Michael Father/Daugter Imagine

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This imagine is requested by Sharz_PunkRock. I hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: Guns. School shooting.

If guns or the situation itself makes you uncomfortable or you don't like them, I would not read this imagine.

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I woke up this morning with a terrible feeling in my stomach. It feels like something bad is going to happen. I know what you're probably thinking and it's not what you think. No, I don't bring my gun to school with me everyday. No, I don't want to hurt my classmates nor do I plan to. I will bring it because it's my job. I will bring it to protect myself and those around me. I'm seventeen years old and what most people don't know about me is that I'm part of a secret agent team. I know that's young but I've been taught everything about weapons. Knives, swords, guns; you name it.

I went downstairs after I got all my school stuff together. "Dad, I'm ready to go." I told my dad, Michael, while reaching for a banana. He grabbed his car keys and we walked to his car. Just like every other day, Michael was being the typical father and making those dad jokes and laughing at them and eventually I laugh too. Mostly because he's laughing. When he pulled up to the school, I got out after saying a quick 'I love you'. I wish I could make this terrible feeling go away.

Around 1:45 PM, I was sitting in art and drawing with music playing in my ears. I was listening to my dad's band, 5 Seconds of Summer. I'd rather listen to them than listen to people talk right now. I was in my own little world and drawing Disney characters for my art project when I really started to feel like something wasn't right. I look up from my drawing and see that my classmates are screaming, some are crying, and others are hiding. I take my headphones out and hear the commotion. Gun shots. My heart sinks. This was the terrible feeling I have been feeling all day. I got under my desk and started digging through my bag for my gun. Once I found my gun, I double checked the safety and it was still on and unloaded. I loaded my gun but kept the safety on. I stood up from underneath my desk and automatically got yelled at by the teacher and my classmates.

"Get down!"

"Are you stupid?"

"You're going to die!"

"You're going to get us killed."

"Don't try to play the hero!"

And then they noticed that I was carrying a gun but before I could explain, the loud speaker came on, "(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) please report to the principals office." I knew that voice all to well.

(Michael's P.O.V.)

The boys and I were in the studio, writing and recording. We've been here for hours and it seems as though we were experiencing a bit of writers block. We could think of anything to write for the next verse and it was becoming very stressful. My phone started ringing and I saw the school was calling me. That's strange because (Y/N) is never in trouble. I answer and it's a voice automated message. There is a school going on. I yell for the boys and start running for my car, them right behind me. I've got to see if my baby girl is ok! I was trying to remain calm for the fact that I was driving but I was beginning to get hysterical. I have no idea of the status of my daughter but I was praying that everybody in that school was alright. The S.W.A.T team, FBI, police, everybody was surrounding the school. The parents of other classmates were standing outside as well, crying and waiting. I saw kids running out of the school and I heard some of them say that nobody was hurt. That whoever had the gun was going after my daughter.

(Your P.O.V.)

Xavier. He's my enemy. My team has been trying for weeks to find him and here he is. I wasn't going to let him get away this time. Not after this scene. I was walking down the hall in the direction of the principals office when I was thrown against the lockers. That caught me off guard. I noticed it was Xavier and began fighting back. That was until he grabbed my gun and pointed it to my head. I rose my hands up in surrender and he wrapped an arm tightly around my neck. With the gun still pointed at my head, we both began walking.

"You do as I say and I will think about not killing you. We're going outside where everybody is and it would be a shame if I had to shoot you in front of your father." He whispered in my ear.

(Michael's P.O.V.)

I was frantically calling (Y/N)'s phone but she wasn't answering. The boys kept reassuring me that she's fine and she's a smart girl and is hiding. That wasn't helping any. I knew they were just as frantic as I was, they just didn't want to show it so I wouldn't be even worse. I kept asking the officers questions and they wouldn't give me any answers and I was growing frustrated. I wanted to know if my daughter was alright. I was in the process of dialing (Y/N)'s number again when Luke was hitting my shoulder. I looked up at Luke and saw he was staring straight ahead. I moved my gaze towards the direction and saw that some man had a gun pointed to my baby girl's head. I was frozen in my tracks. I couldn't move. I couldn't look away.

"If anybody moves, her head gets blown off. Do I make myself clear?" I heard the man yell.

(Your P.O.V.)

"If anybody moves, her head gets blown off. Do I make myself clear?" Xavier said.

I scanned the crowd for my dad and I saw him. I could tell he was distraught. I could see his tear stained cheeks and shaking body. It broke my heart to see my dad like that. If only he knew I was highly trained to be in situations like this. I looked around for my team and saw them in position. I made a signal that only my team would know. I put my hands around the arm that was around my neck and flipped Xavier over me and onto the ground. A gun was quickly thrown my way and I shot him right in the thigh. Try walking or running away from that. But then another gun shot went off. I was shot in my arm. I kicked his hand and the gun went flying across the concrete ground.

The police quickly arrested Xavier and the SWAT team went inside the school to check for wounded. Luckily, there wasn't anybody hurt or dead. I had parents coming up to me and thanking me. I had my classmates hugging me. I went up to my dad and he embraced me in one of his famous Clifford Bear Hugs. He put my face in his hands and stared at me, "Where the hell did you learn that?"

I stared back at him. How do I tell him? I laughed sheepishly, "Well uh...I'm part of a secret agent team. I um, I'm trained to handle situations like that. When I'm older, I'll be working for the CIA."

My dad, Luke, Ashton, and Calum were staring at me with their jaws dropped. "What?" I asked.

They all gave me a hug at once and started saying how badass of a daughter my dad raised me to be. I couldn't help but laugh.

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