Ashton Imagine

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"Oh, are you gonna cry now?"

Nothing has felt right. He's been coming home late, I catch him lies, and I can't even remember the last time he's even kissed me. I thought that maybe Ashton was having a really bad day, so I let it go, but then it turned into a bad week. It's as if I'm not even here. We live in the same house but I don't physically live here. He ignores me most of the time. I don't know what I did or what I said to make him act like this. I tried to think of everything that's happened in the last week or two but I don't recall anything. This isn't like Ashton. He's always been super sweet, caring, and loving. Now he's just cold.  He doesn't even sleep in the same bed with me anymore. When he does come home, he sleeps on the couch or in the guest bedroom.

I was walking into the kitchen and Ashton was walking by me. This was the first time I have seen him in a few hours. He's been hiding away in his music room downstairs. I didn't even realize that he was home. "Hey, Ash-" I frowned when I saw him just walk by me like I was a ghost. He didn't acknowledge me in any way.

I stood there contemplating on what I should do. I decided to ask for answers or an explanation or something. I followed him back downstairs, "Ashton."

There was no answer. So I called for him again. This time he made eye contact and they pierced through me. He held so much anger in his stare. I crossed my arms, automatically feeling small and uncomfortable under his gaze, "Are you ok?"

He showed no emotion in his face or body language. It was as if he was an expressionless robot. He mumbled that he was fine, not giving me the time of day.

"Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" I didn't want to over step my boundaries with him. It was as if something inside of him just snapped. He shot up out of his chair, causing it to fall over, and he began shouting, "Can you stop being up my ass all the time? I'm sick and tired of it. All you do is bitch and whine about every little thing that happens. Can't you see that I'm trying to stay away from you?"

I jumped back from the booming sound of his voice. From the three and a half years that we have been together, not once has he ever yelled at me like this. I tried to keep my own emotions in control and my voice came out almost as a whimper, "I'm just worried. You haven't been acting like yourself and-" I tried to finish what I was saying but Ashton cut me off with more shouts, "Because I'm trying to get away from you! I don't want you around."

I felt my heart drop to the floor. It felt as if Ashton ripped my heart out of my chest and shred it into a million little pieces and set fire to it. Just as I figured, I could feel warm tears falling down my cheeks. "Ashton," I sobbed, "What did I do?" I wanted an answer. I knew I didn't do anything to him. At least to my knowledge. If I did do something, he should have told me earlier.

Ashton was now centimeters from my face and mocked my tone, "Oh, are you gonna cry now? Did I hurt your little feelings? Here's a solution for you, sweetheart. Why don't you just leave?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was he being serious? I used the sleeve of my sweater to wipe my tears away. Ashton's expression hasn't changed and he was still in my face. I could feel his hot breath hitting my skin and I tried to take a step back but he took a step closer to me. He looked me up and down with his nose scrunched up, "Just leave and don't come back."

If he wanted me to leave, I was going to do just that. I can't stand him acting like I don't even exist anymore. I don't know what happened between us but I know that he's probably fallen out of love with me. There was no use sticking around in hopes that he would change. I pulled myself together and took all the strength I could gather. My sad eyes stared into his angry ones, "Fine."

I slipped away from his cold stare and began to walk away from him. I was also walking away from the best three and a half years of my entire life. I felt him grab my hand, "Babe, wait. Please don't leave." I yanked my hand away, not even looking back. I was leaving. He already made my mind up for me.

Thank you guys so much for the 57K reads and all the votes and comments! I love you all so much. ❤️❤️ I might do a part 2 to this but idk

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