You Meet At School

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Preference: You meet at school.


You had just transferred to a new school across town and so far, your first day seemed to be going alright. As of now, you were in your gym class and of course the game was dodge ball. You begged the teacher to keep you from playing but nothing worked. So you were just standing there trying to hide behind someone. You some how got distracted for just a split second and you heard someone yell, "Watch out!"

You look up, confused, and the ball hit you in the face. You automatically covered your nose with your hands to find blood dripping onto your hand. A tall boy ran up to you and apologized over and over again but you just waved him off, "It's okay."

The teacher ran for the nurse after handing you a wad of paper towels to help stop the bleeding. "I guess this is a good time to introduce myself, I'm Calum. I'm sorry I made your nose bleed."


You were walking to class with a few of your friends just talking about your plans for the upcoming weekend. The plans had changed about eight times in three days so you weren't really paying attention, you figured the plans would just be cancelled because nobody is willing to go through with them anyway. You were staring off into space and you noticed a boy with bleach blond hair and an arm tattoo walking down the hallway. You have never seen him before so you excused yourself from your friends and decided to introduce yourself to this mystery boy.

As soon as you went to speak, he opened up his locker door and your face hit it pretty hard. He quickly shut the door again and looked over at you, "Holy shit, I'm so sorry. I didn't even see you coming."

"It's my fault. I'm Y/N by the way."

"Hi, I'm Michael. You've already met my locker. I'm new here."


It was your third time failing a test in your Algebra 2 class and your teacher wanted to see you after class. "This is your third time failing a test in my class. Your grade is an F. Now, I would hate to see you fail and not be able to play at the championship games for the softball game. I decided to set you up with tutoring sessions with another student named Luke Hemmings. Sound familiar to you?" You shook your head no. Your teacher said, "Okay, well I've set it up. You two are meeting up after school. Where you guys go is your business. He'll help you raise your grade up. You may retake all these tests in another week. Sound good?" You nodded, "Yes sir. Thank you so much."

You walked out of the classroom and was greeted with a cute, tall boy with a lip ring. It felt like you were staring up at a skyscraper. He reached his hand out for you to shake, "Hello, I'm Luke Hemmings but my fans call me breadstick."

You laughed, "You're going to be the smart breadstick that helps me raise my Algebra 2 grade. So thank you."


You were at your first day of your junior year at public school after being homeschooled and so far, it's exactly how it is in movies. Everybody was always staring at you, people already calling you the 'new kid', and nobody has really tried to actually befriend you. Not that you minded.

You were trying to find an empty table to sit at when all of a sudden, you felt your feet slide out from underneath you. You tightly shut your eyes and braced for a fall that never came. Instead you felt a pair of hands grab you and you quickly opened up your eyes. The man had short curly hair, a cute dimpled smile, and a contagious giggle, "Hi. I'm Ashton and I just saved you from public embarrassment."

So I'm sorry it's been a few months. Life got busy and I had forgot to update. Thank you for the patience my homies. And I know this is shit but there's many more to come. Hopefully not shit. OH AND I SEE ED SHEERAN IN A WEEK! I'M SO EXCITED.

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