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I locked the door after Minho bid his goodbye. To be honest, him kissing my forehead is out of my expectation. I never thought he'd perform that act.

I never dislike it. But I didn't like it either.

Not like before.

He must've thought that I'll still feel the same where butterflies' having a party on my stomach when he did that.

But not anymore. Even if I wanted to.


Huh? Who could it be?

I assume that it's Minho.

I went to door and opened it.

"Did you forget som---"

I was cut off of something unexpected.

My eyes kept open as I was looking at him. His lips was still in contact with mine as he slowly pushed me inside my room. He stopped pushing me when my back finally leaned on the wall, trapping me between his body and the wall.

His left hand stayed on my face while the other's leaning on the wall, sturdying him.

Moments have passed and I slowly got drowned into the kissed so I crawled my arms around his neck and responded to the kiss.

I still have no idea what's happening but I know one thing....

I like it.

After I don't know how long, he pulled away then we stared into each other's eyes.

"Chaerin-ah..." he muttered my name. As soon as he spoke, I already smell the scent of alcohol.

Then it hit me.

"Jiyong, you're drunk."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are. Oh my god... what were you thinking?" I asked him.


I slightly panicked with that just happened. "This is wrong. This is wrong."

"But you responded to me." He blurted, smirk is visible on his face.

I know I did, but even I myself, don't know why I did.


"See? I know you like it."

"You know what? You're talking nonsense. You're just drunk." I tried to push him towards the exit, but he stood his ground. "Go back to your room, Jiyong. I don't have the energy to deal with your stubborness right now."

"No." He said full of authority in his voice. "I'm not drunk." He continued.

"Don't give me that bullshit, Jiyong. It's so obvious that you are."

"How can you say that?" He asked like he's challenging me.

I disregard his question and I pursued on getting him out of my hotel room.

But he's to strong for me.

"Kwon Jiyong, for the last fucking time, get out now or els--"

"Or else what? You'll call your little superhero Minho to come and save you? Psssh... go ahead."

Anger rose in me. "What the heck is wrong with you?! Don't you dare involve Minho in this. He doesn't do anything to you!"

He clicked his tongue. "That's what you think."


He chuckled. "Can't you see?! Ever since that Minho came, you're always out with him. You may be forgetting why you're here in the first place."

"And what does that have to do with you?!"

"You're here to work, not to flirt."

"Why do you care anyway? You have no rights to tell me what to do and who to hangout with!" I fought back.

"You should be thankful that care for you. At least your siblings won't worry alot about you."

"Oh.. thank you." I said, full of sarcasm and flashed him a fake smile.

"I'm not dumb, Chaerin. I know you're mocking me right now."


"I told I'm not drunk. Whatever I said or happened today, I swear, I'll remember it tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Jiyong. Get out now."

"Arasseo. Arasseo." Phew!! At last, he cooperate.

He walked normally towards the door and he opened it, me following behind.

I'm not paying any attention to him as we walk to the door because I know that he'll finally leave my premises, and that's all I'm concerned right now.

I suddenly stopped when he didn't move. My focused went to him as he turned around.

I raised my eyebrow at him, wondering what it is this time.

He just smiled at me then he quickly pecked my lips.

"Goodnight, Chaerin-ah. See you tomorrow!" Then he went out and closed the door.

What the hell did just happen?


Morning came. I dunno if I'll go to work today or not.

I'm still not ready to see Jiyong after what happened last night.

Maybe I can lie and tell them that I'm not feeling well today so that I won't go to work today. Yeah~~~ that's great!

But it would be so childish if I do. I mean, it's just a goddamn kiss. Plus, he's drunk. Really drunk. I won't believe him that he'll remember even a single word he said to me.

Well... I decided to change into an office outfit.

"Good morning, Chae!"

I turned around and saw Minho walking towards me. "Oh! G'morning Minho."

"You have any plans later tonight? Maybe we could go visit the amusement park?"

"Uhh. Of c---"

"Nope! She's with me tonight!" Someone cut me off from behind.

I turned around again and saw Jiyong walking towards us.

He then slung his arm around my shoulders. "We already have a plan."

I face him with a 'we do?' face.

"Ohh... I see. Maybe tomorrow we can---"

"Still no." He cut him off. "We already plans for tomorrow and the day after that and the day after. In fact, we have planned it out until the day we leave France. So... you can't hangout with her anymore." He told him with a sassy tone.

"Is that so?" He sounded upset. Who wouldn't be? You're asking someone to hangout with you then someone interrupts you and tells you that you can't in a way that'll intimidate you.

"Well... guess I'll just see you around here. Call me if you need me." He bowed to us then left.

"Don't worry... she won't." He sternly said while Minho continued walking.

I yanked his arms from my shoulders. I look at him dead in the eyes.

He looked at like he doesn't know what the hell he did. "What?"

"Tsk. Now you're acting dumb."

"I'm not. I'm just telling him the truth."

"Truth?! Truth?! Where the fuck is the truth there? I barely even remember us talking about hanging out, hell I don't expect to."

"But I remember what happened last night." He smirked at me.

WHAT?! °□°

"Surprised?! Told you I'm not drunk."

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