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| Chasity |

"Come on babe, you just have to pick happiness." Dad said hugging me. I was crying and it was not the time for him to say that.

"Dad! I don't think you understand! I can't box! NEXT WEEK WAS TRY OUT FOR START REGIONALS! I CANT DO IT ANYMORE!" I yelled I started sobbing. Later today we had Carlie and Jacksons anniversary. Big deal they have married for a year oh well.

"Chasity! Get ready to go to the party!" Mom yelled through my door. "I don't want to go!" I yelled back. "Open the door." I moped and answered the door. "Why don't you want to go?" Mom asked. She sat down next to me. "Well, I just yelled st dad, broke my wrist yesterday and FYI I just got my period and I just want to sit in bed all day and SLEEP!" I moaned. "Being a girl Is difficult."

Mom laughed. "Come on you'll have fun." I rolled my eyes "fine. But I'm not wearing a pad. Those are disgusting. I'd rather not sit in my v-blood" I laughed.

Mom got up and left. I grabbed a pair of blue jeans a nice shirt and a panty liner. Then I ran into moms bathroom where she left me some tampons.

I breathed in a kinda freaked out. I stuck it in me but immediately took it out. "Ow!" I whispered. "That fucking hurt! People do this regularly?!"

I kept trying but wasn't successful. At this point I was getting so mad.

"Yo Chasity! Hurry up! We are late we are waiting on you!" Avia yelled pounding on the door. "Just get mom!" I yelled on the other side of the door. I heard her sigh.

"Yes babe?" Mom said softly. "I can't do it! It hurts to bad." I moaned. "Just use a pad, we are late."

I used a pad then I walked out. "It's about time." Dad laughed. "Ugh whatever can we just go?" I rolled my eyes. "What up with the sass?" Dad mocked me. "Shay she just got her period." Mom bluntly said. "Mom! Really?!" I said agitated.

| at Carlies |

We walked in 20 minutes late. All my cousins were running around outside and Emmi, Avia, Gavin, and Brock went to join them and I stayed inside with grandma and grandpa and great grandma and Carlie and Jackson, Casey and kayli and Logan.

I was in such a bad mood "finally! What took forever?" Carlie said hugging mom and dad. "Well, my eldest princess got he period and she was trying to use a tampon." Dad said to everyone to hear. "Why don't we tell the fans as well, considering you both decided to tell everyone!" Raised my voice. Everyone laughed. I ran outside. "Wait! Take the camera and vlog!" Dad said handing me the camera and I took it.

"Hey guys it me troubletard or Chasity you can call me whatever. But we're at Carlie and Jackson house for there one year anniversary party, and all the kids are playing outside. To what seems they are playing Sharks out of water." I smiled fakely then turned the camera on everyone. Then I turned it back on me. I walked back inside the house. "Carlie, Jackson have anything to say for being married for one year?" I asked.

They ignored me. "Oh well, that happens a lot. Actually dad cut that part out its embarrassing."
I ran upstairs and went into the guest room. "you guys are probably wondering why I'm not down stairs with everyone well that's because I'm the oldest sibling/ cousin out of 9 kids. And they get annoying." I chuckled.

"But, you guys can see I have a cast. I broke my wrist in boxing. My component flipped me over and then she landed on my wrist and broke it. But I kept fighting as you saw in last vlog. But I knew that girl, she doesn't like me. She broke my wrist on purpose so I couldn't try out for nationals so she could win." I started to get super mad I started to cry and the end then I stopped vlogging and put the camera down.

I pulled my knees into my chest and started sobbing. I stopped crying and went downstairs everyone was outside, dad and Jackson were bbqing and everyone else was just talking and having a good time.

I was thirsty so I went into the fridge and I saw some beer. I always wondered what they tasted like. So I grabbed like 3. The I ran out front and sat on the porch. I kept drinking the beer and it was actually pretty good. I chugged them super fast so
I was pretty drunk.

"Chasity?" I heard a guy say. I looked up and it was Tanner. "O-o-o hahaha hi." I laughed. "Have you been drinking?" He asked. "Psh no." Then I stood up but I kept falling. "Well, it looks like your party just got wrecked, your mom and dad are coming outside." He said. "Oh *hiccup* shit." I had managed to get all the way by the cars. Tanner helped me up. "Mr and Mrs. Butler, I found Chas drinking beer and she is pretty drunk." Tanner said.

"Oh my gosh, thank you Tanner." Then my dad carried me and Tanner left. "Have you no decency!" Dad said angrily.

| 1 week later |

I have been grounded until I get my cast off. But I really liked the feeling of being drunk. No worries or anything. Right now it's the middle of the night and my friends are having a party that I'm missing. But you know me. I'm troubletard. So I got up and put on an a gray crop top with black ripped jeans (picture up there^)
A red flannel black bikes and did my make up. I locked my door and grabbed my wallet and opened my window and left.

I got to my friends house and she lives on 5 acres so there are no pesky neighbors around. The music was so loud I could hear it outside of the house. I walked in and found Emma. "Ay Emma!"

"Look who it is off the grid Chasity Jones!" She yelled "haha yup" I said popping out the p. "Hit me up with some beers!" I screamed and she got me a beer.

"The other is gripping your thigh! Pull up skirt! Get in the ride!" I yelled singing along with the music while me and my friends are grinding on each other. I was super drunk at this point. Then we turned around to each other. Then her lips came crashing into mine.

We made out. My hands play fully messed with her ass and she messed around with my boobs.

"Shit! I gotta go, I have school tomorrow!" I yelled as I smoked a blunt. "Don't leave now babe." My friend said whispering in my ear. I Laughed I'm not gay. It just drunken make out session. "Eh, I gotta make out with a guy before I leave." I giggled. I found a guy and started grinding on him.

Before I knew it we were heading upstairs just smoking and drinking. I also did some coke.

It lasted for maybe 30 min but I really had to go. Low behold who do I see. Carlie with Logan. "Dear god dear god dear god." I fast walked past them but Logan grabbed me. "What on fucking earth are you doing here?!" He said firmly. "It's a damn good thing we have faithful viewers, they saw you here and dm Carlie on twitter." Logan said angrily.

I just started giggling. "Woah woah calm down." I laughed. "No, get in this car I'm taking you home!" Logan yelled. "Stop! Stop touching me!" As Logan shoved me into the car.

It was long drive home but not really. It just felt long. I was so high and so drunk I couldn't even walk. I don't remember anything, except waking up the next morning.

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