Stuck-Ashton Irwin

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It was the first day you were able to see your boyfriend of a year and a half; as you flew out to join the boys on tour for a few days.

At the venue, you could hear the many fans enjoying the opening show for 5SOS. The five of you were growing really bored and decided to play hide and seek tag.

"1...2," Calum began counting with his eyes closed. Michael and Luke took of running in opposite directions while Ashton and yourself stuck together. Neither of you could find a place a hide so when you saw Calum walk around the corner, you both screamed causing Calum to start running towards you two. Ashton grabbed your hand and took off in a sprint, practically dragging you behind him. You could hear Calum's footsteps become faint behind you. Ashton turned sharply down the hall and quickly ran to a closet and slammed the door.

The closet didn't have any source of light and was a very small space causing you and Ashton to be pressed together. Minutes passed and Calum has yet to find you.

"Ashton, I don't think Calum will find us. We turned in so many directions and we lost him. Lets just get out of here," you begged. You were feeling a bit claustrophobic and wanted some fresh air.

Ashton went to open the door but the door was jammed shut and wouldn't open.

Great, you thought to yourself.

"Here, move." Ashton gently pushed you as far back as you could before he tried to bang himself into the door in hopes to break it open but the door didn't even budge.

Ashton pulled his phone out and checked his signal to realize he was in roaming. Same as you. It was starting to get really hot and the both of you were drenched in sweat.

An hour passed and nobody has found you guys. You were pretty sure you haven't even heard any footsteps outside the door. Your feet were starting to hurt since the closet was so small that neither of you could sit down.

"We're gonna die in here," you groaned, fanning yourself with your hand. It felt like a sauna. You were craving a glass of ice water right now. Hell, you could sit in a tub of ice for hours.

"This was a bad idea," Ashton laughed. His hair stuck to his face due to the sweat. The air was smelling like B.O. and you wanted nothing more than to take a shower and sit in front of a fan.

"Ya think?" You couldn't help but laugh as well. After all, it would be a funny story to tell. Plus, at least you were locked in here with your boyfriend and not someone else.

All of a sudden, the both of you heard, "10 minutes until 5 Seconds of Summer take the stage! I repeat, 10 minutes until 5 Seconds of Summer take the stage."

You and Ashton looked at each other. Or at least you thought you did. It was too dark to tell.

"Can somebody get us out of here?" Ashton yelled while banging his fist against the door. Maybe someone would hear the screaming.

You leaned against the wall, "Nobody will hear us. Lets just hope one of the guys realize that we're missing." In all seriousness, you had lost all hope. You knew you were going to be in here for a while.

Ashton began freaking out, "I'm going to be late for this show. The fans will get angry. They'll quit listening to us and we'll fade out and just be nothing. All because I got locked in a fucking closet. Out of all things, a damn closet."

You put your hands on each side of his face, "Ash, baby, calm down. We'll get out of here in time. Lets just hope life is like it is in the movies." Everybody lives happily ever after in the movies, right? In Titanic, Jack got rescued from drowning in that room after being handcuffed to a pole.

More minutes have passed before you heard, "3 minutes until 5 Seconds of Summer take the stage! I repeat, 3 minutes until 5 Seconds of Summer take the stage!"

You were beginning to worry yourself. Would somebody find you two? Surely Luke has filed a missing persons report or ordered a search and rescue team. You could only hope.

"Have you found Ashton yet? We're about to take the stage." A very familiar voice rang.

You have never been more happy to hear Michael's voice in your entire time of knowing him. You and Ashton began pounding your fists against the door and screaming, "We're in here! Get us the hell out!"

"Hang on Luke, I think I found them," you heard Michael say into what you guessed his phone.

Michael tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. Michael tried to kick the door down but that didn't work either.

"The door is jammed," Ashton yelled.

You heard Michael runaway while Ashton was screaming, "GET BACK HERE YOU BASTARD. DON'T LEAVE US IN HERE."

It was too late, Michael was already out of earshot. You wiped the sweat off your forehead with your shirt that was already drenched. Between the two of you, you could have filled up a swimming pool with your guys' sweat.

"Here better be getting someone that can tear this damn door down or so help me I will break his X-Box," Ashton growled.

You rolled your eyes knowing he couldn't see it, "Mikey wouldn't leave us in here all night. He probably went out to get some help. Plus, who the hell is going to take your spot tonight on the drums?"

Ashton was saying something before he was interrupted, "Cover up, this door is going down!"

Ashton shielded your body with his and you both braced yourselves. Before you knew it, you could see the bright light.

"Ashton, we need to go. Like now," Michael said.

Ashton grabbed your hand and again, he was dragging you around trying to keep up with Michael to the stage entrance. Luke and Calum were already on stage telling the crowd it would be a few more minutes. You heard, "Microwave had to go save the day and rescue Ashton and Y/N from being locked in a closet for nearly two hours."

Michael ran on stage and you heard the crowd start screaming.

Ashton turned towards you, "I'm sorry I got us locked in a closet, but I love you."

You smiled at him, "It's okay, it was kind of fun. But get up on stage before the guys lock us in the closet again."

Before Ashton ran on stage, he left you with the feeling of his lips on yours.

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