. I got some couches that we had from moving alot. And put them outside.

| Middle of the night |

"Tragedy strucks 10 million people as  Emmi Laurie Butler hit by a car. She died the following day. She had internal bleeding and fractured spine, brain damage, paralysis." It said all over news paper and magazines. Pictures of Emmi bleeding and in the hospital. "Chasity Jones Butler gone missing the same day Emmi Passed. She was kidnapped from her bedroom."

I shot up from my bed crying. I started hyperventilating. I looked at my trembling hands and slowly got up from my bed. I looked at the time and it was 5:00 am. I looked around and out my hand to my chest. I left my room and walked to mom and dad's room. I turned on the light and they rose up. Mom rubbed her eyes. And looked at me. "Come here baby." Mom held out her arms and I sat on her lap. "It was just a dream, just a dream." Dad said as mom rocked me. "It- it wasn't a dream!" I cried. "Emmi died! And I was kidnapped and..and emmi was bloody and it was my fault! I didn't save her!" I cried. I was having a panic attack. "The walls the-there closing in!" I yelled trembling.  Mom laid me down on the bed and got a cold rag she put it on my forehead.

| 1 hour later |

I fell asleep and I wasn't going to school obviously, I couldn't do it.

Mom and dad woke up so I automatically woke up with them. I went into Avias room. "Wake up sunshine. Last day of school!" I smiled. Avia rose up and I hugged her and kissed her forehead.

Then I went to Gavins room. "Gavin.. baby boy, wake up I rubbed and patted his back. Then I hugged him.

Then I went to Emmis room. "My youngest sister, princess wake up." I lifted her up but her eyes weren't opening. "Emmi?" I panicked. I shook her, "Emmi wake up!" I started to cry. I lifted up her shirt to see if I could see a heart beat. I couldn't see her chest rise. "EMMI!" I completely yelled. "MOM! DAD!" I screamed.

"MOM!! DAD!" I screamed even louder. I went into emmis closet looking for her inhaler. "it won't work she is dead!" A voice in my head said. "What what!" Dad yelled. "EMMI! SHE WONT WAKE UP AND I CANT FIND A PULSE!" I panicked. Mom pulled out her phone and called 911. I saw the camera and grabbed it. Mom and dad where in Emmis room as I rocked back and forth. "Guys, you want to see what happens in our life, right now emmi isn't waking up, and we can't Find a pulse!" I cried showing my face on camera. "I tried to wake her up for school, and she wouldn't we called 911 and they are on there way. I have to go."

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