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Jiyong, even though a little drunk, managed himself to distance away from me and stood up straight.

"Have a great night, huh?" She smiled at us but I know it's obviously fake.

"Yeah... our past clients invited us for some drink and he got a little more drink than he can take." I reasoned out but I'm looking at Harin and Seunghyun instead of her. I'm to do a mental telepathy with those two.

"Oh.. so he's going to stay for the night here?"

"Huh? A-ani... I'm just going to make him rest for a few hours then let him go home." I sighed, "Anyway.. what makes you here?"

"Uhh.. nothing.. I just thought you're free tonight to hangout, but I guess you're not. Oh well, I better should get going now." She stood up. "Bye Chae."

"Bye unni. Go home safe."

She smiled and walked towards the door.

And I thought that's the end of it.

But I spoke too soon.

She walked back to us.

And kissed Jiyong on the cheeks. "Bye Ji." She smirked then finally left my house.

What the fuck?!

How dare she?!


My insides immediately got furious just by that action of hers. I looked at Jiyong and he looked dumbfounded at the incident that just happened.

But I know that even he himself wasn't aware of what's bound to happen, so I don't have any rights to get mad at him.

But I am surely mad at her.

That's it. No more Miss Nice Girl.

"Let's rest." My thoughts were interrupted by Jiyong's voice. I just nodded at him then I took him to the guest room.

"Good night. Just call me if you need something, kay? My room's just at the end of the hallway." I kissed his forehead then stood up from the bed.

"Gajima." He held my wrist, making stop at my tracks. "Can you please stay with me?"


"Please? I know you're somewhat mad about what happened down there and I'm sorry for not doing anything about it, but---"

"Ji, it's fine. Plus, you're not in your stable state so I understand." I cut him off.

"Still... I know you're mad. Just.. stay with me. I don't want to be alone in this room. What if there are ghosts in here?" He pouted which is so fucking cute whenever he does that.

"Don't be so childish, Jiyong. There aren't. Sleep. You need it."

"I won't. Not until you sleep with me."

"Gosh, Kwon Jiyong. Why so stubborn?"

"Fine. I'll just go home then." He stood up and grabbed his belongings.

"Ugh! Alright alright! I'll sleep here"

"Assa!" He cheered like a five-year old boy.

"But I'm warning you. No funny business around here, Mr. Kwon."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He patted the empty space of the bed beside him. "Come here."

"I'll take a shower first and change."

"Want me to join you?"


He chuckled. "Just kidding."

I left him and went to my own room and did what I tell him what I'm going to do.

After half an hour, I went back to him. I thought that at this moment, he's already asleep, but I thought wrong.

"Why aren't you still sleeping?" I crossed my arms on my chest.

"I told you, I'm not sleeping until you sleep with me."

"Aishh~~ stubborn."

"But you love me."

"I don't think so."

"Oh really?"

I nodded. "Uh-huh"

He stood up and stopped infront of me. "Really?"

"Yup. Go back to bed." I pushed him away from me.

But he grabbed my wrist and we fell down on the bed together, me on top of him. I tried getting up but he tied his arms around my waist, making me not able to move.


"Shhh.. I like this." He cut my sentence off.

Since I won't be going anywhere for I assume for a few more minutes, I just made myself comfortable.

He then looked at me, straight in the eyes, looking into my soul. I raised my eyebrow at him, "what?"

He smiled. "Nothing. I just want to look at you. I seldom have a chance to be this close to you so I want to savor the moment until it lasts."

He caressed my cheeks, "You look more beautiful up close, don't you know?"

My cheeks started to heat up because of his statements.

"You're blushing. Cute."

"No I'm not!"

"Denying? It's already obvious babe."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes at him but I only heard teasing chuckles from him. "Are we going to sleep or not?"

"We can sleep right now."

"In this position? Tsk. I don't think so mister."

"Alright." He released me and I quickly stood up, afraid that he might cage me again in his arms, though I don't mind.

We laid properly on the bed, my back facing him.

He snaked him arm on my waist again then pulled me closer. I can feel his face so close to me. "Babe?" He suddenly whispered



"Huh? For what?"

"For everything."

"I think I must be the one thanking you."


"I know what you did today. Your sister told me."

"Oh... that's nothing. I did that because you're special to me, really special."

I shifted my position so I'm now facing him. "Really?"


"How special?" I teased.

"So special that I do things I never thought I can do."


"And special enough to do this." He smiled at me and before I process everything, he leaned in and our lips connected.

And at this moment, I know that we'll have a very long long night tonight.

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