The Boys Embarrass Him During An Interview- Luke Hemmings

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Imagine: The boys embarrass him during an interview/Luke Hemmings

Luke's P.O.V.

"Alright babe, the we're getting ready to go on for our interview so I'll call you afterwards. I love you," I smiled as I hung up my phone after being on the line with Y/N for a good ten minutes. She called to ask what channel the interview would be on since she wanted to watch it live instead of recording it and watching it later.

When they called us up we could hear the crowd cheering as we made our way in the view of the cameras. All of us squeezed together on a tiny couch and was greeted by Jimmy Fallon. (I love him.)

"It's finally nice to have you boys on the show," he started off, "what's it like touring? Surely it takes a toll on you."

"I hate being away from family and my computer," Michael answered, making the crowd laugh.

"What's it like being on tour? Luke always takes my underwear, Michael yells a lot, and Calum wakes me up early to go eat breakfast," Ashton added.

"I don't always take your underwear. Sometimes I take Michael's." I laughed while Michael gave me a disgusted look.

Calum groaned, "Oh, don't forget that Ashton has to record almost everything."

Ashton just gasped and put his hand over his heart. Jimmy was just sitting back eating popcorn while watching us playfully argue. He put the popcorn bag down and wiped his buttery hands on a napkin, "What's the worst memory you've had on tour?"

Michael mumbled, " When I lost my passport. It was awful and I missed my mates."

Knowing Michael, all he did was play games on his phone and lay in bed. He probably had his passport the entire time. You never know with him. I laughed at myself.

"I've got to say that time when security didn't believe that I was actually in the band and wouldn't let me through the gates," Ashton laughed almost not being able to finish his answer.

I had to admit, I don't really have any bad memories from touring. But what happened next might be the most embarrassing thing brought up during an interview.

Calum spoke up, "My worst memory from touring is pretty intense. Michael and Ashton had asked if I wanted to go see a movie but I wasn't feeling too good so I stayed in my bunk bed and tried to sleep but I couldn't. I decided to just scroll through Twitter and iFunny until I just fell asleep. Next thing I know, I hear moaning and whimpering and I thought it was a stray dog that had gotten onto the tour bus and so I got up to go look for it. Instead, my eyes saw things that I will never be able to get out of my head. I saw Y/N on top of Luke and they were naked and-"

I interrupted him, "Don't go on!" I threw my hands up indicating for him to stop. My entire face was red, I could feel it. I couldn't help but laugh at how funny Calum's reaction was that night. Of course the boys and crowd were dying of laughter.

Jimmy looked at me and said, "We have a caller, go ahead and speak."

We waited for a few seconds before Y/N's voice laughed through the speakers, "Calum, what the hell? I thought the three of us agreed to never speak of that night?"

The audience roared in laughter again while I just put my face in my hands. After everything had calmed down and everything was quiet, Jimmy asked, "What has been your most embarrassing moment?"

I suddenly answered, "This, thanks Calum."

After the interview, #Y/NGetsLukesSausage and #PoorCalum were trending on Twitter.

So, I sort of just wrote this as I went. I had no planning of it. Oh, I'm getting a German Shepherd puppy and I'm naming him Castiel. He'll be an angel of the pups.

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