Another Boy Protects You/Stands Up For You

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Preference: Another Boy Protects You/Stands Up For You.



All the hurtful comments were beginning to become too much for you. For a while, you were able to handle it but now it's all you see on your Twitter feed. One nasty comment after another:

'You don't deserve Ashton.'

'You're only with him for the fame and fortune.'

'You're ugly and fat.'

All of these comments were on a selfie you had posted of you and Ashton. You were facing the camera and making a funny face while Ashton was looking at you with nothing but adoration and love in his eyes. It was an innocent picture but the fans turned it into something ugly.

You had a notification pop up on your Twitter that said that Calum Hood mentioned you in a tweet. You opened it and what you read next, made you remember that you shouldn't care what people say about you.

@CalumHood5SOS: If you can't see how happy Y/T/N makes @AshtonIrwin5SOS, you're not a fan to us. Grow up. Look at the love he has for her in his eyes.

Ashton, Michael, and Luke retweeted it. You responded to Calum with a simple thank you and a heart emoji. Ever since Calum called out all the fake fans, you hardly received hate anymore.


The boys and yourself decided to go to the bar because there was nothing else to do on a boring Saturday night. You weren't going to drink because you had to make sure four huge Aussie's kept their shit together while drinking.

You and Luke were sitting at the bar and the other three were playing pool with some biker dude. Luke was drinking a beer and you were drinking water and eating french fries. "I'm going to pick out some music on the jukebox. I'll be right back."

You smiled at Luke while he kissed your cheek just before leaving you alone. As you were enjoying your fries you caught a strong odor of alcohol and cigarettes mixed with heavy cologne. "Hey there sexy lady, mind if I buy you a drink?"

You turned your head to find a guy, maybe in his mid forties, leaning against the bar staring at you. You rolled your eyes and turned your attention to the tv on the wall in front of you, "In case you didn't see the water, I'm not drinking tonight."

"Then what's a lady like you doing inside a bar tonight?"

"Making sure my boyfriend and his friends don't act stupid." You made sure to put extra emphasis on the word boyfriend. The guy looked around nearby and back at you, "I don't see your boyfriend around. Come on baby, sit over here on my lap."

He grabbed your arm and panic set in. The guy had pulled you out of your seat but the situation didn't get any worse as Ashton had picked the man up and threw him on the bar, breaking glass cups and beer bottles. "Don't you even think for one second that you have the right to treat not only my best friends girlfriend, but a woman, like that."

The entire bar was quiet except for the music and everybody's attention was on you three. You had a hold of Ashton's arm and saying, "Ash, come on. They're calling the cops."

The guy didn't say one word or move an inch, obviously terrified of what Ashton would do next. Ashton let go of the man and all of you left the bar without saying a word. You thanked Ashton for protecting you.

Calum: (His P.O.V.)

We were doing an interview on live television, which always added pressure to us. Mostly because we all have to watch what we say but we also have to act mature because there are millions of people watching us. The interviewer, Sandy, was asking us about our new album and questions about our music. All of a sudden, the questions begin to get personal. She was asking about our love lives.

"Calum, how are you and Y/N doing?"

I smiled at the mention of her name, "We're doing great. Actually, it'll be our two year anniversary in a few weeks." I could feel myself blushing. Y/N makes me happy and I fall more in love with her each and every day.

"I'm surprised you two have lasted as long as you have. She seems a bit...much." Sandy remarked.

I raised one eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I mean...she just isn't really your type. She's...heavier than the other girls you go after. They're more athletic and fit. Y/N is more the fast food type of girl."

The audience was in shock, as was I. I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans and readjusted my seating situation. I opened my mouth to say something but Michael had already beat me to the punch.

"Are you serious right now? First of all, our love lives are none of your damn concern. It's nobody's concern but our own. Second of all, Calum is deeply in love with Y/N. Sure, she isn't perfect but neither are we. If Calum and Y/N are happy, who really cares? But for you to think Calum needs to stick with a certain 'type' of woman, you're sadly mistaken. You are what's wrong with society. Goodbye."

Michael got up from the chair and walked off stage. The audience gave a standing ovation and I couldn't help but smile while getting up and walking off with the guys, leaving the woman in complete embarrassment and shock.


Michael, Luke, Ashton, and yourself went on a late night snack run to Walmart. Calum stayed back at the hotel to watch reruns of Ghost Adventures. The four of you spent thirty minutes picking out food from pizza rolls to ravioli. After you went through the self check-out all of you were walking out when a huge crowd of fans were spotted.

Michael grabbed your hands and lead you towards the crowd as there was no way to avoid it. Everything was fine until a fan was pulling on your arm and your hand slipped out of Michael's. A few girls were getting a little too physically violent to you for your liking. They were scratching, stepping on your feet, pulling your hair, and shoving you further away from your boyfriend. You called after Michael but the screams from the fans were louder.

You felt someone wrap an arm around your waist and pull you close. Luke shouted over the screams, "Take a step back from Y/N and all of you can stop pretending she's a rag doll."

Luckily, Luke was able to keep the fangirls from getting even crazier on you. Once in the car and away from the crowd, you thanked Luke for getting you out of that situation.

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