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| Chasity |

"Mom, I need you to sign this." I smiled hiding the top part where it says "Eastern Idaho Middle school Sex Ed"

"What did you do?" She laughed. "Nothing, but It's for science. Uh tomorrow we're learning about sex. Then we have to watch a video of a women giving birth (yes, I had to to that.)" I explained.  "Wow, I actually would you rather not. Me and your father will talk to you about it." I was actually happy. It's going to same me the awkwardness in class. So she signed for me not to participate.  "But mom I do have a question." I said sitting down at the bar. Emmi walks in right as I ask. "What's a vibrator?" Mom nearly spit out the food she was eating while she made dinner. "I will tell you after dinner. But where did you hear that?" She asked. "Some kids selling them saying have the best weekend ever!" I didn't buy one. You would think I would know but I dont.

Mom breathed in "after dinner." I nodded and ran to go do my homework. I got out my math and I didn't pay attention in class so I don't know what to do. So I'll go in early tomorrow. So I got out U.S. History.

"When was the declaration of independence signed? And who had the biggest signature?" I read out loud. "Oh my gosh. I feel so stupid I don't know." I actually got embarrassed. I grabbed my homework and ran to mom "where's dad?" I asked. "Studio" I opened the front door and ran to the Studio. Before I opened the door I heard dad on the phone.

"Mom, we have to go to Chasity max! I don't care how embarrassing it may be for you. But you love her! She is my princess! I don't care that she wants to a professional boxer!" Dad raged then hung up. "I'm an embarrassment?" I whispered. I immediately started to cry. I ran down to the house and ran into the house and slammed the door. "IM DONE WITH BOXING! IM AN EMBARRASSMENT!" I yelled sobbing.

"What?! Chas! What do you mean? You are no way at all an embarrassment!" Mom said running to me. "I over heard dad's coversation he was talking to grandmom!" I cried. "Baby girl, come here. You are not an embarrassment at all! I think boxing is an amazing skill to have! Your determined, you are going to keep boxing. Your amazing my baby girl." Mom said. She makes me feel so much better.

"Thanks mom. But I need to do my homework. I left it outside the studio." I wiped my tears "oh and can I go to the gym today? I need to practice up punching. Not my strongest."
"Sure baby, finish your homework first." I hugged mom and ran up the hill. I grabbed my homework and knocked on the door. "Uh, dad, c-can you help me with my homework?" I asked. "Sure. Take a seat."

|At gym |

"Joey! I almost killed a girl today! She freaking kept calling me a dyke! And I'm NOT a dyke!" I yelled punching and kicking joey.

We stood in the ring. I head my head gear on and my mouth guard in. I had my gloves on. I first hit Joey with the blow. Then I went with haymaker. I punched Joey he fell backwards. I started to Bob and Weave. "Good one!" He said getting up. We were both panting. "Good work today. Tomorrow is Friday and Saturday is your match. Don't come in tomorrow I want you well rested. Your undefeted. Remember that." Joey said as we took off all our gear. Then my dad pulled up. I ran out to the car and got in. "Today was awesome! I did a haymaker!" I said super excited.

"Amazing!" Dad smiled.

I got home and showered and mom and dad came in my room.

Then closed the door and came in. "So earlier you asked mom what a vibrator is. We have given you the sex talk before. But you don't know some things still. We wait for you to ask, because you are one of the those kids who doesn't know something you will ask."
"That is very true. So what is it?" I asked.
"Well its something used for pleasure. Sexual pleasure."

We had a good talk because I just kept asking questions. Until my parents had to cut it off because it was past my bedtime.

| Next day |

Mom came in a woke me up. I went into my closet and picked out a black shirt that says proper and I put on white pants with adidas originals.  I put my hair up in a high pony with winged eye liner. I made sure my bag was packed so right when we all got home we could go to utah.

| school |

"Hey!" I said catching up to Cami.  "Hey girlie!" We hugged. "What are you doing this weekend?" She asked me. "I have a match in utah." I smiled. "Oh oh oh! Can I go!" She smiled. "Totally! We are leaving right after school, so you can just barrow some of my clothes." I smiled. "Yay!"

"Can I barrow your phone to ask my mom?" I asked. "Sure." She handed me her phone and I dialed it. "Awe, is the dyke going to have a sleepover with dyke 2?" James laughed. I handed Cami her phone. "What the FUCK did you just say to me?" I spat at James.
"You heard me. Whatcha gonna do? Princess?" I grabbed his shirt and threw him to the ground and got on top of him and started punching the shit out of him. "CHASITY! STOP IT!" Cami yelled. He got one punch at me causing my nose to bleed. Then a teacher came and ripped me off of him. Then let me go. "FUCKING BASTARD!" I yelled running back to him.
  Then 4 more teachers came and held me.

The police officers that parole our school put me hand cuffs because I kept trying to run to James. They walked me down to the principals office. "Chasity Jones Butler! What were you thinking!?" Mrs. Nether said. "He kept calling me a dyke! Then he made fun of my best friend, ooh then he freaking called my princess!" I almost yelled.
"I see you almost every week, for either shoving food down someone pants or fighting. I'm going to let this slide." She sighed. "If this happens one more time I'm expelling you. Now go to last class."

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