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"I'll be heading off now. Take care at school." I announced as I was walking down the stairs.

"Seunghyun-ah.. take care of your sister and don't skip classes." I ruffled his hair.

"Listen to your oppa, ara?" I kissed her forehead. "Take care at school."

"Ne unni." "Ne noona" they said at the same time.

I hailed a cab and went to work.

Until now, Dara unni's words still haunts me. It's like her personality turned 360°.

Does that what Minji means that 'don't get into her nerves'? Because if that's what I think it is, then I better get myself into a safer zone if I want to keep my job.

I arrived at the company faster than I thought. Maybe because my mind's too preoccupied right now that I lose the track of time.

I paid my fare and went inside.

I greeted Minji and Taehyun as I went pass their area. They smiled and greeted me back.

I sat down on my area and started working immediately to wash away all the thoughts that's been bugging me.

Hours have passed and my mind now is totally into what I've been doing, which is a good thing for me.

"A cup of Good Morning to my dearest friend." A voiced can be heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Dara unni. Or should I say Sandara?

"Oh! Annyeong unni!! Good morning! See we're having a good time today, huh?"

"You said it. Why would I risk my beauty for crying at useless reasons, right?" She placed a coffee on my table and sipped hers.

"Glad to hear that."

"But you know..." she started. I looked at her, waiting for her next words.

"Everything I told you yesterday... I mean it. That bitch won't have Jiyong that easily. I promise that I'll make every time she has with him a living hell." Her scary side showed up again.

I don't know what to respond. Hearing those words already makes me feel that my doom's day is near.

"Chaerin-ah.." she calmed down again.


"Can you do me a little favor?"

I hesitated on whether to agree or not because I don't know what she wants me to do for her. "Uhm.. ne."

She smiled. "Can you help me find out who that bitch is?"


"I know that what I'm asking you is kinda hard to do, but as a friend, can you do that for me?"


"Please??" She batted her eyelashes at me. "All you have to do is secretly follow Jiyong to see if he really replaced me for a nobody."

"B-but.. unni... don't you think that's kinda bit too far? I mean.. you want me to invade his privacy without his consent." I reasoned out.

"I know. That's what I want you to do."

"Unni.... I don't think I can do it."

"Of course you can. Do it for me, Chae. Please?" She looked at me like how Puss In Boots looks at someone when he needs something.

But how can I do it when the person she wants me to find out is I myself?

Is she really desperate for him? Does she loves him that much for her to be able to do these?

My gosh!!! Love really can make you do stupid things.

"So... can you?"

"Uhhmm.. I'll t-try. I can't promise you anything unni."

She smiled so wide and hugged me. "Thank you so much~~ I don't know what to do without you."

This can't be happening.



A brand new day for Kwon Jiyong.

I got up from bed, did my morning routines, went to work and go home after several hours . That's probably my life. It's so dull.

But not anymore.

I don't know why, but I feel like I've been born again as a different person that those things that bores me before are now the things that excites me.

Is it because I got a new inspiration to make me see things in a different perspective?

Or is it because I'm already free from the things that cages me before?

Or is it both?

I never thought that breaking up would me this satisfying.


After I visited Chaerin at their house, I quickly fished my phone from my pocket and dialled.

"Can we meet up? The usual place. I'll be there in twenty." Then I hung up and started driving.

I came sooner as I predicted. I got out of the car and leaned on it.

I observed my surroundings while waiting for her.

After ten minutes, I saw a car that looks like hers going near me.

She parked it opposite of mine and got out of there after a few moments.

She immediately saw me the moment she lookes around. She's only wearing her house clothes.

She went to me and pecked my lips. She looked at me smiling but I'm not. I just looked at her with a blank face that made her smile disappear and replace it with worry.

She cupped my face and we locked eyes. "Is there something wrong? You never call me at this hour for nothing."


"Are you sick? Are your parents sick? Did dad do something to you? Are you going far away again for a long time?" She bombarded me with questions with a very worry tone.

I grabbed her hands that's on my face and put it down.

I sighed. "Ije geumanhaja. (Let's stop now.)" I said sternly


"Let's break up." I repeated.

She froze at my words. Her eyes looking at mine, finding something that proves me I'm lying.

"I can't continue this anymore. I'm not happy anymore. I'm sorry."

I let go of her hands and kissed her forehead. "I'll be heading home now. You should too. Drive safely."

Those are my last words for her before I left her there.


And so right now, I feel like a really brand new person.

I got inside of car, my body is so excited that it can't stay still.

I never felt like this before. I've never been so excited to go work.

Today's the day that I'll make the person that causes me to be like this mine.

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