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His birthday celebration continues. He introduced me to each and every person in the venue. In my observation, they all look kind.

Harin and Seunghyun, being not so sociable with newly met people, sat on their table with Jiyong's family.

He surely loved by many. I mean, looked at this. This party wouldn't be this grand if he and his family isn't like this. All of them are very kind to everyone although you might think they're a snob as your first impression.

"Hey..." Jiyong called my attention.


"Doing fine in here?"

"Yeah, of course. Everybody's nice to you."

"And now they all already know you, expect them to treat you the same." He pecked my lips. "Want some drink?"


"Good. Because I want one too."

"Ya~ don't make drinking a habit, ara?"

"Yes, boss!" He stood straight and saluted which made me chuckle.

"Let's just go."

We went to the mini bar they rented located inside the venue. He ordered drinks for us since I don't any.

"I was thinking...."

I looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Let's go on a vacation."


"You know.... you, me, my family and yours."



"How about we visit your parents? Where are they again? Japan, right? Or is it France?"

"Actually, even I, don't know. They don't stay too long in a place. They always travel. One day they're in Japan, the next, in France. That's why the three of us decided to just wait for them to go back in Seoul." I said as I took a sip of my beverage. He just nodded and did the same.

"That's a bummer."

"I know right. I already miss th---"

"How come I wasn't invited?" I got cut off by someone's voice behind us. We both turned around and we're both got surprised as we did.

"Why are you here?" He stood up and faced her.

"You sent an invitation to dad. And since he can't come, he told me to go instead." She explained. "How could you?! You invited him but not me? Heck, you even invited her here!" She pointed at me.

Oh it's on!

"Y---" Jiyong signalled me to stop talking.

"Your dad is a good friend of ours, that's why. And so what if I invited her? She's my girlfriend anyway." He blurted out.



"No Chae.. it's time to let this creep know." He cut me off.

"I knew it." She muttered. "I knew you two are hiding something. Guess you can't hide it anymore, can you?"

"And you..." she pointed at me. "You're the cause of our breakup, you whore."

"What th----"

"Shut it Dara! She has nothing to do with this. I broke up with you because everything is a lie ever since we became a couple."

"Wh-- what did you say?"

"You heard it right. I don't love you. Never did I. It was all because of a stupid agreement, don't you get it?!"

"Of course I know that agreement, dummy. I was there too, you know."

"Then why are you acting like this?"

"Because I love you, what part of it don't you understand?! Don't you think that through those four fucking years of us being together I won't feel something for you, huh?!"


Their voices are somewhat getting louder. Good thing there's no people but us in this area at this time.

The atmosphere is really awkward for me. I stood there listening to their fuss. I can't interject because I don't have a single idea what they're talking about and even if I do, I bet Jiyong won't let me speak.

"Guess you really don't."

"You're making no sense Dara."

"Oh, am I?! When you're the one who replaced me this... this..." she eyed me from head to toe. "...this trash."

"What did you say?!" This time, I won't just shut up and pretend that nothing's happening

"Trash. Why? Want me to say it again, huh? Trash.

"Oh.. you didn't just call me that."

"Sorry to burst your bubble because I already did."

"You piece of-----" I was about to strangle her if it wasn't for Jiyong who stopped me.

"What would you do, huh? Let me remind you, you're working for my dad's company which is technically also mine. Aren't you scared of getting fired?" She crossed her arms on her chest. Wait... are there any?

"Tsk. I don't need work, dear. I have more money than you." I retorted.

"Then why are you working? Oh~ I get it... to steal someone's boyfriend."

"Ya! Could you cut it out?!" Jiyong suddenly shouted. "She never stole me from you. I let you go. I should've done a long time ago but I just can't think of any way to do it until she came. She gave me the courage to do it. This is why I didn't invite you. Now, if you won't be doing anything good here, might as well leave. You're ruining my party."

"Just like that? Aren't you even going to tell me something?"

"Oh yeah.. I do." I looked at him and I saw him being too serious.

What is this guy thinking about?

"Goodbye." He then smiled.

"What?! Remember this day... I'm not yet done with you two. Especially you Chaerin." She stomped her feet then fled off.

He chuckled at his act while I just standing there, looking at him.

He looked at me seconds after, dumbfounded at my expression. "Hey... what's wrong? Don't say that those words get into you. Look at me... you're nothing like that, you know that, I know that. She's just being nonsense."

"I know that. I already saw that coming. It's not what I'm worried about."

"Then what?"

"You. She ruined your birthday. And I'm sure she won't stop. I can quit from work because until I'm gone, she won't stop, but how about you?"

He cupped my cheeks and looked at me in the eyes. "Don't worry about me, Chae. I can take care of myself. We're both safe as long as we're together." He kissed me on the lips and pulled away immediately.

"You're my ride or die, baby. No one can hurt us. You and me against the world."

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